Thursday, 31 October 2013

Have Steadfast Hope!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are definitely now into the Fall weather. Rain! However, we remain appreciative for the wonderful sunny weather that we received, for most of October. Can not believe however, that November is here tomorrow! On November 3rd, we turn our clocks back an hour; which will be a bit of extra 'sleep in' for all those concerned! Including Shadow! LOL! And, before you know it, it will be Christmas!

We have been gradually clearing out our garage etc and we look forward to putting up some tidbitz Christmas decorations! This Christmas is going to be extra tidbit special!

We have many Blessings to be thankful for! ie. Yesterday, one of our neighbours gave us a large dog bed, as they had purchased a new one for their good sized dog. Shadow is like a 'mini horse' in size now, at 18 months tomorrow, and is still growing! So, this large bed is awesome and Shadow loves it!

Another neighbour returned our containers of turkey soup that Alan made after Thanksgiving, and he reiterated, that it was the very best bittidz soup he had ever tasted. along with a thank you note!

Tidbit - Go out of your way to be a genuine Blessng to others! Be it with a gentle smile, a word of encouragement, and / or random acts of kindness. It does make a positive difference, of 'paying it forward' to all those you meet.

Bittid - Be appreciative and thankful for each and every day! Keep things simple, and 'Praise Him in all things;' at the start of the day, throughout the day, and before you fall asleep!

Last night, I was 'Directed' to a passage in the Bible from Psalm 145: 17 to 21. These wonderfully inspiring verses jumped right out at me!
17 - The Lord is righteous in all His ways, and kind in all His deeds.
18 - The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.
19 - He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and wlll save them.
20 - The Lord keeps all who love Him; But all the wicked, He will destroy.
21 - My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord; And all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever.

I also enjoyed reading Psalms 145 to 150! I received particular strength and comfort from Verse 18 - re: 'calling upon Him in truth'; and in Verse 20 re: 'the wicked, He will destroy.'

The photo is of Shadow. Our patio chair is a bittid too small for him; however, he enjoys sitting there, as if he is 'lord muck.' LOL!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

In Remembrance of a Special Person!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a gorgeous sunny Sunday! The colours of Autumn are outstanding!

Today, I wish to honour a special person, dear to my heart, who passed away one bittid year ago. I remember him for his good points and I learned quite a bit from him. We always got along and I know he held me in high regard, as well.

We all have our weaker points; yet I choose to remember the 'kind' side of him. That being said, he may have also been misunderstood at tid times. He did have a 'generosity of spirit' and I know he helped and provided for many.

So, 'Skal to Absent Friends', with a cup of coffee! When I have a glass of wine to enjoy, I will raise my glass to him.

Tidbit - Life is like a 'fishing' expedition. This reminds me when Christ (Matthew 4:19) at the beginning of His Ministry, said: "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." We all have a choice - be it to follow Christ or not.

Bittid - I would like to believe that this man chose to follow Christ, even if it was at the latter stages of his life.

Speaking of fishing, when I was a child, my Dad used to take me, fishing. We would be up early in the summer mornings and would be back a few hours later with a salmon (a grills) and cook it up for breakfast, along with some fried eggs over the fireplace spit. It was the best; and I am grateful for the ' fishing' lessons of 'life' that my Dad passed on to me. The basics! Much to be thankful for!

The man I am remembering today, believed very much also, in the bittidz basics. So, here is an appreciative Thank you, for the tidbitz time that I knew him.

I was looking for a wonderful photo image, that would best describe a restful and a gentle setting re: the tidbit message. Methinks this is it! Thank you, to the photographer, who took this beautiful picture!

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Uplift others!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a rather interesting bit few days! The time has zoomed by! That being said, Alan and I are very thankful for all the Blessings that have been coming our way! We have had quite a few Blessings, within the last short tid while! We are looking back and reflecting upon His Grace and Goodness towards us! He (Our Father) has guided and directed us through a number of bittidz situations! Thank you to Him! We are thankful!

Today, we had to drive into town and wow! We thought the fog out here was pretty major! However, there, it was quite awesome, methinks! Seeing the city buildings rising up through the fog; looked like the makings of a 'Sci Fi movie!' On our drive, we realized how gorgeous a part of the world we live in! Again, we are thankful! 'Praise Him in ALL things!'

