Friday, 22 May 2009

Meaningful Moments!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies for not writing a post yesterday; the day just vanished! We are glad it is Friday and the weekend again! Feel that I just said that a short bit ago! LOL!

To recap, yesterday was a full day and then some! However, we are thankful for our Blessings and we 'Praise Him In All Things'. He wants us all to keep on 'trekking'; regardless of 'trying' circumstances we may find ourselves surrounded by.

Today has been a gorgeous, sunny, and warm 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the weekend weather forecast is for much of the wonderful same. Throughout this 'short week' (Queen Victoria Weekend was last weekend; thus a holiday on Monday), we have tackled various bittidz projects; and now we are going to appreciate the 'TGIF' R & R on our bittid patio! We plan over the weekend to complete some tidbitz gardening tasks!

Would like to wish our fellow Americans (we are Canadian) an extra 'meaningful' Memorial Holiday Day Weekend! A special friend sent me a couple of emails this morning; one being a Memorial Day message, and the other about 'Parrot Flowers'; including the magnificent photos of colourful beauty. A heartfelt thank you to her!

Tidbit - "Take a moment to pray and have a wonderful Memorial Day!" (from her email message). Also, quoted from a greeting card; thought you might appreciate a tid of info, in case you were not aware of a bit of history. "What was the original name of Memorial Day? Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. After World War II, the use of "Memorial Day" became more common, but was not declared the official name by Federal law until 1967".

Bittid - "This is a flower from Thailand .
It is also a protected species and not allowed to be exported.
This will be the only way we will be able to view this flower.

Hope you enjoy this weekend, and may your spirits be uplifted a tid!

Peace and God Bless.

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