"Well" am glad the day has come and gone! We had a fire this am; outside our patio French doors; and partially on the inside of those doors....very unusual. Alan received the phone call from the Gatehouse; so he immediately left me at the appointment, and drove back home; only to find a firetruck and firemen hosing down our house. The alarm company had been tipped off that our fire alarm was ringing. Fortunately, there was not much damage done; and the Strata insurance will cover it. We were very lucky. Our back patio doors are charred, the outer layer of the double paned glass is destroyed; and the blinds on the inside of our doors are burned; one a tid worse than the other. So, most likely, we will need to have both blinds replaced.
After the fire was extinguished, the inspector was called in, to investigate the start of the fire. Very strange, he thought. Alan is a smoker; and eventhough he butted out the butt, Alan did suggest that he might have caused it? Whereby, the inspector said, "no way; was not you; it was an accident". The inspector did mention that there have been cases with squirels, racoons, the like, that can cause a fire; just by picking up "stuff" and carrying pieces, here and there. We all agree, however, that it was ???
Tidbit - "Praise Him in All Things".
We are very appreciative that it was not worse. We will have to get the carpets cleaned; because there is soot all over the place, that was tracked in by the firemen, when they were thoroughly checking the house. The French doors, the glass, blinds, will have to be replaced; and the appropriate areas painted. It is weird; we feel as if we are in a "battle zone"; and in that sense of the word, we are. Like, this came "out of left field". We had some other bit experiences today; but the fire was the more serious one; because of what could have happened.
Nonetheless, we are extremely thankful. Our tenant is still being elusive; and the deadline is for tomorrow night.
As mentioned in Tuesday's (June 26th) post, we are leaving tomorrow afternoon with Alan's parents. They are looking so forward to these next few tidbitz days; just to be away from it all. There is a bittidz of a fireplace in the bigger bedroom; so they can just stay there all weekend, if they wish. We suggested that to them, that they can just R & R, and do whatever they feel like. If it is raining or cool, they may be quite content to remain in bed, read, look at the view, enjoy a fire etc.
We will do our best, to give them a good time. If the weather is nice, they would be happy too, just to be enjoying the ocean view from the deck, and inhaling the sea air, etc. Eagles, seagulls, other types of birds, deer, watching the boats sail or cruise by right in front, will be such an uplift for them!
Am now going to go and call it a night. Am a tid weary; and a bit chilly. Alan has just closed all the windows and doors; because the place reeks of smoke. Once again, we are very fortunate.
God Bless.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Had a wee tid of a fire this morning.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
"Before and After"
Hi, This is our "Before and After" photo of the new cabin at Pasley. Looks pretty nice!
We are taking Alan's parents up there on Friday; and will return on Monday. Hope the weather will be more dry, than not!
This new cabin will certainly help "house" our ever growing family members / friends. This is all to the ever growing good!
We are still in the process of waiting for a signed agreement with the tenant; that she will vacate as of noon, Oct 1st. Our agent spoke with her; and she was "stepping on a plane!" Hmmmmm. Better than a "flat tire" comment, I guess. Anyway, we are doing our utmost to move the "deal" forward; so that we have a closing date for Oct 1st; and then it is a win/win situation for all those concerned; including the tenant. It has been a nightmare; no tidbitz or bittidz!
Tidbit - He came through! Perhaps there were a tid of you that took a bit of your time, to say an "Intercessary Prayer" for us. If that was so, THANK YOU! Must always be positive and grateful; and "Praise Him in All Things".
Bittid - Today has been a most interesting day; because more "doors have been opened!" than "closed"; because, we have let it all go - to Him. Tough to do; when you are going through not "so good times". Call it "timing". "The Pursuit of Happiness" is a stunning example of the Faith in Him; particularly, when "things do not always add up or go well; or appear unexectedly, out of left field". (if you would like, please see my May 14th posting). You just have to have the strength to "let it all go; and put the TOTAL FAITH in Him" to provide for you. We have / are doing that, as I blog; so I hope this is of MAJOR MAJOR benefit - to those of you, who are severely faced with "challenging" times.
Interesting enough, on Sunday's "Hour of Power", with Dr. Robert Schuler, "Chris Gardner" was the featured guest on the show. He was the actual man, and his engaging story was made into a movie; "In Pursuit of Happiness". He had / HAS that INNER FAITH in Him. So, I hope you will take heart of his true story; because, he is totally amazing! And, I say, "Good on him" and admire him for his courage, his tenacity, and his vision. He went through it. He SURVIVED; he put His Faith in the Lord.
We are dealing with "stuff" too; so there it is. Instead of saying in a "nutshell"; I will say "in a mustard seed". If you have the "Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!" True. The absolute is, - that He has already won the battle! So, we can rejoice in that unshakable belief! "Fear not, for I have overcome the world!". Remember that; He does not want us to be 'fearful'; He wants us to be truly "joyful" instead; even while we are "in limbo" and "waitng upon the Lord" for His help and solution.
I feel "blogging" has been of great enlightenment to me; but more importantly, that perhaps, it may be of encouragement to you; and / or as a "witness" to some of you, who may be going through some obstacles / life tests of your own. Please feel free to comment.
All I can say, is "Thank you. Praise Him in ALL Things". Amen, and God Bless you all.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Hoping to reach an agreement with the tenant.
Hi! This is just going to be a bittidz of a blog this evening. We are still in the "waiting" mode. Could write a book on "The Tenant from Hell"; however, I will still hold onto the hope that we can work out something reasonable with her; with regards to our bonified offer from a buyer. There were a few subjects; however, the main one is for us, to have an agreement with the tenant to vacate by the close. Our realtor, and other professionals can not believe the tenant's "out of line" greed and horrid behaviour towards us. We have been extremely fair; and it has just been a nightmare. Am not tidbitzing here; not a bit funny. The purchaser has extended the date for a 3 month time line; now instead of 2 months. Originally, the buyer wanted to move into the apartment Aug 1st. So, we shall see if the tenant now will be more responsive to this adjustment; as well as having a tid benefit of a "payout" figure -which is far more generous, than need be. And yet, she says at the same time, "that she does not want to impede a sale". hmmmmmm???