We also went to Costco. A woman, who is employed by Costco, was giving out samples, and she struck a bittid chord within me. I mentioned to her that my husband really thought the sample was good; as he does not say that too often. Her comment was, 'well, he sounds just like my husband.' Then she went on and mentioned that she was dying her hair to look younger and hopefully her husband would notice. I then said, 'well, if this is of any help, I am letting my hair do its own thing as to whatever colour it takes on!' She immediately replied, that: 'I was 'quite an attractive woman, and that I could easily get away with it, and that I would look awesome / even better!' (FYI, I now have a major patch of white in the front! LOL!) She then went on to say, that she was not so sure that she could get away with it; and therefore, she felt she needed to dye her hair to look younger. I had immediate empathy for her, and suggested that she should not worry about it. 'Foget about it!' as in Hugh Grant, in the movie, 'Mickey Blue Eyes.' LOL! Well, we concluded the conversation and I moved on. (By the way, she was excellent in her sample presentation!) But then, something strongly said to me, 'Go back!' So, I did! I told her: 'Your husband is lucky to have you!" Well, she practically burst into tears! But I knew, it made a difference and impacted her to feel better about herself. For that matter, it made me feel good as well!

Today, was a day, that I 'felt' / sensed more people than ever. I just 'knew' that they had an ache (and even where), or were sad (or sour) or just not plain feeling well. I made various tidbitz comments and they all agreed. Like it blew me away! Alan then pointed out, that the more one gets in touch with Him, the more 'discernment' we are given; and that is exactly what happened today!

Tidbit - BE a Blessing to others. Forget about your own circumstances. You feel all the better when you uplift someone else!

Bittid - BE joyful! Again, regardless of your situations! Like, truly, no one really cares. So, just BE! With Christ as your Conductor! HE CARES!

To sum things up, the events of today were well worth waiting for! Psalm 46:10 says: "Be still and know that I am God." That is very tidbit true!

Here is a photo that I took of our tree, with its beautiful colours of Autumn!

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

An addendum to 'Being Thankful!'

I meant to include some further bittids in today's post. ie. That when I fell to my knees yesterday, I THANKED HIM FIRST. THEN I PRAISED HIM IN ALL THINGS. Then I continued to state out loud my request and Prayer!

Tidbit - Regardless of your circumstances, ALWAYS remember to Thank Him and 'Praise Him in ALL things.'

If it is a good tidbit scenario, do not forget to genuinely acknowledge Him for the Blessings and His Gift of Grace, He has given us.

If it is not a good tidbitz situation, then muster all your courage and boldly, Thank and Praise Him all the more! It is amazing how much better you feel! As if a huge weight has been lifted from your heart!

Bittid - God does not give any of us, any more burdens, then we can carry at any one time!

That is such a refreshing bit of comfort to my heart and my soul; as He is our Refuge and Strength. Simply throw every tid thing upon Him; and leave all the consequences to Him. Psalm 23 comes immediately to my mind!

Surrender your will to Him, trusting and knowing that He already has a good plan in place for you! Whatever it may be. Things may be uncertain, but He IS for certain! He has a purpose in and for everything. Even if we do not understand or see it at the bittid time; just have the Faith and Trust that you will be looked after, as per His Promise!

However, it is when one looks back a bittidz and reflects upon what He has Provided, you joyfully give Thanks to Him for His awesome Provision!

Psalm 23: - The Lord, the Psalmist's sheperd. A Psalm of David.

Verse 1 -
The Lord is my sheperd,
I shall not want.
Verse 2 -
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
Verse 3 -
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake.
Verse 4 -
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil; for Thou are with me;
Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
Verse 5 -
Thou dost prepare a table before me in
the presence of my enemies;
Thou hast anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Verse 6 -
Surely goodness and lovingkindness
will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This is such a majestic Psalm of tidbits!

Peace and God Bless

Being Thankful!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is another beautiful Autumn morning. It was very foggy; and within the last tid while, the sun has burst forth mightily! The scattered rich colours of Fall are awesome Blessings!

Mentioned in yesterday's post, Stay Strong in Faith! that our friend also forwarded us another tidbit message; this time, from the Andrew Wommack Ministries. (See Andrew's impactful and helpful teachings quoted below).


'John 13:8 "Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me."
JOHN 13:5-8

Peter's refusal to let Jesus wash his feet came from a knowledge that he was totally unworthy to have the sinless Son of God serve him as a common servant would. Peter was correct in his assessment of his relative worth, but what he missed was that God doesn't minister to us because of our worth but because of His love.

Even though Peter's attitude looked holy and humble, he was actually resisting God's will and committing an act of pride. Pride is not only exalting yourself above what is proper, but also, it can be debasing yourself below what is proper. Pride is simply self-centeredness or being self-willed instead of God-centered and submitted to God's will. Peter should have been humble enough to know that Jesus knew what He was doing and he should have submitted himself to God's will.

