Thursday, 19 June 2008

Sibling saga, perhaps resolved

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

'Well', (a deep subject; did an earlier post on that subject!) it has been an interesting time! Please accept my apologies for not writing yesterday; however, we have been 'recooperating' a bittid.

Yesterday morning, we went to the courthouse to await the judge's judgement per the committee application for Alan's Dad. It was awarded to the oldest two siblings for the 'person'(personal care); and to the second (who lives out of town) sibling for the finances. We feel the judge did her best, given the circumstances; however, it is very difficult to 'get around' 'certain documents', that have full weight of the law. ie the Dr. in question and the 'Representation Agreement'. They are legally INTACT; regardless of other factors, which were we feel, are just as valid; if not more so. However, from a LEGAL perspective, and also from a health care's viewpoint, we were not successful. As a tid, it is easier to believe a 'complicated lie, than the truth'. Unfortunately, we are dealing with pure malice and hate; very simple reflection. Perhaps in the future, there will be a change or an ammendment to a law to address these types of situations.

However being proactive, I look at things positively, in the sense that there will be a 'Public Trustee' to overlook any and all financial transactions; thus 'capping' or curtailing of any unexplained withdrawals from the accounts. So, this is to the GOOD; because there is now a 'watchdog' in effect! In a bit few words, nothing can happen from the bank accounts, unless approved by the Public Trustee. Also, the 'Restraining Order' against Alan was 'excessive' (in the words of the judge); and steps are now being taken to remove that court order, to allow Alan unrestricted visits with his Dad. (which is how it should be).

Eventhough, Alan was not awarded committeeship and / or co - sharing with the second sibling, the tidbit points I have just mentioned, are to ensure the Dad's continuous well being. We are 'awaiting' the 'summation' drawn up by the siblings' lawyer, as to the proposals that the judge spoke of yesterday. It will be interesting to see what transpires within the next few days.

We can walk away knowing we did the best we could; as Alan honoured his Mum's last wishes; and the promise he made to her, to look after his Dad. Believe it or not, it IS a 'Spiritual Battle'; Good versus Evil. We have the comfort in knowing that He KNOWS the TRUTH; and has already WON the battle.

The siblings' costs are to be paid for, out of the Dad's estate; and Alan will have to pay for his own. Ouch. Not the happy news our ears wanted to hear initially; BUT, we do NOT have to pay the siblings' expenses; which we sense they deliberately 'RAN UP'. I kid / tid you not! We are letting it ALL go and leaving it ALL up to Him to handle.

Interestingly enough, there is X amount of dollars in the Dad's estate; well, the siblings now will have the additional worry of how to provide his future care, after a few years have passed on. Alan had even suggested earlier that the Dad could have 24/7 quality live-in care at our old residence; and we ensured that he would have enjoyed a very active social life. Even various 'studies' have shown that 'seniors' thrive better in a nutured home personal care environment, versus some of the sterile institutions, that some seniors are just 'plunked into' and left; as in forgotten souls. We saw quite a few of those hollowed empty eyes and sad faces at the institution; and you wonder, 'what happened?' These poor people must have had a life, been vibrant at some point, contributing to society etc.

I ran this past Alan last night; given the tender subject matter; and because it was quite raw, I had empathy not to write it, as per his wishes. However, this morning we discussed it, and Alan suggested that since I am 'led' to write a daily blog to uplift others etc, then I should; so here it is. In no way, am I angry; if anything just disappointed. Just giving you some bittidz in the event you have been through this, going through this, or as a helpful guide in the future. And, I did say sometime ago, I would share the court tidbitz re: the 'sibling saga'.

I also know, that He 'Showed up'.

Thanks for your ear.

God Bless.

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