Wednesday, 27 June 2007

"Before and After"

Hi, This is our "Before and After" photo of the new cabin at Pasley. Looks pretty nice!
We are taking Alan's parents up there on Friday; and will return on Monday. Hope the weather will be more dry, than not!

This new cabin will certainly help "house" our ever growing family members / friends. This is all to the ever growing good!

We are still in the process of waiting for a signed agreement with the tenant; that she will vacate as of noon, Oct 1st. Our agent spoke with her; and she was "stepping on a plane!" Hmmmmm. Better than a "flat tire" comment, I guess. Anyway, we are doing our utmost to move the "deal" forward; so that we have a closing date for Oct 1st; and then it is a win/win situation for all those concerned; including the tenant. It has been a nightmare; no tidbitz or bittidz!

Tidbit - He came through! Perhaps there were a tid of you that took a bit of your time, to say an "Intercessary Prayer" for us. If that was so, THANK YOU! Must always be positive and grateful; and "Praise Him in All Things".

Bittid - Today has been a most interesting day; because more "doors have been opened!" than "closed"; because, we have let it all go - to Him. Tough to do; when you are going through not "so good times". Call it "timing". "The Pursuit of Happiness" is a stunning example of the Faith in Him; particularly, when "things do not always add up or go well; or appear unexectedly, out of left field". (if you would like, please see my May 14th posting). You just have to have the strength to "let it all go; and put the TOTAL FAITH in Him" to provide for you. We have / are doing that, as I blog; so I hope this is of MAJOR MAJOR benefit - to those of you, who are severely faced with "challenging" times.

Interesting enough, on Sunday's "Hour of Power", with Dr. Robert Schuler, "Chris Gardner" was the featured guest on the show. He was the actual man, and his engaging story was made into a movie; "In Pursuit of Happiness". He had / HAS that INNER FAITH in Him. So, I hope you will take heart of his true story; because, he is totally amazing! And, I say, "Good on him" and admire him for his courage, his tenacity, and his vision. He went through it. He SURVIVED; he put His Faith in the Lord.

We are dealing with "stuff" too; so there it is. Instead of saying in a "nutshell"; I will say "in a mustard seed". If you have the "Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!" True. The absolute is, - that He has already won the battle! So, we can rejoice in that unshakable belief! "Fear not, for I have overcome the world!". Remember that; He does not want us to be 'fearful'; He wants us to be truly "joyful" instead; even while we are "in limbo" and "waitng upon the Lord" for His help and solution.

I feel "blogging" has been of great enlightenment to me; but more importantly, that perhaps, it may be of encouragement to you; and / or as a "witness" to some of you, who may be going through some obstacles / life tests of your own. Please feel free to comment.

All I can say, is "Thank you. Praise Him in ALL Things". Amen, and God Bless you all.

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