Saturday, 7 June 2008

Fresh Produce! Mmmmmm!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have spent a really nice Saturday; slow moving and low key; a refreshing R & R.

We went to Costco this afternoon; did a bittidz shop, then onward to Home Depot, followed by our visit to our beloved Produce Farm.

Costco really does have some neat stuff; and I like their affordable prices; particularly when you buy something (ie ketchup) on bulk. We were looking at barbecues, heater lamps, garden furniture; and one novel wood burning outdoor tibitz oven; good for providing warmth, burning wood, and cooking your meals a la grille. Thought this quite innovative; and it was well marketed in the store.

At Home Depot, Alan selected his 3 bags of soil (as I said in a recent post, he usually shovels our soil); but because of his knee, we are purchasing the bagged stuff this year. We also, found a 'Strawberry Plant, IN the actual strawberry plastic plant holder; that made our day; and there are bit blooms coming out! We also checked out barbecues and an outdoor patio set; including 4 chairs, an umbrella, with table. If that ensemble is still available after Father's Day, we will treat ourselves to that set. The 4 chairs (avec comfy cushions) resemble 'wrought iron'; and apparently are 'weather proof!' We will locate 2 lounge cots ultimately.

Last but not least, we ended up at our 'farm' for fresh veggies, fruit, and added some 'Sweet Basil' and Boston Butter Lettuce as reinforcement, should our own garden produce not survive this past rainy and cooler weather. At the moment, the sun is shining brightly and all the herbs are soaking up the wonderful rays; including our 'Sweet Basil' and BB Lettuce. However, as I love both herbs; we 'invested' in extra 'insurance'. Also, bought some Parsley (inasmuch as we have enjoyed the same 'batch' for 4 yrs) to increase this tasty edible foliage. Parsley is not only very good for you; but is wonderful for combatting 'bad breath'; ie garlic etc. Also, we found some asparagus root; apparently an asparagus plant grows to a height of 3 to 5 feet and 1 to 1 and a half feet in width; and are both perennial and provide good ground coverage!

Tonight we are going to enjoy 'Shake and Bake' on chicken breasts (Costco), and baby 'red potatoes' smothered with a bit of olive oil, some tid seasonings, along with our fresh garden dill. Another tid; red potatoes are healthier for you than the white potatoes; because the white potatoes have a disposition towards increasing one's cholesterol count. Will also enjoy our herbs in a salad with cucumber, avocado, and cherry tomatoes. We have 6 cherry tomato plants planted; so we look forward to their fruition, in about 60 days time! Also Skal, with a glass of delicious South African Red Wine! The smell of the chicken smells so good, throughout our house; and we are very grateful for living in this part of the world.

Tidbit - Enjoy the weekend and / or your time off; and appreciate all your Blessings. ie Fresh Produce! Love the above photo image!

Bittid - Be 'joyful' or 'up' as best as you can be; and always think positive thoughts; even when there is a change in plans. When that happens, it is most likely for the best. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Good Night and God Bless.

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