Saturday, 16 June 2007


Love this Puffin bird! I always think of the desolate and craggy cliffs of Pitcairn Island!

It is Saturday - thank goodness! And, it is pouring with rain! Amazing how the weather can shape one's plans. We had thought of going to Pasley; however, due to Alan's family matters, we are staying put in town; with the hopes things will be resolved; or at least a step towards a solution.

Also, inasumch as it is "our side" of the family's turn for this weekend, we are glad that my son was able to be there. Had he not been able to go, well, hmmmm. we would have gone, so as not to leave the spot empty. Alan and I went through quite the 'gymnastic hurdles' this past year, to guarantee for me, a rightful and equitable 50/50 joint ownership with my brother for Pasley. This means that the financial and emotional sacrifices that were endured by Alan and I, have secured the permanent longevity of fair family shared use - and, for future generations. Always look for the 'macro' picture; do not be caught up in the 'micro' "me me me" scenario. Does not work in the end. Guess that is a tidbitful of a bittidful for you.

Had it been sunny, warmer, and drier today, I would have "puttzed" about in our tidbitz haven; and tackled a few bittidz eyesore projects; such as scrubbing out the generously sized dog crate to make an inviting, "comfy", cosy, safe, and "funky" retreat for our puppy, Blue; as well as raking up scattered twigs and other "odds and sods" debris. Can even visualize a flower / plant in a bit pot atop of his outdoor den; and a welcoming tid of a green outdoor carpet mat in front! LOL! The outside patio furniture needs to be hosed down and cleaned, to be "set up" for the upcoming summer season. This is now added to the "to do's" list! LOL!

However, since it is indoor weather at this time, I will pursue the organization of files, paperwork, etc. Not exactly my favourite thing, but it "begs" to be done! And, here is a ripe opportunity to "run with it"; creating a total mess first, before completing the detailed task.

Alan is "whipping up" his delicious spaghetti sauce from scratch; and tonight we will enjoy homemade pasta, wonderfully flavoured with the aroma of our herbs (sweet basil, Greek oregano, thyme, rosemary, tarragon) fresh from our tid garden; as well as a salad of vibrant Boston butter lettuce, both variations of regular green chives & garlic chives, parsley etc, also from our bit veggie patch. The smell of spices is majestically permeating our whole house! Mmmmmmm! We are also growing red & green peppers, cucumbers, sweet 100's cherry tomatoes; dill, mint, and we look forward to their bountiful harvest! Nothing nicer than fresh home grown veggies! Hmmmm. just thought of planting an apple tree; alas, do not have a tidbit of space left to plant one. However, that is a seed for thought and eventual growth. Hmmmmmm. LOL!

Tidbit - We have been / are in a "waiting" process, and it is not easy; and I am sure that those of you who have experienced "in limbo" times, can appreciate of what I post. It certainly is "character" building! We are thus, making the best of things. And, living life as simply as possible each day; and being hugely grateful for what we have already.
The tidbit is simply, to do just that - make the best of all things, be proactive, thankful, and also, a very BIG also, is to rely on Him to provide ths solutions; because He Does - in His time. Just have to have the Faith, the Trust, the Courage etc in Him; AND the PATIENCE to "wait" for His help.

Here is wishing you all an inspirational today. God Bless.

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