Likewise today, some people refuse to let God bless them, thinking they are unworthy of His favor. While it is true that our actions don't warrant God's goodness, a truly humble person will receive the Lord's blessings as an expression of His love and grace toward them. Misguided humility is every bit as damaging as exaggerated pride.

Peter wanted to serve Jesus, but did not want to be served by Jesus. Jesus was telling Peter that unless he received His ministry to him, Peter would be unfit to serve Him. We cannot cleanse ourselves or others. We are totally dependent on the work of God's grace in our lives. Then and only then, are we equipped to minister to others. Before we can be the blessing that we desire to be to God or to others, we have to let God be the blessing to us that He desires to be.'

What’s Happening at AWM?

To find out, visit our ministry blog at It has nearly two years of great testimonies, stories from Andrew’s ministry trips, special videos, and much more. It’s updated twice per week and has over 200 articles. Andrew once made the comment that, “The ministry blog is the best thing we have on the web.” Check it out at

Contact Information:
Andrew Wommack Ministries
PO Box 3333
Colorado Springs, CO 80934
Phone: 719-635-1111

Tidbit - 'Pay it Forward!'

Yesterday, we had a bittid matter that threw us for a bit of a loop. However, I immeditely fell down upon my knees and Prayed and Asked out loud to Our Father for His direction; to make the bittidz situation right! Well, within a bit minute or two, our phone rang; and the matter was resolved pronto! So, hopefully that tidbitz helps encourage those of you, who feel that at times, your Prayers are not answered and / or delayed.

Alan and I are learning daily that He may not answer all our Prayers, because He knows what is best for each and every one of us! As in the show: "Our Father Knows Best." Sometimes, a 'non answer' or a delay, simply means, that He has a better plan for you and us! As a child, I loved that T.V. show! I related to the youngest daughter! LOL! It is in the daily journey of our walk in Christ and through experiences, that one grows in sinewy strength from within! The Holy Spirit gives one inner resolve, to keep on trekking in Faith!

Bittid - Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

I am grateful for the Grace and Blessings He gives us! Thanks again to our friend, as well an to the various ministries, who provide such dynamic resources. I was thinking of Romans 8:28, and when I opened the Bible, it literally flew upen to that page! Another Blessing of encouragement, methinks! That one verse says much!

The bittid photo image, with the tidbit message: "Love Conquers All" is awesome! God loves each and every one of us! As Christ, our Saviour says: "Love one another, as I have loved you."

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Stay Strong in Faith!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is another gorgeous Fall morning! Those who celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving this past tid weekend, hope you all enjoyed extra tidbit Blessings!

Our friend recently forwarded on a wonderful tidbitz message by Gloria Copeland (See her empowering insights quoted below). Thanks to our friend, and to the Kenneth Copeland Ministries!

"Prepare for Persecution"

'Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. - 2 Timothy 3:12

Did you catch that? He said all who live godly lives are going to suffer persecution. Not just the super-saints, not just the missionaries in hostile lands--but ALL.

If you're going to live for God, you're going to run into persecution somewhere along the line. The devil's going to make sure of it!

Now I'm not saying that to frighten you or to depress you. I'm saying it because I want you to be prepared.

When you're wise to the strategies of the devil, it's harder for him to use them successfully on you to confuse you and get you off track.

Second Corinthians 10:4 says, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." So stay armed and ready for Satan's attack. Then, whenever and however it comes, it won't bring your life to a halt or even slow you down.

That's especially important right now because we're living in the last days. The devil's time is drawing short. He is desperate. He is going to do everything he can to stop the Church. But Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church!

Remember the more we grow to be like Jesus and the more God's glory is revealed through our lives, the bigger threat we are to Satan's kingdom. Jesus said, "Rejoice and be glad at such a time, and exult and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is rich and great and strong and intense and abundant in heaven" (Luke 6:23, The Amplified Bible).

So, when persecution comes your way, and you know it will, rejoice and be glad. Take the Jesus cure and begin to leap and jump and praise God! There is no way persecution will hurt you if you do that. I've tried it and it works.

By Gloria Copeland.'

Also another bittid included, in the Kenneth Copeland Ministries, is an inspiring video that I appreciatively watched earlier this morning. Again, thank you to our friend.

Kenneth Copeland & Keith Butler: Faith for Life

Tidbit - As our friend says: "Stay strong and resist all that you are going through!"

Bittid - Fight the good fight. Endure with steadfast Faith, Hope, and Trust in Jesus Christ! The Holy Spirit, which is in you, when you invite Jesus genuinely into your heart, He will never leave you. He is there, as per His Promise, to guide and direct you through whatever unfolds each and every day.

I like this photo image of putting on the Whole Armor of God!

