Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a beautiful sunny afternooon; feels like summer here! There have been dark clouds hovering in the horizon; however, I am appreciative for this Blessing of bright sunlight!
Again, I have to thank my friends who are encouraging me to continue my tidbit posts. I do enjoy writing; as it is a bit of a journal. As well as being led by the Holy Spirit, to offer tidbits of encouragement, uplift, comfort, and good cheer to all those who read them.
To recap, we have been on an ongong journey and it would appear that when things appear to be moving forward, they have been 'put on hold' and / or perhaps even going 'backwards?' That being said, Alan and I will continue to muster a daily 'good fight' against our enemy, and be ready for whatever changes occur. Things are pretty uncertain and we do not know where we will be relocated to etc. We had thought of living here; yet it is too expensive.
That being said, my son recently got married on the Island and it was when we were there, that an illuminating thought came to me! I asked Alan if it would be cheaper to live on the Island. His quick response was a hearty 'yes.' So since that time, indwelt with a vision, we have been doing our due diligence to check out a number of prudently priced rancher homes. We discovered that one can get 'twice the bang for the buck' over there!
I actually fell 'in love' with the Island and its simpler way of life. As mentioned, we had already been doing our due diligence to relocate and then the Island just fell upon us. Turns out it would be an even beter plan; as we KNOW that this is a vision from Him!!!!
Plus with a fenced in back yard, we can really enjoy doing a wonderful dog sitting business. At the moment, it is very casual, because we are limited on the space and the number of dogs we can have here. One of the people (a realtor) we met on the Island, has a dog and he has already told us that he would be our first customer! (His dog would pay for the entire year's worth of taxes and then some!). He also volunteered that there is a great need for this type of service.
Also, we could plant some fruit trees, berry bushes, as well as growing a vibrant veggie garden, along with all our thriving rhodis, plants, and cheerful flowers! Alan is thinking too, of putting in a couple of bee hives (in a safe and secluded spot in the back). We would even have a few chickens; as it would be totally awesome to have fresh eggs every morning! (that was my idea; and inasmuch as we would be living in the country! LOL!). We know we can have a wonderful quality of life over there; living simply, prudently, thankfully, and joyfully! Plus, we could uplift all those who we meet, including the dogs! We would be able to flourish over there; AND, I would continue my enjoyment of writing too!
I was sharing with Alan yesterday, that I have a delightful picture in my mind re: Hemmingway and I can see him sitting back in a beach chair (under a palm tree), with a tall cool glass of something, enjoying the sea breeze, ever changing waves etc, and just enjoying his writing / setting etc.. I am kind of like that myself; however, not famous - which is just fine by me. So, in a tidbitz, I / we would really get into it! (in our garden and / or take my lawn chair to a beach close by! LOL!)
We are in our early 60's; so we are looking ahead and forward to our 'golden' years. We want to be strong and productive and continue to do so, for many many years!
We also have other pressing bittidz matters that need attending to and we have been royally let down, across the board. DECEIVED comes to mind. Maybe diferent agendas were / are in play?. We are people who 'take people at their word' and well, the 'goal posts kept / keep changing.' So, the 2 ministries last night, were just what the Doctor ordered! NO COINCIDENCES, here folks! Very impactful!
Last night I watched the Vision Channel and was it ever a 'breath of fresh air!' I watched and listened to
Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen
Their solid teachings and inspiration provided me with a renewed, reinforced resiliency! Their messages to all of us, are of encouragement etc and to not be brow beaten etc by those who suggest we are hopeless, that there is no hope for us. Methinks you get the picture.
Really appreciated what Joel said about micro thoughts and that there are those who like to 'cocoon' / control people into negative thinking / living conditions.. Best if you check into their enlightening websites as they share the message so well! Will write more on each in a bittid. Basically, they were suggesting to NOT worry and to simply 'cast all your cares' upon the Lord and Trust in Him to Provide.
So for the time being If you wish, a tid of an update, you can refer to my post, 'Timing' of June 1st. (For further tidbits, May 31st, May 30th, May 26th etc), Alan and I are 'in a state of flux.' However, we are doing our best to make ends meet. We have had trouble making our rent(s) etc. We feel badly because we have let people down. Yesterday morning I watched Dr. Charles Stanley ( and he was talking about forgiveness; will share some bittids on that too.
Tidbit - "People do not determine our destiny. God does."
Joel shares that tidbit gem, and that bolsters my spirits! May it do the same for you. When you are 'down and out', there is the tendency to succumb to despair, dismay, discouragement etc. That is what the evil one / enemy wants; to keep us down. Do not give or allow him to gain access in you or to you . INVITE GOD IN INSTEAD into your hearts!
Bittid - "God is always going to take care of you."
Joyce shares that invaluable bittid of reassurance / message. So, we (that goes for all of us!) must continue to keep on trekking in Faith and Trust in Him. He does have a good plan for each and every one of us!
Alan and I know that we will be moving from here at some point. Ideally, we would relocate to the Island by the end of the summer. However, He may have other plans for us in the meantime; so we have to maintain a positive attitude for whatever awaits us, as per His Will, His Purpose, and Plan. We are in the process of selling our possessions etc. It is slow going / slow moving.. The timing and the situation is not 'peachy'; yet we must not permit the enemy to invade and infiltrate us with thoughts of worry, anxiety, doubt, fear, etc.(That goes for all of us!). We look forward to the vision He has given us; albeit a timing issue.
Alan and I simply have to perservere to be steadfast and be 'ready, willing, and able' to move to wherever He places us. Even if it means, we put our furniture in storage and perhaps 'house sit' or ? (we do not know) until there is resolution; which we still think is there. However, for the time being, we do not have the resources to move, let alone store the furniture. Am thankful that Alan has become such a thrifty 'chef', as he has stretched our meals into several.
Again, you can refer to my post of 'Timing' which shares a bittid of info. Also, it is our hope that once we are stabilized, then any excess help re: donations, will also go to various ministries. As in PAY IT FORWARD. Apart from Alan and I saying Prayers for others, we also are in need of a Prayer or few! I like the photo image, with the empowering message - 'Love conquers all.'
Peace and God Bless.
The site below is the DONATE address, if you wish to help. I am waiting for the web designer to insert / position the link / code re: the Donate Button. My apologies if any of this is a bit confusing to you. As mentioned, I am not computer savvy; however, have managed to at least include it in the tid mix.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Hope and Vision!
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