Tidbit - We just have to Pray and have the Faith that the tenant will "see the light of day" and cooperate with us. We have gone out of our way; and she really has not been receptive; save for the "me me me" attitude. It is very similar situation to a movie, about an inflexible & vicious tenant (Michael Keaton, was the actor); and he was "the tenant from hell". We have til 9 pm Friday, to have this subject taken care of; if not, the offer / deal is off.
This has been quite a tear and wear on us; however, we shall keep on trekking. We are taking Alan's parents to Pasley on Friday; and will be back on Monday. They are looking so forward to "getting out of prison" - ie their "old age home"; which is pretty pathetic.
Think it is time I blog off for the night. God Bless you all; and may things resolve themselves. Will keep you posted; either way. We are leaving it to Him; as He has already won the battle. We unfortunately, are dealing with something not good; and for those of you who wish to do an Intercessary Prayer for us, that would be wonderful. Thank you; and much appreciated, if you do.
Monday, 25 June 2007
This row boat is a wonderful photo painted image! LOVE the picture! It is ready for action, when called upon. This is how our lives, as of late have been. We are "in limbo" and "waiting" for things to resolve; in between everything else. We have a whole lot of committed projects on the go; so, we are just like this rowboat, lying quietly off shore, until readily pressed into service!
Once we are given the "okay" from the tenant; we can move forward expeditiously, and get on with what we need to do. We found a buyer; however, it is this last stretch of just rounding third base, to reach home plate. We are hoping that our tenant will meet us half way; or as she says on "middle ground". Will keep you posted.
Tidbit - Be patient; wait; and place your Faith in Him to provide. That is where we are at; right now. Like the row boat, we are lying in wait; all we need are the oars; and off we row!
Hope you all had a full day; we did. It went by too fast! We are now appreciating the evening; with the sunshine.
Bittid - Eventhough the sun arrived later in the day, "better late than never" is always a good thought in various circumstances. It is a wonderful way to end the day!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Glad it is Sunday evening!
Hi, Hope you have enjoyed today; and perhaps had a bittidz of R & R. Our Sunday started off with thunder and lightning this am; then pouring rain followed! The weather has been "iffy" all day; and now with dusk approaching, the showers have stopped again.
For part of the day, organized some files and paperwork. Hope to have it all in tidbitz fashion by tomorrow evening.
We are awaiting word from our realtor; he will present the offer to the tenant. He agrees with us, that she is way off beam in her behaviour. We have a couple of options that we will utilize, if this first go around of negotiations does not work. The buyers are quality people; so between us and them, we will do our best to work something out, that is a win/win situation for us all.
Tidbit - Life can be very fragile; like an egg. We are going to "gently crack it"; so as, to encourage the best results,(from the tenant). Always attempt to be as diplomatic as possible; in all situations.
This particular time is not an easy one for us; however, we must continue to wait and believe that He has something great in mind for us. He sent us the offer (and it is a good one); so for it not to take place, would be unfortunate. However, there may be a lesson here - ie possibly, to bring to light to the tenant, that she has not behaved well. Or, if the door is closed, then another one will open; and a better one! We are putting our Trust and Faith in Him to supply the help we need, in this regard. We are Praying that things will work out with the tenant; and that she will be reasonable. We are asking Him to "touch her heart". For those of you who are are "new", please feel free to "play catch up" by reading my earlier posts; and that should bring you up to date!
Bittid - Love brown eggs! We had some this morning (seems so long ago!)and they are so good! "Something" wonderfully fresh and special about brown eggs!
We are about to go and watch a movie.
Good Night, and God Bless you all.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Lake Como, Italy
The Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni is settled in the Como lake district. In this area the land of the Lombardy Lakes is a "unicum" of water and lush green banks, here and there interrupted by valleys slicing into the mountains, creating their unique profile, all this plunged in a perfectly mild climate. The land of Lombardy lakes has always been, since ancient Roman times and above all after the Renaissance, the destination of travellers seeking out their own very little corner of paradise lost.
Now, that was a wonderful TIDBIT! description. ( a borrowed one!) Appreciate others' "take" on things; ie as in the above;, that "they" wrote about their travels to beautiful Lake Como.
Lake Como, Italy, is one of my most favourite places in the world! Have never been there; as of yet! I have such a TENDER soft spot for it, that it tugs mightily at my bit heartstrings! Love the whole idea of Tuscany; perhaps renting a villa for a season, every year! (in my dreams!) But, you never know! These are image photos of Lake Como; including the breathtaking dining room of the wonderful Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, located on the hillside; in the old tid town of Bellagio, Lake Como. LOVE the dining room; and its sheer "old world" charm and elegance; could spend many lunches and evenings in there! Or outside on the tantalizing terraces, overlooking the gorgeous Lake Como!
Have a enticing painting of "Lake Como"; and the scene is so similar to these picture images! The interesting tidbit is, that I bought it at a "flea market" some 15 years ago, at a tidbittily price of $5.00; and it turned out that it was my friend's mother's picture. Her husband bought it for her, on their honeymoon; and several years later, it "found its way" to me, via the "flea market". The Mom noticed it on our wall; and commented on the lovely piece. I offered to give it back to her; and she adamantly kept repeating, "No, no, please, you keep it and appreciate it. I have had many many years to enjoy this scene!" Can you believe that bidtiddily? Small world!
We are awaiting the "outcome" for our apartment. Everything is a go for a sale; save for the tenant's agreement. Our realtor, Andrew, will be speaking with the tenant; and let us Pray that she will cooperate with us all. There is another place for her to rent, close by; and for less money. Our realtor is suggesting that we have been extremely fair in what we are proposing to her; so we should know within the next few days, as to her answer. Hopefully, she will agree and relocate; and then we can genuinely say, that our place has been sold!!!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
P.S. My son and husband moved our old barbecue this am; and found that it was rusted through and through; so the barbecue found its way to the garbage...Unfortunately. So, we will look forward to shopping for a new one, when the "timing" is better for us.
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 22 June 2007
Today - a very strange day - both weather wise & otherwise
LOVE this photo image of this barbecue, that I had to re show it! Mmmmmmm. The food looks wonderful and so healthy too! Tis the season, to barbecue with gusto!
Today, was a very strange day - both weather wise and otherwise.