Tomorrow I will share another bittidz of encouragement that our good friend has sent us. May this also provide a bit of a joyful uplift to all those, who read this post!

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 14 October 2013

'Generosity of spirit' and remembering with Thanksgiving!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is Thanksgiving Monday and what a beautiful sunny long weekend, it has been!
We are very grateful for our Blessings! Each and every day is like a 'mini' thanksgiving to Alan and I! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

We are appreciative and thankful for the 'generosity of spirit' that we have received over the last short tid while! Random acts of kindness, words of encouragement, is a tidbit of fresh air to us. This Thanksgiving, therefore, has been all the more special!

Yesterday morning, I watched and listened to Dr. Charles Stanley. His message on "Real Freedom" is excellent! I would heartily recommend those of you, who feel 'captive' and burdened, tune into and watch the inspirational video! Dr. Stanley shares that Freedom is about HOPE; and that 'you are truly free, when you are spiritually free.'

As a further bittidz, that I found earlier today, here is another tidbitz excerpt from Dr. Stanley, which methinks, is exceedingly helpful and empowering!

"Satan knows our victory and fruitfulness as Christians are directly related to our prayer life. If he can derail us in this area, every other aspect of our existence will be affected as well.

Since prayer is a battle, we need to think of ourselves as soldiers and realize that our Commander has provided everything we need to be victorious. Ephesians 6:10-17 tells us to put on God’s armor, cover ourselves with the shield of faith, and hold out the sword of His Word. Although His armor protects us from a variety of attacks, it’s interesting that Paul mentions prayer in the very next verse (Eph. 6:18). Every time we pray, we need to get dressed for a spiritual battle.

Think for a moment about all that’s involved in being a soldier and how that relates to prayer. Besides being appropriately dressed for battle, a soldier must be watchful, determined, persistent, knowledgeable, and obedient to his commander’s instructions. Would these words describe your prayer life? Are you alert to Satan’s attempts to delay, distract, or confuse you? Are you determined to pray when you might not feel like it? Do you persevere even though your requests aren’t answered immediately? Are you reading God’s Word so you’ll know how your Commander wants you to pray?

The next time you get on your knees, remember that you’re entering a battleground. Satan will do everything in his power to stop you because he knows a praying Christian is a danger to his agenda. And in God’s army, there is no retirement. You’re in this battle for life until God takes you home to heaven. So stand firm and never give up, because your effectiveness and personal victory in Christ are linked to the time you spend with the Lord in prayer."

This is also a bittid of a time to reflect; and the Norwegian 'Skal to Absent Friends' is right on! Apart from my parents, one of the people I would like to remember, is someone who died last October. I am so glad that I called on the Thanksgiving long weeked, to wish him a 'Happy Thanksgiving.' Because, within a
a few bit weeks later he passed away. Fortunately, I spoke with him and we both shared, we were thankful for our many Blessings!

As a bittid thought, a few years ago, I gave him my Bible (I loved its beautiful pictures, clarity of big print to read!); hoping the Bible would bring him a bit of comfort and refuge. He was a very avid reader, and I remember he was very appreciative at the time, when I gave him this Bible. He had lots of spare time, so I believe he read and sought its truths. To this day, 'May he rest in peace.' I also think of my parents, and other loved ones, who have since passed away.

Tidbit - Act with GRACE. When it is difficult to do so, Ask Him to provide you with the help to act with GRACE.

Bittid - When you are needing an uplift, find a passage in the Bible, that gives you hope and peace.

Last night, when I was Praying, I felt as if I was being 'preyed' upon. Mmmmm. Well, I asked the Holy Spirit for His help to divert that distraction. That being said, I got up out of bed, and was immediately 'directed' to the Bible; and quite literally, the Book opened to 1 Samuel 16; 12 & 13! Many a time I have been 'guided' to that compellingly powerful passage of strength and resilent resolve!

Verse 12 - So he went and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the Lord said, "Arise, anoint him, for this is he."
Verse 13 - Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.

I love the MIGHTY message about 'the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.' It is roaringly mighty music to my heart strings!!! That was exactly what tidbit my ears and heart were seeking, and needed to hear at that very tid moment! "MIGHTILY" spoke loud and clear! Small wonder God said that David is 'a man after My Own Heart!' David is also one of my favourite people in the Bible!

I love this photo image of David and Goliath! A bit of a bittid; simply rely upon Christ to fight all your battles, and leave all the consequences to Him. FEAR NOT!

