Saturday, 23 May 2009

Appreciate Your Blessings

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a great day; started at 5:30 am! Beautiful sunshine streamed in through our bay windows; birds chirping! Just had to get up to welcome the majestic morning! 'Opened the house' whilst the coffee was perking (pre set the night before by Alan); and just literally enjoyed the dawn in all its glory! Multi coloured rhodos, flowers about to bloom, chickadees, finches, robins etc. Very peaceful.

We have had quite a tidbitz week; and this morning, I was feeling a bittid 'down' and weary. I was Praying to Him; and Thanking Him for our Blessings; as well as saying that I have the Faith and the Trust in Him, and that I will continue to be of Good Cheer, and that I am looking joyfully forward to Him Providing Solutions. That we have done our best; that we have thrown all our burdens upon Him, and that we are totally RELYING upon Him to handle everything, according to His Will. Well, in the midst of all those thoughts, I was 'Guided' over to our fridge, where there was a message on our bittidz fridge magnet. "STRENGTH - He gives Strength to the weary and increases the Power of the weak. Is. 40:29". I thought, 'WOW!'. Then I was 'Directed' to rearrange our kitchen; which I did! Now, we have a much tidier and a more 'ship shape' kitchen! Very therapeutic, methinks!

While we were 'out and about today', we received a tidbit of good news; and we know that He has brought this about; and all in His 'time frame'; not ours. We do our best, to live one day at a time; and sometimes, that can be hard to do; particularly when one is faced with many challenges. However, we just 'Prayed in Earnst' to Him all the more; and I know we were 'helped' by Him! 'Patience' can be difficult to stick with; however, it is esential to be 'patient' and to SIMPLY KNOW that He will PROVIDE Solution; as He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light. One just has to keep on trekking!

Tidbit - Reflect upon the day's events; and Thank Him for the Blessings, that He has Provided you with during the day; as well as appreciating the gentle comfort that evening brings.

Bittid - He says to not worry about tomorrow; to fret not; and instead to be of good cheer and give Him today! If one can keep their cool and be calm under all circumstances, that is the best.

WE are glad it is Saturday night. Will keep you posted when there is more bits of tids. Looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning - 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller - www.; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - Encouragingly recommend the enlightening insights shared by these illuminating International Bible Teachers!

We are about to watch a movie; so 'Skal' with a full glass of South African wine! Love the above bit photo image; that will be Alan and I before too long, as we had an early tid start to the day!

Peace, Good Night, and God Bless.

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