To tidbitz about the weather wise, sunny and warm, blue skies, then contrasted with rain, cold, and dark clouds. This went on 'tid and forth and back and bit' - all day long. Now, the sun is out and looks as if it might hold for the evening; and yet there are black skies looming dangerously over the mountains. The forecast is to be like this for the next week. I hope that by the time we go to Pasley on Thursday to Monday, of next week, that the climate will be "summery"; particularly, as we will be taking Alan's parents up with us. Hopefully, it will be a good R & R respite for them; and all the more with cooperative warm weather.
To bittidz about otherwise, our tenant is alas, a real "piece of work". She is not planning to move, until her lease is up; which is at the end of January/08, plus 2 months notice after that date (because after that, it is a month to month). We have been advised by the Landlord Residential Tenancy Act, that because this is a SALE, it is a totally different procedure; and that we can technically pay her 2 months of equivalent rent; and she is gone. However, it has to be of her own volition to agree, as she is not legally required to leave; because she has a lease. Unfortunately, she is "milking it for all it is worth"; and will vacate, only if we pay her out for the entire rent amount, remaining in the lease. Well, we can not afford nor wish to do that unpragmatic step. So, we will instead, offer her 3 months; possibly a moving expense too- which is more than generous on our part. There is an apt for rent in the same complex; for a bit less money; a tid smaller in size; but she is never in town anyway; so we think this might be a very viable alternative for her. Our realtor will convey this information to her.
Tidbit - We have left everything to Him. We are at an "impasse"; but are trusting Him to come through with a win/win solution for us all.
Having just said that, we just received a telephone call from our realtor, Andrew; and we have an offer! There are some subjects; the main one being that the tenant needs to sign an agreement to be gone by Aug 31st; and this all has to be orchestrated and agreed to by noon, tomorrow. Hmmmmm.
Alan and Andrew, at the first meeting discussed with the tenant, that if a bonified buyer appeared, that Andrew would bring the offer to her, to advise her as to the closing date. In this case, 2 months hence; and hopefully, she will agree to move. If she does not agree, the deal will be null and void. (We may have to do a "sidebar" arrangement with her, to have her be gone).
Bittid - We must have the Strength, the Fortitude, and the Faith to rely on Him; and to "Fear Not". That is what He says - Fear not, for I am with you". So, that is what I must do. "To Fear Not"; and to Pray that the heart of our tenant will be genuinely touched, by this bonified offer; and that she will cooperate and vacate.
As mentioned in the earlier post, we will be moving our barbecue from our apt patio, to here, tomorrow morning. Then, "sunmmer has begun!" Barbecue, here we come!
Will keep you posted.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Happy First Day of Summer!
Well, here it is! First day of Summer! Interesting the thoughts that summer brings to us...Is it barbecues, longer daylight hours, suntanning in the warmer weather, going to the beach / cottage/ vacation, parties, hiking & summer sports, out of school???. etc etc. etc.
Having watched a 'late movie' last night, I was given my "second wind". I was awake until 5 am; and, I noticed that it was "light out" before 4:00 am! It was the longest day of the year; daylight wise. Was sorely tempted to get up, but wisely thought better of it and stayed in bed until about 8:30 ish.
Am glad, we "prepped" our patio for outdoor summer living! Hoping to retrieve our 'ancient' barbecue soon, from our tenant. It is awkward to carry; so all being well, my son, Arthur will help Alan transport it from our previous homestead patio to here. Our barbecue may be 'old and grungy looking', compared to the newest, sleekest, stainless steel models; but it still works "like a dream!" We would like to utilize our barbecue all year round; and, it would be great to enjoy it ultimately with a "heater" lamp, when cooler temperatures prevail. A bittidz - barbecued food is very healthy for you!
Tidbit - Appreciate what you have; and make it work, as if "new" - ie an 'old' barbecue! We will tidbitz ours up; and look forward to many fun occasions of enjoying "R & R".
Bittid - Earlier in the day, when I had my bath; I saw a pair of Blue Dragonflies, flying overhead. I was admiring the 'blue skies of summer', from our bathroom skylight; and suddenly, there they were, whizzing about, like mini tid helicopters! Interesting that I had just written about Blue Dragonflies in my earlier bit post of today. I had never seen Blue Dragonflies flying over our skylight! That was a real treat! I thanked Him; and realized evenmore, that "There are NO coicidences". Everything happens for a reason; and it was wonderful to see those Blue Dragonflies, flying so 'carefree and happy'. I thought that was such an awesome start to summer!
As mentioned earlier today, our realtor has 2 showings this evening. We are trusting Him to provide our realtor and us, with the "right" buyer. The evening sun is shining brightly; so Prayerfully, tonight will be the night! The showings are happening as we blog!
Happy First Day of Summer!!! Please feel free to share your comments; as to what you think summer means to you!
A further piece of tidbittical - the salt and pepper shakers shown in the photo image, are exactly like ours! And the barbecue, is quite similar to our bittidical barbecue!
God Bless you all.
The Blue Dragonfly
LOVE the Blue Dragonfly. It is exquisitely unique! Blue Dragonflies are a major part of our tidbitz garden! Have had a few whirl, twirl, and land on me; and one sat for several minutes on my knee, I think catching a wee bittidz of rest! We have an actual Blue Dragonfly piece, that sits wonderfully in one of our rhodo pots; and then a matching beautiful blue and white flower pot on our "outdoor" dining table!
We also have a couple of swirling harrier hummingbirds; their nest is in the tall tree outside our bedroom balconey. Our bright purple and red "supertunias" are attracting butterlies galore; bumble bees, hornets, wasps, etc. are busily flying from flower to flower. With us planting lots of plants, we are reducing our carbon dioxide footprint; thus encouraging plentiful life! From our front bit patio to the back tid terrace patio; there is non-stop activity in abundance!
Tidbit - If you have flowers / plants that attract butterflies, dragonflies etc, that is awesome! The "supertunias" definitely draw butterflies, as per the stated info on the gardening card. The more muriad of plants, the merrier and healthier the atmosphere!
The yellow sunflowers look so funky atop of Blue's outside retreat! He recently went 'in there' a bit timid, to retrieve his tennis ball; and, in time I think, he will be a tid more comfortable with his cosy surroundings.
Hope you are all having a good day or evening. Tonight, we have a couple of showings at our old abode. We are praying that He will send us the 'right' buyer / investor.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Construction of new cabin!