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

More tidbits of Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Woke up to a gorgeous sunny morning! Beautiful, crisp Fall air, at app 50 degrees Fahrenheit! When the mornings begin like this, who can complain? A refreshing start to the day methinks; as well as enjoying a peaceful calm, along with a freshly brewed cup of coffee; and appreciating our Blessings all the more!

A large flock of Canada Geese just flew overheard! Wow! Awesome!

Also, late yesterday afternoon, when I was having a bit of a quiet reflective moment, I heard gentle cooing outside our upstairs window. I looked out; and lo and behold, there was a most unusual bird! Then another one arrived; and the pair just sat on the tiny gabled roof top. The pair was phenomenal; and they appeared to be resting, cooing all the while. Plus, both were looking right at me! Unfortunately, there was no time to take a picture; and also, I did not wish to disturb them. However, that is yet another one of His awesome Blessings! The picture of them in my mind, is also a tidbitz of encouragement! Alan told me they are Ring necked doves; so I found a couple of photo images; which are very similar to what I enjoyed yesterday!

Here is a definition quoted from DOVEPAGE. "The Ringneck Dove is easily the most commonly kept dove in captivity. This domesticated bird (Streptopelia risoria) descends from the African Ring Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea). This bird is about 12" from tail to head. The original wild coloring is quite beautiful as are the over Forty aknowledged color mutations/combinations. The Wild colored bird has brown and grey feathers on the back and wings with a rich rose colored head and breast and a black neck ring."

While I was searching for tidbit info, I came across a video about 'Rocky', the cooing Ringneck Dove! Here is an amazing You Tube, which also helps to describe more bittidz about this special bird.

'Rocky' was also the tid name of our dog, that I wrote a bittid about in yesterday's post, October 7th - Special rememberances! Methinks, there are no coincidences!

Tidbit - Always look on the brighter side of things; and turn negatives INTO positives! There are always Blessings to be thankful for! You just have to have an open and receptve heart!

Bittid - Be of good cheer! This is so very true! My Dad often said the wonderful expression: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone."

A few closing bittids. I watched enthusiastically and listened to Joyce Meyer's impactful insights on Sunday (I recommend tuning into her ministry, 'Enjoying Everyday Life'). Joyce shares about how to be "personal representatives of Jesus Christ.' One of the encouraging Bible verses she refers to, really speaks to me! ie. Colossians 3:2 - " Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." Joyce suggests too, that if we can focus daily on Christ, and be clothed with the Spirit, we will stay and walk in peace.

The pair of Ring Necked doves, is a wonderful endorsement, methinks of peace! When you invite Christ into your heart, He comes in and infills you with His Holy Spirit. His Promise is, He will never leave you. These are bittids of Blessings that are of comfort and joy to my heart!

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Special rememberances!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Hope you enjoyed a nice weekend. Yesterday, was 80 degrees here in the sun; and it felt like tidbitz summer all over again! Shorts and T shirt weather! Today however, Fall is back to cooler temperatures, with a bittid mix of dark skies, drizzles of rain, a bit of sunshine on and off, along with a gentle breeze.

To recap a bittidz, as mentioned in the October 5th post, A restful and thankful Saturday!- that there was someone coming by to pick up the T.V. on Saturday afternoon. That did not happen; no phone call, no nothing. So, it is up for tidbit grabs again. I had left a message to inquire if they were okay; however, no word back.

I also remember my Dad; as he would have been 95 years young today! As mentioned in the post of October 4th, Appreciate each and every day! he was a fantastic person! As the bittid expression goes: "One does not appreciate things (or a person) until it is lost or gone."

Yesterday, we remembered our dog,'Rocky'(Rockford) who passed away on October 6th, 2004. He was only 12 years old, and I thought that was too young an age. He had cancer. Apparently, that is a good life for a dog. (In my childhood years, Painter, our black lab, lived until age 22 years! He was a very feisty dog! Methinks I wrote a bittidz post about him too). Rocky was part Bazenji / bull terrier; and our family adopted him when he was app 6 months of age. Perhaps, he was named after the 'Rockford Files.' LOL! I loved that show!

I believe I wrote a tidbitz post about Rocky. He was a very smart dog as well; and thought he too, was a person! With him, I used to set a place for him at the table; and so with bib on and bowl placed in front of him, he was one happy camper! He had not been treated well by his previous owner; so it was a thankful Blessing to take him in. Alan also enjoyed him for four years; and was able to teach 'an old dog, new tricks!' As in obediance! LOL! Here is a photo of Rocky. Again, if a dog is treated with TLC kindness and guidelines, it thrives and becomes a wonderful family member!

