Friday, 1 June 2007

Happy June 1st!

Here is wishing you all a Happy June 1st!

We are going out of town this afternoon and will be returning on Monday evening.
We have the opportunity to go to Pasley for some R & R; and the weather looks as if it is going to be beautiful. Tidbittidly, the weekend is supposed to be in the bittidily high temperatures; so we will be relieved to be on the water.

Last Nov/Dec, fierce wind storms ravished and falling trees "smushed" the tid sleeping cabin and bit woodshed; well, the panabode pieces for the new 2 bedroom cabin, were recently delivered up to Pasley by barge; and construction now has started. My brother has been on site to volunteer / supervise all the various procedures (clearing site etc); so it will be good to see what further progress has been made. We are adding a shower, sink, and toilet; and the "turquoise" septic tank has already been done this past week. You can see the photos that my brother took of the operation one week ago today.

Tidbit - It was unfortunate about the storms; however, perhaps it was for the best; in many ways. It is like a new start; or a building / re building of a new foundation. I am not referring totally to the new cabin structure; but also, to the repairing of broken family relationships. We have finally "buried the hatchet" and are moving forward, with a more solid communique, so that our families can enjoy our beloved Pasley for many many years to come!

Bittid - Communication is so important; particularly, when there is clear dialogue and a positive understanding!

It has been quite a week; and we are looking most forward to "getting away from it all!'

Here is wishing you all a nice weekend.

God Bless.

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