Well, here it is folks! My brother sent us the photo and gave us a tidbitz update. The start of the construction of the new panabode cabin at Pasley! Because it can be built from a kit, it will not take long to put up; and the weather is now more favourable to facilitate things. The plumber was there today; and the roof goes on tomorrow. The original cabin was "smushed" in Nov / 06, by devastating winds to the coast; so this is the new exciting creation!
Just came indoors; spent about 6 hrs straight (do not know where the time went!), in our bittidz colourful "garden". Did a number of bittidly patio projects. Also, ended up cleaning and disinfecting the dog crate into a cosy tiddily abode for our "puppy", Blue. Refurbished the inside den, with an old ripped mattress cover, an old ripped flannelette sheet, a very soft pillow and an old pillow case. On the exterior, placed very "real looking" sunflowers in a perfect plastic container on the roof, as well as having on the ground level, an indoor / outdoor mat in front of his 'entrance', alongside his Cookie Treat Jar, water dish, tennis balls on 'roof' ledge, and his hanging hat; which reads, "Anything goes". So, both "cabins" are being put together - Pasley and Blue's. Blue is "spoiled rotten"; but he is very deserving of it! A wonderful animal; as well as a loving family member.
Tidbit - Appreciate the day that has come and almost gone. And particularly, if you have enjoyed a good day; and can feel joy and the "R & R" accomplishment with the 'fruit of your labours'. Dusk is coming upon us; and it is such a nice time of night. I am looking forward to getting into bed; and having a sound sleep!
God Bless; will blog tomorrow.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
The Sandwich Generation Cycle
While I was 'in the tub' tid moments ago, a bit thought about the "Sandwich Generation" came to me. For whatever reason, I usually have a lot of thoughts whilst in the tub; be it of a Praying nature, or just provocative ideas. No doubt, you have various places of "quiet" where thoughts flash through your minds. Our bathroom has a high ceiling. along with a lofty skylight; so perhaps that is my place of bright solitude. (apart from our garden).
Anyway, the sandwich generation cycle of events unfolds like this usually. You are born, brought up by your parents, you leave the nest, do your thing, then you meet your spouse, have your children, and your lives are all of a sudden, in the fast lane. You may still have connections with your parents, but you now have your own family to bring up and set of responsibilities. Well, alas we all get older. Our parents become aged; and require care - possibly with a caregiver; or in an old age home, if care or medical care is not affordable at the house. Meanwhile, as the child, you do your best to make sure your parents are content and well cared for; meanwhile you are involved with "tough love" with your teenagers. Fine line.
Interesting more so, when you are a single parent. Hmmmmm. And, you worry about your parents and your children's well being. A bit later, the parents pass away; meanwhile your own children are young adults, and perhaps they have met their mates; and then the duplicate process starts all over again. It is like a perpetual tide, constantly coming in and going out.
Now, you may have since become a grandparent; and your grandchilren are growing up right underneath your nose, practically. You may be blessed to see them; or you may be denied in seeing them.
Later years, your children realize that perhaps their parents are actual "people" and not so bad after all. However, the parents (us) might be quite elderly; with not much time left to live, for whatever reason....age or illness.
I am glad that I kept in close touch with my parents when I married and had my children. And yes, I had responsibilities; and there was a time, when I saw less of my parents. Fortunately, I spent a lot of time with them towards the end of their lives; and would like to think that they were uplifted a bittidz. Nonetheless, I was a typical "sandwicher" ( sandwicher - caring for parents and children ). And now, with both my parents having passed away; it is weird. Unavoidable cycle of life.
We are "carrying the mantle" now. We have had our children; and, they are in the process of having their babies; and so forth tidbitz. I am a "young" grandma; however, sadly, have not seen my grandchildren save for a few tid times during this past year. The twins will be a year old in mid July. No doubt, they are most active; and possibly tottering / walking / talking. And just dear, I bet!
Alan's Mum and Dad are in their final days; and as mentioned earlier, the 3 other sibblings have behaved poorly; and we are doing our best to give the parents some degree of happiness before they "depart". Sad but true cycle. I can only say, I hope my children will spend time with us, well before we are in the "twilight zone" ie. in our 80's.
Alan's Dad is now starting to talk more about his past life; he never shared that with his family in his earlier years. Also, when my Mum was alive, Alan and I spent quite a lot of time with her to make her last days as "fun" as possible. My Mum adored Alan; and he her.
Tidbit - I would like to think that parents and children alike can spend more time with each other. So that we can appreciate and know each other at a much earlier stage, rather than cramming things in, at the end; when possibly we, now the aged parents, are not as healthy, or as "with it". However, "better late, than never" is better; than not ever.
I just wanted to share this thought about "sandwichers"; and thought, hmmmmm. this might be of encouraging enlightenment to some of you.
God Bless.
Prepping the Patio for Summer enjoyment!
Garden Greetings!
Today, the sun was out - all day! Alan ended up going to see his Mum; she was exhausted and remained in her bed. However, Alan took her some tidbitz snacks of cheese, crackers, fruit, candies, and one pink Queen Elizabeth rose from our garden! This is the second rose in bloom; and Alan's Mum just loved the joyful uplift!
During that time, I tackled our bittidz patio! I figured 'if you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. Well, I substituted a rather good size heavy wrought iron glass table for a mountain; and I 'moved it! (dragged it along the mixed aggregrate concrete). Put on my Nikken vest with the far infra red material & magnetics and a magnetic back flex, and away I went. Preventative measures, as well as adding to the strength of all my limbs. Blogging earlier, that we are 'in limbo'; we spoke with our realtor this am, and he has an interested party to view our one bedroom apartment, this Thursday pm. The tenant will be there; and let us just pray, that it will be a "win win situation" all the way around. In between everything else, we are also working our business projects; and we just have to be patient. We believe the ultimate outcome will be right on; just taking a tidbit or bittid longer; but then we are becoming stronger in our resolve to succeed; all with His help and relying totally on Him!
The photo image I borrowed, is extremely similar to what our tidz garden / patio looks like; except that our 2 wrought iron chairs and table, are in black, out in our front bitz patio. When we have a digital camera etc, I will learn how to use it; and contribute them to my postings. This would include a photo of our tidbit bohemian retreat. We have a rather historical large rectangular black wrought iron table, with 8 matching antique "ice cream parlour" chairs; as well as a well weathered round green glass table with 2 green laticed comfortable chairs, and 2 bittid ensemble tables in the corner. Everything (not really a whole lot of furniture!) has been hosed and washed down! We hope to retrieve our ancient barbecue from our apt; and ultimately add a heater lamp (for cool evenings, and for all year use), as well as a few more 'comfy' chairs, along with an irrestible lounge cot. Alan is thinking where is this all going to fit? I do not think there will be a problem; I have always "somehow" created extra room! LOL! However, we will have to wait until our "timing" is better; and who knows, by that time, maybe the items will be "on sale!" LOL!