Yesterday too, I enjoyed watching various ministries on the Vision Channel in the early morning and in the evening. These ministries provide such wonderful tidbits of encouragement, in their teachings of Christ and the Bible. For example, Joel Osteen, shares that 'You can not have Faith, without Hope.' That tidbit is ever so true! Will write some bittids in later posts.

As I was typing the title of today's post, bright sunshine appeared; and shone brilliantly! Wow! What a majestic Blessing! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

A restful and thankful Saturday!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a typical Autumn day. Clouds, threatening rain any tid second, and cooler temperatures. Am appreciating a quiet afternoon, and again, reflecting upon all our Blessings. We have much to be thankful for!

We sponsor a child (Zuberi), in Tanzania, and he is in grade 3. Our monthly donation for the last 2 years, goes towards helping feed, clothe, house, and educate Zuberi, and his family, as well as his village. Before him, we also had sponsored another child, Phos, (from Cambodia) for a few years.

Methinks, I wrote a bittid post about 'Phos'. Apparently Phos and his family had moved on to another area; so there was no further bittidz need to sponsor him. I learned this from a tidbt hand written note from the Village Chief! I called the organization and asked them to pass on our tidbitz thanks for the note! However, I also meant to write the Village Chief to personally thank him. Alan and I had been concerned for some time, as to why we had not heard anything from Phos.

As I mentioned, we have been decluttering house, garage, and computer. I finally found the Village Chief's letter. I will write the Village Chief back; hopefully he is still around. To me, that was an awesome honour, to have received such a heartfelt 'gift!'

We have someone coming by mid afternoon to pick up our large 55" T.V. as it is simply too large to fit in our home. It has been parked in the garage since we have moved here. It is in great condition and all it needs is a bit of a bulb(s)replacement. We are offering the T.V. for free. It will be a 'breath of fresh air' to have more garage space! The person who is picking it up, is ecstatic! They went to the trouble of getting a large van; as this is like a 'treasure' to them. (Just like the tidbit 'gift' of the hand written note to us!)

Thought this video provides a good bittid laugh! That dog is amazing!!! Our Blue Heeler, Blue, was very agile as well and did not look too unlike the dog in the video. Blue sadly passed away in February 2012; and we have not been up to finding another family dog. However, Shadow the 'mini horse' came across our path and is now under our care. Eventhough, Shadow is a smart and athletic 'pup'; methinks, kudos to the Blue Heeler breed!

This is one insanely clever canine

Tidbit - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." That also includes dogs and other family pets! They too, are very receptive to words of gracious praise and kind encouragement. If you treat a dog / pet well, you will enjoy him all the more!

Bittid - Cherish 'special' gifts that are given with 'generosity of spirit!'

Again, we are grateful for today; and are appreciative for each and every moment!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Appreciate each and every day!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are glad it is Friday (TGIF! LOL!), the start of the weekend! It has been a rather busy time and as mentioned before, where does the tidbitz time fly?

Have been decluttering like crazy! ie. Have received a lot of 'spam'; and now our computer appears to be running much better. I have been largely self-taught; so it has taken me a bittidz of a while to 'catch on' to the ins and outs.

For whatever tid reason, I just thought of my Dad. As mentioned in earlier posts, I was adopted. My 'earth parents' were not able to have children; so they did the next best thing! They adopted me! LOL! (Thank goodness, or I would not be here, nor would my children / grandchildren!) I have realized that I am more like my Dad than ever! He was a Norwegian and looking a bittid back, I wish I had taken more time to know him, as he was a very special person!

My Dad used to shoot pheasants, ducks, grouse, ptarmigan for special dinners (Thanksgiving, Christmas, that sort of thing). I used to go with him and thoroughly enjoyed those memorable outings. In those days, I was a bit of a 'tomboy' and there was many a day, when chilling temperatures and / or the dampness (ie.rain) would go right through you. As a youngster, I was always 'plucky and perky' and would literally run around the house, stating cheerfully outloud that I was a very 'wucky wucky girl.' One of the times I did that (age 4 or 5), I was running down the stairs, missed a step and fell. However, I managed to get right back up and continue, without missing a bittid beat! I look back on those years with heartfelt appreciation and thankfulness!

Guess this is a bit of a tribute to my Dad, whose 95th birthday would have been on October 7th. He always used to say that one can always be sure of two things - Death and Taxes; and ironically, he passed away on April 30th. Guess I am remembering the wonderful family occasions / festivities that my parents, as a family, would enjoy throughout the years. My Mum would always go to the extra special trouble of setting a festive table! Thanksgiving, Christmas stood out particularly to me. I would also enjoy helping her! Therefore, as a Mum, it rubbed off on me, and I continued in the same family tradition! I can appreciate many wonderful memories of special settings and delicious food; with all of us sitting happily around the festive dining room table. My Dad would always say: 'Skal to Absent Friends.' That endearing tidbit toast is a lovely Scandinavias custom, that remembers those who have either passed away or who are not currently present. I am thinking these tidbit thoughts now.

