Wednesday, 18 June 2008

All Tuckered out!

Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is actually 'Good Night'; am about to go for a sound and restful sleep; as the morning arrives quickly!

Today was a good full day! Many tid things on the go; and a few bit of unexpected 'curve balls'; and 'it never rains, but it pours'. However, we always think the best, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Love the above photo image; that pretty much says it all!

Our barbecue and tidbit patio furniture (table with umbrella in centre, 4 chairs with comfy cushions) arrived first thing this am; and it was so refreshing to enjoy the evening ambience in our bittid garden! We did not have a barbecue tonight; as we need to get a propane tank (rather helpful!); however, we will do so on the weekend! Now, what to barbecue? Hmmmmm. Mmmmmmm.

Our toilet was plugged; however, finally Found the 'plunger' in our garage; and that did the trick!

Tidbit - Appreciate a good day, be grateful for all your Blessings; and Thank Him for each and every day.

Bittid - Say your Prayers before you fall off to sleep; amazing how well you sleep!

Good Night and God Bless.

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