Tidbit - There are times, when "waiting" is good; because you appreciate what you went through, all the more. Makes you a stronger person, in the end. You also have a greater appreciation for the tids of extra garden patio furniture, or whatever bits, you may have been saving up for.
Still have the tids on the 'north side' patio to attend to; where the dog crate is nestled; in amongst empty gardening pots,and a few bits of twig debris. I wrote about the exciting plans for Blue's converted "house" in the posting of Saturday, June 16th.
Bittid - Be joyful in whatever you do! May as well enjoy the "journey", along the way, before He provides the solution; which is in His Time, and according to His Will. No sense moping and being 'down trodden' by anxiety, fear, doubts, etc. Make the absolute POSITIVE best of the daily monents that you have been given! Living each day, at a time is easier; particularly, when you become more attuned to Him in your walk.
Hope this is encouraging! God Bless.
"Put it to bed!"
This was "me" last night. Hence no post!
Tidbit - "Put it to bed", and let it go! I did just that; turned off the computer, and called it a night. Was not able to access connection to the internet or emails; however, this morning, things appear to be "working" again. A local network difficulty.
A quick recap of the day. Alan picked his Mum up in the early am and brought her over here to do the laundrey; as her lady had just "quit". His Mum did not want to put us out; was more than happy to go to a laundromat; and have a coffee in a nearby cafe. No way, Alan and I thought! She ended up being here most of the day. As it was a rainy cold day, a warm, crackling fire was much appreciated; as well as delicious spaghetti 'leftovers' for lunch. And, she enjoyed a glass of red wine. Alan was saying to her yesterday, 'that if we had the money', we would definitely re-locate her and her husband to a condo; which would include a live in a nurse / caregiver. As mentioned in one of my posts, she has a tidbitz of a room; and nothing else. No bittidz fridge, no nothing. So, this was the least we could do for her; and it turned out to be a 'breath of fresh air' visit for her and for us.
Tuesdays are generally her time with us; however, do not know how she will be feeling today. She is pretty exhausted; in fact she fell asleep on our love seat, in front of the fire. She believes that her time is running out; so we are doing everything we can to uplift both hers and Alan's Dad's spirits. I went through this heart wrench with my Dad, then my Mum; so now it is with Alan's parents. He has other sibblings; however, that is another story.
Bittid - 'Less said is best! "CHANGING" is hard to do; and there comes a time, when you just have to get on with things, make the best of the circumstances; and SIMPLY MOVE ON. I will tilly tally a tid on this - His Mum is absolutely devastated with the other 3 sibblings' mean spirited and malicious behaviour towards my husband. "Judged, lest ye be judged" is very true. However, we have left the "door open"; should "they" wish to reconcile with Alan. He is not a "yes" person; has always taken a stand for what is "right". For that poignancy, he has been maligned. For what it is worth, I believe my earth Dad would have really appreciated Alan; because my Dad was not a "yes" person either. So few people have taken the time to get to know Alan; I am very blessed to have him in my life. When the time is taken to know him, "they" think, "What a great guy! You are lucky". In an eventual post(s), I will blog about "An Answer to Prayer"; because that is what amazingly brought us together. Guess I digressed for a bit!
In closing, the sun came out in its full evening glory; robins were still singing; hummingbirds and bees whirling about, etc. Very peaceful and tranquil; the computer woes were long forgotten and before turning in for the night, gave the computer one last try. No such luck; so I just shut everything down and "put it to bed!"
Will post again, later on. Hope you are enjoying your day!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
P.S. Queen Elizabeth Rose - on Father's Day!
A Bittid of a P.S. The "Queen Elizabeth" Rose is looking wonderful today; of all days! It is surrounded by other tids of budding blooms; however, we will leave the rose undisturbed on the branch. The fresh fall of rain has not spoiled it; and the 2 Queen Elizabeth rose bushes that I blogged about a bit ago, are totally awesome!
Tidbit - My Dad used to say, "Take time to smell the roses". "Well" (deep subject; an earlier blog) that is what we are doing! Just cleaned our fireplace; I do not think it has been cleaned properly since my Dad passed away. He used to always keep a 'ship shape' hearth. So, I thought of him, as I was cheerfully attending to it; and, a few enlightening bits of tids came to me.
Bittid - My Dad also would state, " Never send a boy, to do a man's job". and, also, "If you are going to do a job, either do it 100% or not at all" 'No half way stuff'. He was / is so right. Hmmmmm. So first, before "jumping in", I took an evaluative look at the inside of the fireplace, as it was pretty "grungy". Could not believe all the accumulated soot tids and bits that had festered, and had embedded themselves, over the years, within those dark interior charcoaled walls! It is not so much in tackling the task; as, it is in the journey!
Also, I was, as always, exhuberantly saying, "Praise Him in All Things". Thank you for what we have already! We are really appreciating this special day; pouring rain and all! "Take the time to smell the roses!"
Happy Father's Day!
Hi, Happy Father's Day to all those of you, who are Dads - of all ages!
I am dedicating this post to my Dad; who passed away on April 30th, 1998; and "Happy Father's Day", Dad; eventhough you are no longer with us, save in spirit.
My Dad LOVED roses; and he also used to cultivate "miniature" roses! He always wore a miniature rose in his lapel - red, pink, apricot, yellow, white, or whatever the blended mix was of the day. He really enjoyed the pure simplicity, yet elegant, and unique beauty of the rose. He always saw to it, that there were roses on our table; and my Mum thus was further inspired to set a "romantic table". I have picked that joyful tidbit up from her; and appreciate also the beauty / gift of a rose and the contentment that a rose(s) can bring!