Tidbit - Family.

Bittid - Appreciation.

Guess, I am remembering past special family occasions; and that it would be awesome to enjoy those times again.

Methinks, I am still a 'wucky wucky girl' and, I am thankful I also have a loving husband. We hope to have many more years together; and at the same tid time, are hopeful and Prayful that in time, there will be a genuine reconciliation with all family members.

So, here is wishing you a nice weekend. On this cloudy Friday evening, we will be enjoying chicken strips and fries for our dinner. We are also looking forward to watching a few good movies. A perfect night to stay home!

Love the photo image of the roast turkey!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

A fresh start!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Woke up to thick fog in the early tid morning hours. Alan took Shadow out for his walk; and felt that Fall is definitely here!

I have shared tidbits, in recent posts about having 'an attitude of gratitude'; and about being thankful for our daily Blessings. I also mentioned 'Thanksgiving'; and again, each and every day to us, is like 'a mini thanksgiving!' That being said, our Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up in mid month.

Want to comment that as a mother and a young grandmother, I am NOT abandoning my children, their spouses, nor our dear grandchildren. Sadly, we have been excluded from their lives, as per their choice; not ours. They do not appreciate my choice of a husband. Period. However, what is far worse, is that Alan has been falsely accused and maligned. I have been too, but it is 'water off a duck's back.'

What I will say, is that both Alan and I, as a unit, have tried our tidbit best to extend an 'olive branch' to all those concerned. We truly wish to work things through for 'a fresh start.' As I eluded to in one of my bittid posts, 'life is far far too short.' Perhaps when we are no longer here on this earth, they may realize that it is more of a loss, than a win.

A bit of tidbitz, one of the spouses has never set foot in our home, since we have moved here. We have extended invitations etc and to no bittidz avail. Therefore, it is wrong when there are such 'conditions' placed upon me. Nor would it be right in my heart, to exclude their spouses at family gatherings.

It is wrong to be divisive!

Am not complaining or whining. I am sharing bittids, that both Alan and I would like to be a part of 'family.' However, they have made choices to not include us as a tid unit. Sadly, we have had to step back and leave it be for the time being. Both Alan and I Pray everyday for them and for what it is worth, both Alan and I, love my children and grandchildren. Again, as long as they are happy with their spouses and treat each other well, we are glad for them! It is unfortunate that the same bit courtesy has not been extended to us, to be a part of their lives.

Tidbit - Continue to contine, to continue the 'good fight' to share and care and uplift others in our daily walk in Christ's service. Let Him fight your battles!

Bittid - There are situations that you have to let it all go, and leave it to Him to resolve. Do not be a victim; instead have the courage and the resiliency to make the best of everything. ie. Be appreciative for your daily Blessings!

I love this photo of a happy 'couple.' (Alan & I! LOL!)

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Good Aftenoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Lots of rain; 'pools' of muddy water in our garden. So much for the bittids of grass seed that Alan had put on earlier. Oh well.

Meant to mention, that I got on a bittidz of a roll the other day and night. To recap, I have been writing posts since 2007; and there have been some years when I wrote very few posts. That being said, I discovered that I had received many comments; particularly during the times, when my blog was a bit dormant. A lot of the comments were repetitive (5000 to 7000) and I was compelled to delete the amazing build up of the extra clutter.

Thanks to the annual garage sale in our complex, in mid September, we have been 'decluttering' the house and it looks so much better. More tidbitz space! ie. For Shadow, who is still growing! LOL! Today, 'Sally', whom I have referred to in 'An Awesome Testimony!' is now back for today and overnight. Both dogs get along well with each other!

In yesterday's bittidz post, 'Be grateful for our Blessings!' I included Psalm 37:1-7. Methinks, the whole chapter is awesome! However, I really like verse 5! "Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him. and He will do it." Also, the first part of verse 7: "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him." To me, these are empowering tidbits!

Another one of the ministries, that I really appreciate is 'Enjoying Everyday life'. On Sunday, September 29th, I enjoyed watching and listening to Joyce Meyer's sermon, "Living Like a Superhero" which is full of encouragement and hope! My tidbit suggestion is to tune into her video (as well as other reinforcing videos) to hear her empowering message. She basically says that 'No person or devil in hell, will keep you from God's Will, if you are determined to have it." 'That each and every day before you start your day, take an aggessive stand to not let your circumstances control you; as you are more than a conqueror.'

