Friday, 20 June 2008

Happy First Day of Summer! Again!

Good Evening!

Could not resist the 2 above tid photo images; which I have enjoyed before! You can refer to the bit posts of (March 14/08 about my deceased dear friend, and continuing through to March 15/08, 'Almond Roca Man' - reminds me of the above oyster plate! LOL!) and last year (June 21/07, 'Happy First Day of Summer').

Apparently, today is the first bittid day of summer; as of 5:00 pm! And the above post describes it still! We happen to have a new barbecue and we are very thankful for that outdoor patio treat! Barbecuing is so healthy and invigorating, isn't it?

Just thought the oyster plate gives me a tidbit laugh; and the barbecue is a joy! Perhaps, I will cook some tasty oyster morsels on the barbecue!

Tidbit - Appreciate the little things; keep things 'simple'.

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

We have a very special friend coming over in a bittidz; and we will enjoy having a good tidbitz, relaxing on our new patio furniture this evening.

Here is wishing you a nice night; glad it is Friday!!!

Good Night and God Bless.

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