When we moved to our present home, there were tids and bits of "wild" roses (mainly miniature) scattered and "abandoned"; as my Dad was no longer here to care for them. My Mum was in poor health; and we did not discover these little bittid gems, until this spring, when we were clearing away debris upon debris. There they were! We have "resurrected" them, fertilized them, and they are BLOOMING forth - happily, so it would seem! Even at Pasley, my Dad planted some roses, in "clumps" on the rocks (with wire nettings around them, as a protective measure against the maurading deer) and they have survived magnificently for all these years!
Fortunately, I have good memories of him reading to me, when I was a child; and I also remember that I used to bake him a chocolate cake for every Father's Day. I can tell a tale on myself. I was about 10 yrs old....was making the cake; and somehow the cookbook page turned over...well, I just kept innocently "following" the recipe. The cake turned out perfectly, eventhough there was the combination of 2 different cake recipes! Go figure! However, with heaps of chocolate icing lathered on, who could really tell the difference! LOL! I thought the cake was delicious; and my Dad gave me no indication, as to it being otherwise! LOL!
Tidbit - It is the thought that counts!
My Dad was a great man; and sadly, it took his loss for me to realize that he was the awesome man, that people thought he was to them. Perhaps I am lamenting a bit, but it is befitting that I honour him as my earth Dad. I do have many wonderful childhood memories of him. I have written about him in a few posts; and a most recent one, - April 30/07.
Dad used to take me fishing in the wee tid hours of the morning; and we would return with a grills or two, (baby salmon) for breakfast. We did a lot together, when I was a child. As the years went by, other priorities took over. However, I do remember him as my Dad; and I thank him for having adopted me; because who knows where I would have ended up in this world. And, I also acknowledge that he did his very best for me. Thank you, Dad or "Mofa", as my children called him.
Bittid - As a reflection, my Dad was "slow to boil" - I think that is a good trait to work on; for those that do not readily possess a calm. Perhaps my Dad's love of roses, helped him maintain his sense of cool calm. He was a deeply spiritual man; and I know that what he accomplished, was with His help.
Please feel free, if you have any stories or memories that you would like to share about your Dads. Once again, appreciate your Dads and remember them on this day.
God Bless our Dads!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Love this Puffin bird! I always think of the desolate and craggy cliffs of Pitcairn Island!
It is Saturday - thank goodness! And, it is pouring with rain! Amazing how the weather can shape one's plans. We had thought of going to Pasley; however, due to Alan's family matters, we are staying put in town; with the hopes things will be resolved; or at least a step towards a solution.
Also, inasumch as it is "our side" of the family's turn for this weekend, we are glad that my son was able to be there. Had he not been able to go, well, hmmmm. we would have gone, so as not to leave the spot empty. Alan and I went through quite the 'gymnastic hurdles' this past year, to guarantee for me, a rightful and equitable 50/50 joint ownership with my brother for Pasley. This means that the financial and emotional sacrifices that were endured by Alan and I, have secured the permanent longevity of fair family shared use - and, for future generations. Always look for the 'macro' picture; do not be caught up in the 'micro' "me me me" scenario. Does not work in the end. Guess that is a tidbitful of a bittidful for you.
Had it been sunny, warmer, and drier today, I would have "puttzed" about in our tidbitz haven; and tackled a few bittidz eyesore projects; such as scrubbing out the generously sized dog crate to make an inviting, "comfy", cosy, safe, and "funky" retreat for our puppy, Blue; as well as raking up scattered twigs and other "odds and sods" debris. Can even visualize a flower / plant in a bit pot atop of his outdoor den; and a welcoming tid of a green outdoor carpet mat in front! LOL! The outside patio furniture needs to be hosed down and cleaned, to be "set up" for the upcoming summer season. This is now added to the "to do's" list! LOL!
However, since it is indoor weather at this time, I will pursue the organization of files, paperwork, etc. Not exactly my favourite thing, but it "begs" to be done! And, here is a ripe opportunity to "run with it"; creating a total mess first, before completing the detailed task.
Alan is "whipping up" his delicious spaghetti sauce from scratch; and tonight we will enjoy homemade pasta, wonderfully flavoured with the aroma of our herbs (sweet basil, Greek oregano, thyme, rosemary, tarragon) fresh from our tid garden; as well as a salad of vibrant Boston butter lettuce, both variations of regular green chives & garlic chives, parsley etc, also from our bit veggie patch. The smell of spices is majestically permeating our whole house! Mmmmmmm! We are also growing red & green peppers, cucumbers, sweet 100's cherry tomatoes; dill, mint, and we look forward to their bountiful harvest! Nothing nicer than fresh home grown veggies! Hmmmm. just thought of planting an apple tree; alas, do not have a tidbit of space left to plant one. However, that is a seed for thought and eventual growth. Hmmmmmm. LOL!
Tidbit - We have been / are in a "waiting" process, and it is not easy; and I am sure that those of you who have experienced "in limbo" times, can appreciate of what I post. It certainly is "character" building! We are thus, making the best of things. And, living life as simply as possible each day; and being hugely grateful for what we have already.
The tidbit is simply, to do just that - make the best of all things, be proactive, thankful, and also, a very BIG also, is to rely on Him to provide ths solutions; because He Does - in His time. Just have to have the Faith, the Trust, the Courage etc in Him; AND the PATIENCE to "wait" for His help.
Here is wishing you all an inspirational today. God Bless.
Friday, 15 June 2007
Friday Evening. Enjoy!
It is now Friday afternoon. The week has just zoomed by. Am glad it is the weekend; and this particular photo image "jumped out" at me! To "kick up one's heels", to dance, to laugh, to enjoy! It has been a bit of an exhausting and emotional couple of weeks for us, so this vivacious picture is a good "pick me up!" Love the red dress; and I have a pair of red high heels! Hmmmmmm. LOVE the whole atmosphere!
Because of family issues etc, we have changed our plans for this weekend; and we shall simply wait and see what unfolds. A sage thought, perhaps.
Tidbit - Dance! Sing! Laugh! Enjoy a wonderful meal, say "cheers" with a glass or tid of "something", pop some popcorn, get into an enticing book or movie, gardening, jogging, blogging, whatever catches your tidbitz or bittidz to appreciate a Friday evening!
God Bless.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Timing is Everything!
Timing is everything! Like our apartment that is for sale; and so far, the "right" person has not come along. It has not been up for sale too long; and it is a matter of exposure to it. The price is fair; and there is the possibility of a "bidding war". As of late, the tenant has been cooperative; so, now, it is just a matter of timing.
