Friday, 8 May 2009

Joyful Friday!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Friday again; and we are relieved that the weekend is here! Seems so long ago, since we got up this morning. Actually slept in a tidbitz; methinks, as 'things caught up' with us a bittidz! However, we managed to get a lot done; and we are joyfully thankful about all the wonderful Blessings we received today! Am appreciating a glass of South African red wine as I write! Skal! Just finished also, a few pieces of a delicious pizza 'created' by Alan! (He added fresh green and red peppers, onions, cheese and seasonings!) Mmmmm!

Wrote an earlier email to a dear friend; and it gave me a few ideas for my post.

My uncle always says, when something good happens - 'It is your good fortune'; I love that strong sentimental statement!

Value will return, when the financial markets stabilize. With the current economies of scale, we know we will not see all our money / investments / equity at this particular moment.

More often than not, a lot of people 'hoard' or hold onto their items, as their hopes are that if they wish to sell their pieces, it will be for what they paid for; as they want their full monies' worth! I can well appreciate their thought process, and have complete empathy! Methinks it does not always work that way; and there are certain times, when it is better to 'simply let go'. I keep thinking about the Biblical story of the talents; and about 'spreading the wealth'. It is, indeed, a very interesting time; and we are choosing to follow His Lead. Today we received some extra 'special' Blessings; and I know that they happened, because of our total reliance and dependence upon Him, for His Solution!

With regard to our beloved Green Glass Hatted Lady Head Vases, if there is a reasonable offer I will 'let them go'. As to our other wonderful 'ladies', I will be only too happy for someone else to truly enjoy them; as I have; and I will part with them, for less. 'Short term pain, for longterm gain' as the tid saying goes.

However, with the cosmetic jewellry, it is relatively simple; as in 'letting it go'. We are going to Leona's shop (the 'first shop', such a dear little place, less than 5 mins from where we live; good parking; very handy; makes sense to me - ie a wonderful consignment location) tomorrow morning, with a few of our Ladies, as per her request. I have chosen the less expensive and smaller ones; thinking that would add something unique to her display cabinet - which is what she wants and welcomes! Nice to meet someone who has an 'open mind!'. It certainly is worth a try. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained', as the tidbit expression goes. As previously mentioned, we went to Leona's shop yesterday; and the Lady Head Vase we brought in to her, she thought it looked exactly like me! (I guess it does - Alan and others have all said the same thing; it feels a bit weird, to tell you the truth).

What started out as a 'cleaning up' and reorganizing of my cosmetic jewellry, has turned out to have a bittid mind of its own! I thought, "I never wear these! Lovely pieces; but?" There are funky, chunky, neat necklaces, with matching earrings etc; some are wooden and in beautiful colours - the works. You may have read my recent posts; which fills you in a bit about our 'jewellry trek', as of late! We telephoned the woman who did not exhibit her best towards us ( tactfully put, methinks; you can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish); and Alan basically said, "We are not apologizing, but would like to say, no hard feelings here, and if you would like, here is our number, please feel free to give us a call, if you wish". Methinks, I am not holding my breath; but I do feel better that Alan called and delivered our message.

We went to another consignment shop later this afternoon; lovely woman. She really wanted to help; and offered to call a few people she knew. With the tid utmost diplomacy, I gently and calmly told her of our 'experience'; and she was most appreciative of me letting her know; inasmuch as she was going to telephone the same woman (which I sensed already) who had been less than kind to us. She genuinely added that she would like to assist us; so we shall see what transpires. Interestingly enough, a lot of customers who came into her store, literally 'gushed over' my 'costume' jewellry (I could not say much, save smile; as it would be 'stepping on her toes'; inasmuch as she is the owner); eventhough, I know the cosmetic accessories would hugely enhance and benefit her sales!

For those of you who are at a loss, or feel 'stymied', whatever, - being 'creative' has its endearing moments! Even fun, because of what you learn! Quite by accident (and yet, as mentioned in previous posts, there are NO coincidences!), we are embarking upon a new adventure!

We also received some other tidbits of good news; however, will fill you in on those bittids, when we know more!

In the meantime, here is wishing you a nice evening; and a 'Happy Mother's Day' to all Moms / Mums! That includes, 'Grand Moms' / 'Grand Mums' or even Great Grandmothers!

Love the above photo image; that is Alan and I tonight!

Good Night and God Bless.

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