Friday, 6 June 2008

It is Friday evening! Yahoo!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Glad it is Friday evening and the weekend! What an impactful week ( following the United States Primaries etc.); and again, I ask, 'where oh where, did these seven days go?' Reflecting back, overall, it was a bittidz of a good week! Had some 'road rash'; however, 'things were turned around'; particularly since it was not even our error. We are thankful we had other 'stuff' to take our minds off those particular tumultous tidbitz moments.

We have experienced a very cool June thus far (yesterday was the coolest on record, since 1954; approx 50 degrees F); however, now the sun is shining in full force; and it is about 65 degrees! Quite a bittid of tidbit difference! Our flowers, plants, and herbs are starting to 'revive!' We are going to go to our favourite 'farm' tomorrow to pick up strawberries, asparagus ('easy to grow', I understand), and some more 'Sweet Basil' and some Boston Butter Lettuce, to plant in our tidbit of bittid garden patio haven. The 'Sweet Basil' and the lettuce did not fare as well with all the rain; so am restocking our future harvest; to be 'on the safe side'. We will also select our weekly supply of fresh produce; and it is wonderful therapy to just go and be entranced with all the wholesome produce that these farmers grow. I say a hearty 'thank you' to them! We will also be heading to Home Depot, to pick out a 'strawberry pot' and few tid bags of soil. Alan normally shovels soil into bags (cheaper; and there is more dirt / manure in the bags!); but with his knee acting up a bit, it is simply easier to buy the soil this season.

We moved here 2 years ago; left the 'brambled' and neglected patio garden as it was, and in 2007, we enjoyed seeing what 'came up'. Combined with nuturing what was here previously, we added our own 'gardening touch' of "TLC"; and this year, we have a vibrant thriving 'jungle' of lush greens and appealing eye catching multi coloured flowers, along with an abundancy of healthy plant life. Forgot to maybe mention, we planted some snow peas; and they are madly climbing, as in 'Jack the Beanstalk'. I loved that story as a child; and now as an 'adult', it still has its adventuresome and uplifting charm. There is also, a pair of Hummingbirds making their tidbitical nest in the beautiful tree beside us; we have Blue Dragonflies zooming here and there; bees, and a bittidical bevy of 'song happy' birds.

Have also done some more 'Spring Cleaning' within the last couple of days; the poor weather was an encouragement ; inasmuch as there was a bunch of 'indoor stuff' that was begging to be attended to. Done!

Tidbit - 'Roll with the punches', and make the best of each and every situation. Yesterday is gone; tomorrow is promised to no one; and today is what matters. If you do that, life is a lot simpler. Make the most and the best of all moments. You have a choice - to be either Proactive or Reactive. We chose to be Proactive; always has the more positive outcome!

Bittid - Appreciate living a 'simple life'; or keeping 'things simple'. That being said, when you do that, you are far better equipped at handling both the micro and macro situations; even simultaneously. Always 'be ready'; and place your TRUST in Him to Guide you and Give you Words of Wisdom. He will always provide Solution; just have the FAITH in Him, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

There are times too, when it is good to just 'step back'; and not to be pressured into making any decisions. 'Sleeping on things' is 'prudent'; and, when you have a calm and peace within yourself (from Him), decisions (the right ones) are that much easier to make. Right? Love the above photo image; all about having FAITH; the worthy movie, 'Facing the Giants', was / is a very poignant and heartfelt true story.

Good Night and God Bless.

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