Monday, 9 June 2008

Tidbits & Bittids

Good Evening, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world! It could be morning elsewhere. Have not had a chance to write til now; as it has been a full but a good day!

Today, it rained 'cats and dogs'. Huge downpour this afternoon; and summer is supposedly on the way?

Made several bittidical phone calls this am; then went out for lunch with a very good friend (she and I are like 'partners in crime!'); we have a lot of fun with each other!

Upon arriving home, there were a tidbitical number of messages to my earlier calls; so fortunately, I was able to return the calls and reach most of them.

In yesterday's post, I made the following comment ie "As I watch and listen to their wise words, there is always 'something' that is a 'turning point', or an 'epifany', or has a direct relevance to a current situation happening in my life". Well some of the tidbit thoughts I 'blogged', were touched upon! You may want to refer to my post; and better yet, please feel free to tune in to them on the Vision Channel and / or check 'their websites out' online!

On the 'Hour of Power', Chris Rock? (an American Idol contestant) wrote and sang a song about 'Make me a Vessel'. Beautiful voice!
Also, Donna, (wife of Robert Schuller Jr) spoke and she was awesome! Basically she shared, 'to rejoice in all circumstances and that God will complete the postive works'. 'Be gentle to yourself and to others'. "Stop and Smell the Roses", is what her Grandma used to tell her; and in memory of her Grandma, she wore a lovely white suit, with her Grandmother's beautiful buttons lovingly sewn on it. The suit's original buttons were removed and replaced with these historical buttons, which apparently belonged to her Great Grandmother. Wow! Her Grandma loved and appreciated nature; ie birds etc. Donna also was saying, 'Breathe in Jesus' beautiful creations and breathe out stress'. Also, to be 'reinforced' by Him; and,'to be gentle, kind, deliberate, and persistent; and the God of Peace will be with you'. Tomorrow, will read 'Phillipians' in the Bible; which will refresh my memory a bittid, re: what Donna was referring to in her heartfelt message.

With Joyce, in 'Enjoying Everyday Life', she, along with some other unique women on her program, were sharing some of their messages. ie 'To not dwell on past things'. 'And that CONFIDENCE, comes not from what you do, but from Him'. 'Also He wants us to have a Balance; ie that means to take care of oneself, by eating well, exercising, and proper rest'. 'Also, it is not all about you; help and think of others; who could be in a worse dilema than you'. Think 'macro' basically. ie There was a single Mum; and she 'struggled and juggled'; however when she accepted Jesus into her heart and had FAITH, she was able to 'hang in there'. I thought that was quite heartwarming; and 'when you have CONFIDENCE in CHRIST; He will provide the rest!'

With Charles Price, in 'Living Truth', he shared about being 'United in Christ'; and those that represent Christ, are 'Sanctified' , or 'Saints'. See Paul's Letter in Colossians Chapter 1; 1-8. And that God will equip you, to give you all the Resources you need; as He pours Grace and Peace into your own life. In Colossians 3:15, 'Let the Peace of God RULE your heart'; because you are Recipients of the Grace of God, and Peace is your FAITH in Him. Faith, (always Trust); Love,(disposition towards others); and Hope, (disposition towards life; ie be optimistic; as the best is yet to be!) In other words, 'work on the 'inner' 'Spiritual surgery in our hearts'. 'Live life well, and to enjoy the Peace of God, ruling and reigning in our hearts'. Simplicity is the best!

Just watched the movie, 'Evan Almighty' and, it was well done! You can see the above photo image! When one does a 'random act of kindness' (also exemplified in the movie, 'Pay It Forward'), it is amazing what happens / transpires; one single unsolicited deed of goodwill, can go such a long way.

Hope the above tidbits & bittids are an encouraging uplift to you. They are to me! 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

The 'Sandman' is beckoning! Good Night and God Bless.

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