Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Woke up to a gorgeous sunny morning! Beautiful, crisp Fall air, at app 50 degrees Fahrenheit! When the mornings begin like this, who can complain? A refreshing start to the day methinks; as well as enjoying a peaceful calm, along with a freshly brewed cup of coffee; and appreciating our Blessings all the more!
A large flock of Canada Geese just flew overheard! Wow! Awesome!
Also, late yesterday afternoon, when I was having a bit of a quiet reflective moment, I heard gentle cooing outside our upstairs window. I looked out; and lo and behold, there was a most unusual bird! Then another one arrived; and the pair just sat on the tiny gabled roof top. The pair was phenomenal; and they appeared to be resting, cooing all the while. Plus, both were looking right at me! Unfortunately, there was no time to take a picture; and also, I did not wish to disturb them. However, that is yet another one of His awesome Blessings! The picture of them in my mind, is also a tidbitz of encouragement! Alan told me they are Ring necked doves; so I found a couple of photo images; which are very similar to what I enjoyed yesterday!
Here is a definition quoted from DOVEPAGE. "The Ringneck Dove is easily the most commonly kept dove in captivity. This domesticated bird (Streptopelia risoria) descends from the African Ring Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea). This bird is about 12" from tail to head. The original wild coloring is quite beautiful as are the over Forty aknowledged color mutations/combinations. The Wild colored bird has brown and grey feathers on the back and wings with a rich rose colored head and breast and a black neck ring."
While I was searching for tidbit info, I came across a video about 'Rocky', the cooing Ringneck Dove! Here is an amazing You Tube, which also helps to describe more bittidz about this special bird.
'Rocky' was also the tid name of our dog, that I wrote a bittid about in yesterday's post, October 7th - Special rememberances! Methinks, there are no coincidences!
Tidbit - Always look on the brighter side of things; and turn negatives INTO positives! There are always Blessings to be thankful for! You just have to have an open and receptve heart!
Bittid - Be of good cheer! This is so very true! My Dad often said the wonderful expression: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone."
A few closing bittids. I watched enthusiastically and listened to Joyce Meyer's impactful insights on Sunday (I recommend tuning into her ministry, 'Enjoying Everyday Life'). Joyce shares about how to be "personal representatives of Jesus Christ.' One of the encouraging Bible verses she refers to, really speaks to me! ie. Colossians 3:2 - " Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." Joyce suggests too, that if we can focus daily on Christ, and be clothed with the Spirit, we will stay and walk in peace.
The pair of Ring Necked doves, is a wonderful endorsement, methinks of peace! When you invite Christ into your heart, He comes in and infills you with His Holy Spirit. His Promise is, He will never leave you. These are bittids of Blessings that are of comfort and joy to my heart!
Peace and God Bless.
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