Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Good Aftenoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Lots of rain; 'pools' of muddy water in our garden. So much for the bittids of grass seed that Alan had put on earlier. Oh well.

Meant to mention, that I got on a bittidz of a roll the other day and night. To recap, I have been writing posts since 2007; and there have been some years when I wrote very few posts. That being said, I discovered that I had received many comments; particularly during the times, when my blog was a bit dormant. A lot of the comments were repetitive (5000 to 7000) and I was compelled to delete the amazing build up of the extra clutter.

Thanks to the annual garage sale in our complex, in mid September, we have been 'decluttering' the house and it looks so much better. More tidbitz space! ie. For Shadow, who is still growing! LOL! Today, 'Sally', whom I have referred to in 'An Awesome Testimony!' is now back for today and overnight. Both dogs get along well with each other!

In yesterday's bittidz post, 'Be grateful for our Blessings!' I included Psalm 37:1-7. Methinks, the whole chapter is awesome! However, I really like verse 5! "Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him. and He will do it." Also, the first part of verse 7: "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him." To me, these are empowering tidbits!

Another one of the ministries, that I really appreciate is 'Enjoying Everyday life'. On Sunday, September 29th, I enjoyed watching and listening to Joyce Meyer's sermon, "Living Like a Superhero" which is full of encouragement and hope! My tidbit suggestion is to tune into her video (as well as other reinforcing videos) to hear her empowering message. She basically says that 'No person or devil in hell, will keep you from God's Will, if you are determined to have it." 'That each and every day before you start your day, take an aggessive stand to not let your circumstances control you; as you are more than a conqueror.'

Joyce goes on to state - "The devil may have power, but we have the power and authority of Christ dwelling within us. That makes us more than conquerors." I like that tidbitz! Romans 8:31 -"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Joyce also shares, that even if we do not know what God is doing, believe in Him!
Romans 8:35 - "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" In other tid words, 'do not let your problems separate you from a loving God.'

My bittid post has turned into a longer one than I thought for today. That being said, I hope these tidbits and bittids have helped to give you a restful oooomph to your spirits!

I live this photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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