Alan's brother is in town this weekend; and Alan's Mum desires a reconciliation meeting with her four grown children. Timing again....we cancelled our plans, so that Alan could spend the time with his Mum, brother, and his two sisters. Hopefully, the others will make the time available to see each other. The sibblings have had various differences over the years; and before it is too late, his Mum wants things cleared up now. Who knows? - they may even have a good time!
The photo image of the "Queen Elizabeth" Rose, is what we have in our tid garden. As mentioned in an earlier post, my Dad had one (I gave him that for Father's Day about 10 to 12 years ago) plus our bit one from our apt patio. Both roses have merged and flourished wonderfully; and there is nothing nicer than to enjoy the blooms of these beautiful pink roses, at this time. And, Father's Day is fast approaching; so the timing is perfect, as there are still more flowers to open up.
Tidbit - Make the most of your time; and, it is what you do with it, that counts. When there are lulls or "in limbo times", then just put it down to "timing"; and do your best to enjoy the times of waiting; regardless of how challenging the times may be. Like, I took the "time out" to clean out cupboards (and the cobwebs! LOL!) etc; and glad I got up at that bittily hour of 4:15 am over the weekend. Our home is in much better tiddily shape.
Bittid - Appreciate each and every moment of the time you have been given; whilst still on this earth.
Alan has made up a pizza from scratch; well not entirely; but he is adding all sorts of scrumptious "stuff", and it smells so good! When our preheated oven reached the required temperature, the timer went off; so, within the next 15 mins ish, it should be dinner time! Mmmmmmmmm.
God Bless. Blogging is a good way to pass the time! LOL!
P.S. Major tidbit - Everything / timing is in His time and according to His Will; not ours. Eventhough, we have been given freedom of choice, we must remember to rely upon Him; even in the "waiting" mode. He will provide solution; He is our help and solace.
Good Night everyone.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
"Well" - Can be a rather "deep" subject!
WELL......That can be quite a "DEEP" matter. The word, "well" takes on many descriptive forms, and understandings; as you all 'well' may identify with and know. My husband asked me today, "How are you doing?' "Well,".... I replied; and Alan's response, was "well, now that can be a rather deep subject!" Hmmmmmmm. I thought about that comment; thus this post. The word, "well" has many different variations and significant language meanings to us all. 'Well', as in its linkage to water, to oil, to minerals, for health issues and / or well wishes, collaborative names with inns, springs, places etc.
We have had a rather hmmmmmmmm "well" time, as of late. Many projects on the go, lots of challenges, and "stuff"; thus the opportunity to be 'well' "reflective". Hmmmmmmmm.
Tidbit - Life has its moments....confusions, waiting processes, etc; and 'well'? Hmmmmmm. Time to step back; inhale a deep breath, and hmmmmmmm, not allow the complexities to take over one's mind or 'well being'. Keeping things simple to a tid is a good bit of thought.
Monday, 11 June 2007
I'm Baaaaaack!
Will write a tidbitz tomorrow... Been a rather busy time; even without a computer! I missed the communication; weird feeling - not to have a technology work!
Tidbit - I ended up getting a lot of bittidz things done over the weekend etc; even being literally up at 4:15 am to carry on with more "spring cleaning!" Positive action is best; not negative reaction to one's circumstances. And, being up at that hour, was awesome! Heard the birds, saw the dawn, the works! Wonderful! Praise Him in All Things!
Bittid - Sure appreciate the computer; and, last but not least, to blog as well!LOL!
Good Night and God Bless!
Friday, 8 June 2007
Computer problem!
Hi. Apologies for not doing a post yesterday; and not too much of one today. We have had computer problems and therefore, have not been able to access online etc..
It looks as if it is the "graphic card" and the fact that the "fan" was not working; thus, overheating the hardware. Oops. Fortunately "Edward" was able to check out our computer; and right now, it is in "safe mode networking". He still needs to return; so am going to utilize our computer in tids and bits - sparingly; until the matter is resolved.
Tidbit - "Stuff happens". Carry on; and make the best of things.
Here is wishing you all a good weekend. I am not going to do a photo image; because it is best that our computer is not "taxed" or be overloaded, until things are "back to normal".
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
"In Limbo"
We currently have our old apartment up for sale; and we are hoping for it to be SOLD very soon. If it were a perfect world, the closing date could realistically be July 1st. We have a Realtors Open House arranged for tomorrow; and have already, 3 sets of very interested parties. One woman, who once lived in the building, now wants back in; another woman who is presently renting in the complex, wants to buy in the building; and third, is a client and close friend of our realtor. She is a 70 yr old woman, is selling her house, and both she and her son feel that the apartment is a "perfect" downsizing solution.
As mentioned in my post of May 9th, we have a tid of a problem. A bit of a nasty tenant. Hmmmmmmm. She appears to have 2 sides to her; and we will be glad to see the --- end of her. There may be a real possibility that she may be maintained as a tenant; but no longer with us! We have not been unreasonable; in fact, quite the contrary.
Tidbit - Ask Him to provide solutions; relying on Him; not on ourselves. So, we are "in limbo" and 'waiting' for it all to happen according to His will, and in His time. It is His asset anyway; not ours. It is "on loan" only; and that is true with everything.
Bittid - When we are born into this world, we come with nothing; and when our time is up, we leave with nothing. So, we are all the more appreciative of what we already have in our lives; even in the "in limbo times". We may as well enjoy the journey; and live each day at a time. It is easier to get through the various challenges, by living a day at a time; because at the end of the day, you can say, you made it through! And, we Praise Him in All Things - again, and again, and again!
Hope this posting is a wee bit of encouragement to those of you, who are in a tid of "in limbo" at this time. Please feel free to share your "in limbo" moments, in the comment section.
God Bless.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
New Life!
Good Afternoon! or Good Morning or Good Evening; to those, in other parts of the world!
The borrowed photo image is of a tid Hummingbird! In yesterday's post, I tiddily mentioned the Hummingbird; and its bit "harrier" like stance. It really is quite amazing to see how something as tidbittle as that, can be such a going 'whirling' concern; and how it can literally just do a bittiddle stop in mid air; and maintain perfect balance, all the while. She definitely has a bit nest; and is very protective. We will be keeping our distance! It is no laughing matter, if you intrude into her territory; the Hummingbird although of a tidbitz size, can be a very vicious bittidz to contend with!
