Tuesday, 3 June 2008

'Seek and Ye Shall Find'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Well, we have had quite the morning; and where oh where, has the tid time gone!

We do have 'things in place'; however, there was a 'miscommunication' gap with one of our associates; that has reulted in a flurried bit of unnecessary 'grief'. We are dismayed about the 'lack of communication'; which we thought was crucially in place. At any rate, we are now 'going through the hoops' to resolve the situation, as best as possible. 'Communication' is such a must!

Tidbit - 'Throw everything on Him' to Provide the Solutions! Rely and lean on Him; period. That IS what He wants us to do! And, 'Praise Him in ALL Things'. That is a good piece of tidbitz; and it IS true, BECAUSE, 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Bittid - Very often, there are 'tests'; and it is a matter of how you handle 'stuff' - expected or unexpected bittidz. This is where FAITH is so key! Also, He is the best one to 'Communicate' with; particularly, when things 'go awry'. He says, 'Fear Not, I have OVERCOME the World'.

Will write later. Hope your day is a good one, thus far. I LOVE the above photo image!

God Bless.

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