Joyce goes on to state - "The devil may have power, but we have the power and authority of Christ dwelling within us. That makes us more than conquerors." I like that tidbitz! Romans 8:31 -"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Joyce also shares, that even if we do not know what God is doing, believe in Him!
Romans 8:35 - "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" In other tid words, 'do not let your problems separate you from a loving God.'

My bittid post has turned into a longer one than I thought for today. That being said, I hope these tidbits and bittids have helped to give you a restful oooomph to your spirits!

I live this photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Be grateful for our Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here we are, October 1st! Wow! Where does the tidbitz time fly? Speaking of flying, there have been several flocks of Canada Geese flying majestically overhead! Wonderful Blessing!

At approx 6:30 pm yesterday, there was a most magnificent rainbow, followed by a second beautiful one! The heavy rain had subsided a tid; and the sun came out for a bit. I was like a little child (a bittid 'kid at heart!') running around the house, hoping there would be a rainbow! And there it was! What another awesome tidbit Blessing created by Him!

On Sunday, I watched a few of the ministry programs on the Vision Channel. Am going to mention a few now; and then in later posts, will share some tidbits about them.

In the wee tid morning hours, I listened to Dr. Charles Stanley ('In Touch Ministries'),and he shares the message about having 'Victory Over Fear'. That is, by having a streadfast Faith in Christ.

Later on Sunday afternoon, I was joyful of the insightful teachings of Rhonda Lazerte ( Her son, Reverend Steele Lazerte played 'Amazing Grace' on his guitar at the end of the show; and it felt so good to simply sing ('belt' is more like it! LOL!) outloud the words with him. He has a good voice; and well, I did not care how my voice sounded, save that it was a wonderful uplift!

Also, I listened appreciatively to Dr. David Jeremiah ('Turning Point Ministries'); and his message was 'What Are You Afraid Of?'. He refers to Psalm 37:1-7 and apparently, those are his favourite verses in the Bible! I love the empowering passage as well; and in a bittidz nutshell, it provides such a reassuring comfort! 1) Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers. 2) For they will wither quickly like the grass, And fade like the green herb. 3) Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. 4) Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. 5) Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. 6) And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your judgment as the noonday. 7) Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

All those seven verses are major tidbits of strength and refuge in the Lord, to all those who Seek Him.

The weather today has been a bit strange. Rain, then sun, then wind, back and forth. Over the weekend, Alan made up more of his delicious tomato / vegetable ' kitchen sink' soup; and that has served us well for many a tidbitz meal. He just keeps adding to it, and it is amazing how many meals it brings. Alan gave a container of the soup away today to one of our neighbours, who just loves it! He likes to bake; so he will be giving us some of the delightful baked treats, that we have enjoyed before!

Tidbit - Rely on Him to Provide your daily needs. Even in helping you creatively stretch your meals! We were able to prudently pick up some veggies at discounted prices; and those extra ingredients are a wonderful addition to the soup; as in 'the more, the merrier!'

Bittid - Always have a grateful heart of thanksgiving, and also be a cheerful giver!

Shadow and another young pup of a fellow neighbour, had a good romp and play in the park today; and the rain actually 'stopped' for that period of time! Another bittidz Blessing! It was invigorating to see two young dogs have so much fun! When we came home, it started to rain. Talk about timing!

For tonight's dinner, we just enjoyed a bittid of chicken strips and fries, that we selected today, on the Tuesday 'Seniors Special'. This purchase, will give us 5 more meals! One has to be 55 years plus, to enjoy those bittids of savings! LOL! There are times, when being a little older, has its perks! LOL!

Methinks also, it is one's Faith and Trust in Faith in Christ, that help us go through the storms and adversities. It is having an inner determination of knowing He is ALWAYS there to Direct your / our path. All you have to do, is simply invite Him in to your heart, and He will Provide the rest. He will take you through the storms. It is how you deal with obstacles, that help mold 'grit' character and a sinewy inner strength of resiliency. Also, having an 'attitude of gratitude' non stop, for all your Blessings!

Hope these bittids are an uplift and encouragement, to all those who read my posts.

This photo image is similar to Alan's tomato soup; save that his soup, is served hot and not chilled, as in 'Gaspacho' soup. I love 'Gaspacho' soup; and years ago, I used to prepare the spectacular summer soup; or so I was told! 'Gaspacho soup' was one of my 'cravings' when I was pregnant! The 'chilled' soup had all sorts of healthy ingredients; as does the 'hot' soup that Alan throws together!

When we 'stretch' the 'soup' dinner, we also enjoy a tid of garlic toast and / or a small bit of nourishing green salad with it.

Peace and God Bless.