Sunday, 3 May 2009

Indoor and Outdoor 'Blessings' Abound!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

For those of you, who are 'hockey fans', you know the score scoop of the Stanley Cup Play-off games played thus far. Our Canucks came in 2nd last night in their game series, with the Blackhawks; who played with courageous conviction! The Canucks experienced a couple of injuries, a dangerous 5 on 3 penalty play, a broken stick. Needless, to say, the Series is tied 1 - 1; and the next two games will be resuming in Chicago, this coming Tuesday.

The woman who was referred to me about the Ladies, did not show up last night? Perhaps she ran into some difficulties; and I hope everything is A-Okay with her. The courtesy of a phone call would have been helpful; however, that being said, I left her a gentle message to call, if she wishes.

It poured heavily with fierce rains during the night. Everything was super saturated, as Alan and Blue discovered this morning, when they were out for their morning walk. Thus, Alan brought home a large bunch of 'fallen' daffodils; and into our lovely vase on our kitchen table they went. The vase was already filled with 'room temperature' water, so any additional 'orphans' are a welcome mix!

Watched Joyce Meyer on 'Enjoying Everyday Life' -; and Charles Price on 'Living Truth' - and WOW! Will share a few tidbits within the next few days; but best (as per yesterday's bittid post) for those of who, who are genuinely interested in learning more about Him, check out these International Bible Teachers. Lots of knowledge and reinforcement by their illuminating interpretations of the Bible. Joyce's wonderful guest, Dr. Henry Cloud; is very encouraging and suggests we 'rewind'. Should you choose to go online, perhaps you will understand the 'rewind' a tid better. Charles, in his Part Two message on 'Discipleship' (ie Timothy); asks in closing: 'How is your SOLDIERING?'.

Well worth tuning into Joyce and Charles and reading their insights, as well as Dr. Schuller! Have to admit, we slept in this am; and I missed 'Hour of Power', with Dr. Robert Schuller - I will go online to absorb his empowering bittids as well.

The weather has been up and down thus far; and regardless, we will enjoy a nice long walk with our 'puppy'. Just finished a hearty brunch (bacon and eggs) prepared by Alan; and we have much to be thankful for!

Tidbit - Live one day at a time; and Rely upon Him; not upon your own understandings. Ask Him to Guide you in all your endeavours. ie. Think of living your life as a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer in His Service; all three 'images', Charles touched upon in being a Disciple of Jesus. Today, he talked about being a Soldier; very impactful wisdom!

Bittid - Appreciate each and every day; and always 'Praise Him In All Things'.

A tidbit addendum to the above!

Decided to telephone the woman again (primarily out of concern); it was her niece who answered the phone. Apparently, the woman was not feeling well; and went home. However, she had been really looking forward to coming over to view the Ladies; so when she is feeling better, I know I will hear back from her.

The three of us just returned from a glorious walk; a bit of sunshine is now brilliantly shining forth! To capture the 'beauty of the bright moment', I took some 'special' pictures of the gorgeous flowers and blossoms, that greeted us along our journey throughout our complex. Met up too, with some neighbours; whom we have been meaning to invite over. Although unexpected, it was 'mission accomplished!' I have mentioned in previous posts, that there are NO coincidences! Age does not matter; however, these neighbours happen to be closer to us in years; and methinks, we could become good friends!

Picked some more 'fallen' daffodils; and they look wonderful in our elegant and simple crystal vase set upon our kitchen table! Also found a better location for our 'china roses'; they are perpetually in indoor bloom (may take a photo of them sometime for you). Indoor and outdoor 'Blessings' abound!

Here is wishing you a joyful Sunday; as well as enjoying continual 'Blessings', for each and every day!

Peace and God Bless.

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