Today, we had Alan's Mum over for lunch and a visit. She has a rare terminal cancer; and she told us again, that "time is short". We reluctantly have to agree with her words; however, we are doing our tid best to uplift her spirits! ie getting them to Pasley. "Them" refers to both Alan's Mum and Dad. He has dementia; and can be a little 'paranoid' or panic stricken in new situations etc. However, if he is able to go, then wonderful for them both! Eventhough, it might be a bit tricky travelling, once they are there, they are there! The scenery, the nature, the watching of the birds, the whole bit, should be therapeutic and invigorating for them. We have given her the 'schedule'; and here is hoping that things will work out. We always gave my Mum, "something to look forward to"; and you know, we think that added a few more years to her life!
Tidbit - Make the best of the time you have; because you never know when your time is up. And, in the case of aging parents, if you give them "things" or extra "special" activities to look forward to, it just helps them enjoy their lives a little more.
I know they will appreciate seeing the "harrier" Hummingbird, the "Mother Goose", the deer, the eagles etc; particularly, at this time of year; as it is the season for nesting, hatching, etc. thus the creation of new life!
As I blog, I can hear the chirping of "chickadees", robins, etc. outside; very peaceful sound. If anyone has a "bird" tale, please feel free to share your comments.
God Bless, and, Praise Him in All Things.
Monday, 4 June 2007
A Wonderful R & R Bittidz of a few days of Tidbitz!
We have recently returned from Pasley. It was a wonderful R & R. A very reflective time out!
Whilst we were there, we enjoyed nature to its fullest - His Creation!
There is a "Mother Goose" sitting on her nest; upon an old large tree stump on the beach; and all the goings on have been quite amazing. She sits majestically and bravely throughout all weather elements; from extreme sunshine to pouring rain! - Day in and day out!
The male goose comes in at the end of day, "honks," and she jumps off the nest and swims to him. She can feed and bathe. Quite neat to see them both bathe together, in the ocean; with their wings outstretched etc. Plus they both keep an ever watchful avid eye on the nest, from the possibility of maurading crows and eagles; including our puppy (although, he is no threat). Blue is starting to "come into his own" and is just checking "things" out! When he went down to the beach to investigate, the 2 geese were coming out of the water at him; and he, very WISELY, chose to turn around and come back to the deck! The geese were honking like crazy; and he was barking back in his steadfast manner; and then he did a graceful "turnabout" - to us! Whew!
Eagles and "eaglettes" are soaring throughout the day; knowing too, that there is a nest of eggs, in the offing. Crows and other vultures are also flying about. Pretty busy birdy / landing place!
We saw a deer; quite mottled looking; and our Blue took scent of him. He and Blue are quite similar in their "jumps". Our Blue Heeler "jumps" when he runs. It was quite hilarious to see Blue "jump" after "Bambi".
There is a particular Hummingbird; her nest is just off the balconey. She is like a "harrier" airplane; comes up, just stops in mid air for a few tids of moments; before flying elsewhere.
Tidbit - The Hummingbird is one of the most aggessive of birds; you would not think so, would you, of such a bittid of a bird? But, true it is!
Other birds; such as robins, thrushes, sparrows, finches etc are all abounding. We have never been up there at this special time of year; so this is an extra wonderful bittid treat for us; and at close range! We can hear the birds chirping from about 4:30 am on - as in full of life! At that hour of day, it is 'bird bittidily' amazing!
Also, in front of our bay, there is a rock (which is marked on the chart); well there were 2 boats that hit this rock dead on this weekend. One was a sailboat and the other, a beautiful power boat. We think the power boat suffered more damage; as the hit was a hard direct one. It was pretty gruesome to watch; our hearts went out to them. The sailboat was okay; because it had an auxilitary engine, if need be; and, the rudder / keel; appeared to be still intact. The power boat, well? It was going at quite a 'tidbittily clip'; and you can imagine the horrible thudding sound, and the shuddering vibration heard from that boomerang effect! We called out to the individuals - a) it is on the charts; and b) are you alright? Fortunately, both were. Although, we think that the power boat had to call it a day; because it turned around, in mid stream. A bittidz of a bummer, if you ask me.
There was a seiner out for a tid of two days; and it looked as if their nets were reeling in 'tons' of salmon. A bit tid - where we are, is considered "one of the best and finest salmon fishing areas of the world!"
In a tidz, we had a lovely few days; with a good bitz of rest. My Dad used to take me out fishing, when I was a wee child. I would wake him up at 4:30 am (reminded me of the birds chirping at that hour!) and out we would go; catch some "grills" (baby salmon), come back, and cook them over the fireplace grill; along with "eggs over easy". Now that I think about it, it was a good way to get me to go to bed early; because then if I woke up at that tidz of an hour, I could go wake him up! LOL!
Anyway, it was a nice appreciative break; we experienced some rain yesterday and today; but you just make the best of it! However, we are glad to be home too!
God Bless!
Friday, 1 June 2007
Happy June 1st!
Here is wishing you all a Happy June 1st!
We are going out of town this afternoon and will be returning on Monday evening.
We have the opportunity to go to Pasley for some R & R; and the weather looks as if it is going to be beautiful. Tidbittidly, the weekend is supposed to be in the bittidily high temperatures; so we will be relieved to be on the water.
Last Nov/Dec, fierce wind storms ravished and falling trees "smushed" the tid sleeping cabin and bit woodshed; well, the panabode pieces for the new 2 bedroom cabin, were recently delivered up to Pasley by barge; and construction now has started. My brother has been on site to volunteer / supervise all the various procedures (clearing site etc); so it will be good to see what further progress has been made. We are adding a shower, sink, and toilet; and the "turquoise" septic tank has already been done this past week. You can see the photos that my brother took of the operation one week ago today.
Tidbit - It was unfortunate about the storms; however, perhaps it was for the best; in many ways. It is like a new start; or a building / re building of a new foundation. I am not referring totally to the new cabin structure; but also, to the repairing of broken family relationships. We have finally "buried the hatchet" and are moving forward, with a more solid communique, so that our families can enjoy our beloved Pasley for many many years to come!
Bittid - Communication is so important; particularly, when there is clear dialogue and a positive understanding!
It has been quite a week; and we are looking most forward to "getting away from it all!'
Here is wishing you all a nice weekend.
God Bless.