Wednesday 20 June 2007

Construction of new cabin!

Well, here it is folks! My brother sent us the photo and gave us a tidbitz update. The start of the construction of the new panabode cabin at Pasley! Because it can be built from a kit, it will not take long to put up; and the weather is now more favourable to facilitate things. The plumber was there today; and the roof goes on tomorrow. The original cabin was "smushed" in Nov / 06, by devastating winds to the coast; so this is the new exciting creation!

Just came indoors; spent about 6 hrs straight (do not know where the time went!), in our bittidz colourful "garden". Did a number of bittidly patio projects. Also, ended up cleaning and disinfecting the dog crate into a cosy tiddily abode for our "puppy", Blue. Refurbished the inside den, with an old ripped mattress cover, an old ripped flannelette sheet, a very soft pillow and an old pillow case. On the exterior, placed very "real looking" sunflowers in a perfect plastic container on the roof, as well as having on the ground level, an indoor / outdoor mat in front of his 'entrance', alongside his Cookie Treat Jar, water dish, tennis balls on 'roof' ledge, and his hanging hat; which reads, "Anything goes". So, both "cabins" are being put together - Pasley and Blue's. Blue is "spoiled rotten"; but he is very deserving of it! A wonderful animal; as well as a loving family member.

Tidbit - Appreciate the day that has come and almost gone. And particularly, if you have enjoyed a good day; and can feel joy and the "R & R" accomplishment with the 'fruit of your labours'. Dusk is coming upon us; and it is such a nice time of night. I am looking forward to getting into bed; and having a sound sleep!

God Bless; will blog tomorrow.

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