Saturday, 2 May 2009

Be of 'extra' Faith, Trust, and Good Cheer!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, so much for 'happy gardening' today. It has been overcast; and finally the long threatening clouds have unleashed the rain! The inside of our house needed a tidbitz vacumming, dusting, the usual; so it was the right time to attend to those bittidz tasks!

The hockey game is on tonight; and we are glad to be home to enjoy a quiet evening; a bit of a respite from our full week.

Also, there is a 'referred person' who is coming by this evening to 'view' the Ladies (Lady Head Vases, for those of you who are just joining in. You can refer to some earlier posts - ie April 4th, 5th, 20th, 21st, 22nd for a tid of background, if you wish). When I told her that it was Alan's 'sparkling idea' that the cabinets were built on each side of our lofty fireplace (a perfect night for a cosy fire, methinks!), to protectively 'house' our Ladies, she was ecstatic! So, who knows? Regardless, it is always interesting to meet fellow Lady Head Vase Collectors; and at the end of her busy work day, am sure she may appreciate a glass of wine!

Am looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning; 'Hour of Power' -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' -; and 'Living Truth' - As mentioned earlier, if you are genuinely interested in 'Seeking Him Out', best you tune into their empowering websites! I am happy to share a few 'tidbits'; however, for those of you who are questioning 'things' in your lives, or need extra special 'encouragement', it is better you check their various teaching 'bittids' out for yourselves.

Tidbit - 'Knowledge is power'. Learning is good; better yet, a combination of experience and a willing heart towards Him.

Bittid - He says: 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World'. That is so! For those feeling down, discouraged, despairing, etc, remember that if you have Faith, total TRUST in Him, and also to be of 'GOOD CHEER!', He will Provide your needs! (I love reading the Psalms; and I genuinely relate to David; you can refer to my February 03/09 post, 'Have Faith!. Methinks, right on!). Eventhough, it can be hard to do at challenging moments; and yet very simple! Just keep 'Praising Him In ALL Things' and be totally grateful for your daily Blessings!!! Alan and I are extra glad it is the weekend; because we can look back at the past week (good, bad, and / or indifferent) and be thankful that He Looked after us - for each and every day! That is how we enjoy and live our lives; one day at a time; 'Keeping things simple and Trusting Him completely!

Hope this is uplifts you a tid; as it reinforces my spirits too, a bit!

Peace and God Bless.

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