Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Prepping the Patio for Summer enjoyment!

Garden Greetings!

Today, the sun was out - all day! Alan ended up going to see his Mum; she was exhausted and remained in her bed. However, Alan took her some tidbitz snacks of cheese, crackers, fruit, candies, and one pink Queen Elizabeth rose from our garden! This is the second rose in bloom; and Alan's Mum just loved the joyful uplift!

During that time, I tackled our bittidz patio! I figured 'if you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. Well, I substituted a rather good size heavy wrought iron glass table for a mountain; and I 'moved it! (dragged it along the mixed aggregrate concrete). Put on my Nikken vest with the far infra red material & magnetics and a magnetic back flex, and away I went. Preventative measures, as well as adding to the strength of all my limbs. Blogging earlier, that we are 'in limbo'; we spoke with our realtor this am, and he has an interested party to view our one bedroom apartment, this Thursday pm. The tenant will be there; and let us just pray, that it will be a "win win situation" all the way around. In between everything else, we are also working our business projects; and we just have to be patient. We believe the ultimate outcome will be right on; just taking a tidbit or bittid longer; but then we are becoming stronger in our resolve to succeed; all with His help and relying totally on Him!

The photo image I borrowed, is extremely similar to what our tidz garden / patio looks like; except that our 2 wrought iron chairs and table, are in black, out in our front bitz patio. When we have a digital camera etc, I will learn how to use it; and contribute them to my postings. This would include a photo of our tidbit bohemian retreat. We have a rather historical large rectangular black wrought iron table, with 8 matching antique "ice cream parlour" chairs; as well as a well weathered round green glass table with 2 green laticed comfortable chairs, and 2 bittid ensemble tables in the corner. Everything (not really a whole lot of furniture!) has been hosed and washed down! We hope to retrieve our ancient barbecue from our apt; and ultimately add a heater lamp (for cool evenings, and for all year use), as well as a few more 'comfy' chairs, along with an irrestible lounge cot. Alan is thinking where is this all going to fit? I do not think there will be a problem; I have always "somehow" created extra room! LOL! However, we will have to wait until our "timing" is better; and who knows, by that time, maybe the items will be "on sale!" LOL!

Tidbit - There are times, when "waiting" is good; because you appreciate what you went through, all the more. Makes you a stronger person, in the end. You also have a greater appreciation for the tids of extra garden patio furniture, or whatever bits, you may have been saving up for.

Still have the tids on the 'north side' patio to attend to; where the dog crate is nestled; in amongst empty gardening pots,and a few bits of twig debris. I wrote about the exciting plans for Blue's converted "house" in the posting of Saturday, June 16th.

Bittid - Be joyful in whatever you do! May as well enjoy the "journey", along the way, before He provides the solution; which is in His Time, and according to His Will. No sense moping and being 'down trodden' by anxiety, fear, doubts, etc. Make the absolute POSITIVE best of the daily monents that you have been given! Living each day, at a time is easier; particularly, when you become more attuned to Him in your walk.

Hope this is encouraging! God Bless.

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