Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Be grateful for our Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here we are, October 1st! Wow! Where does the tidbitz time fly? Speaking of flying, there have been several flocks of Canada Geese flying majestically overhead! Wonderful Blessing!

At approx 6:30 pm yesterday, there was a most magnificent rainbow, followed by a second beautiful one! The heavy rain had subsided a tid; and the sun came out for a bit. I was like a little child (a bittid 'kid at heart!') running around the house, hoping there would be a rainbow! And there it was! What another awesome tidbit Blessing created by Him!

On Sunday, I watched a few of the ministry programs on the Vision Channel. Am going to mention a few now; and then in later posts, will share some tidbits about them.

In the wee tid morning hours, I listened to Dr. Charles Stanley ('In Touch Ministries'),and he shares the message about having 'Victory Over Fear'. That is, by having a streadfast Faith in Christ.

Later on Sunday afternoon, I was joyful of the insightful teachings of Rhonda Lazerte (www.doorofhope.ca). Her son, Reverend Steele Lazerte played 'Amazing Grace' on his guitar at the end of the show; and it felt so good to simply sing ('belt' is more like it! LOL!) outloud the words with him. He has a good voice; and well, I did not care how my voice sounded, save that it was a wonderful uplift!

Also, I listened appreciatively to Dr. David Jeremiah ('Turning Point Ministries'); and his message was 'What Are You Afraid Of?'. He refers to Psalm 37:1-7 and apparently, those are his favourite verses in the Bible! I love the empowering passage as well; and in a bittidz nutshell, it provides such a reassuring comfort! 1) Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers. 2) For they will wither quickly like the grass, And fade like the green herb. 3) Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. 4) Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. 5) Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. 6) And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your judgment as the noonday. 7) Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

All those seven verses are major tidbits of strength and refuge in the Lord, to all those who Seek Him.

The weather today has been a bit strange. Rain, then sun, then wind, back and forth. Over the weekend, Alan made up more of his delicious tomato / vegetable ' kitchen sink' soup; and that has served us well for many a tidbitz meal. He just keeps adding to it, and it is amazing how many meals it brings. Alan gave a container of the soup away today to one of our neighbours, who just loves it! He likes to bake; so he will be giving us some of the delightful baked treats, that we have enjoyed before!

Tidbit - Rely on Him to Provide your daily needs. Even in helping you creatively stretch your meals! We were able to prudently pick up some veggies at discounted prices; and those extra ingredients are a wonderful addition to the soup; as in 'the more, the merrier!'

Bittid - Always have a grateful heart of thanksgiving, and also be a cheerful giver!

Shadow and another young pup of a fellow neighbour, had a good romp and play in the park today; and the rain actually 'stopped' for that period of time! Another bittidz Blessing! It was invigorating to see two young dogs have so much fun! When we came home, it started to rain. Talk about timing!

For tonight's dinner, we just enjoyed a bittid of chicken strips and fries, that we selected today, on the Tuesday 'Seniors Special'. This purchase, will give us 5 more meals! One has to be 55 years plus, to enjoy those bittids of savings! LOL! There are times, when being a little older, has its perks! LOL!

Methinks also, it is one's Faith and Trust in Faith in Christ, that help us go through the storms and adversities. It is having an inner determination of knowing He is ALWAYS there to Direct your / our path. All you have to do, is simply invite Him in to your heart, and He will Provide the rest. He will take you through the storms. It is how you deal with obstacles, that help mold 'grit' character and a sinewy inner strength of resiliency. Also, having an 'attitude of gratitude' non stop, for all your Blessings!

Hope these bittids are an uplift and encouragement, to all those who read my posts.

This photo image is similar to Alan's tomato soup; save that his soup, is served hot and not chilled, as in 'Gaspacho' soup. I love 'Gaspacho' soup; and years ago, I used to prepare the spectacular summer soup; or so I was told! 'Gaspacho soup' was one of my 'cravings' when I was pregnant! The 'chilled' soup had all sorts of healthy ingredients; as does the 'hot' soup that Alan throws together!

When we 'stretch' the 'soup' dinner, we also enjoy a tid of garlic toast and / or a small bit of nourishing green salad with it.

Peace and God Bless.

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