Sunday, 16 June 2013

Blessed be the Father!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been an interesting tidbitz Sunday. Today is Father's Day. I really miss my Dad. However, as mentioned in the previous post, I have many wonderful memories to remember and honour him.

Will say that my Dad was a 'warrior' in His Service. When I was a little bitz of a girl,  I just knew I was 'different' - perhaps a bit of a 'warrior' myself. Hard to explain. Maybe just the fact that I was a tidtz 'tomboy' and that I had a very happy uncomplicated childhood. I am very thankful for those 'stress free'  / care free years that I spent as a child.  And perhaps it is now, that I finally perhaps understand a bittidz more, of how great a man my Dad was - to all those who knew him. (My Mum was great too).

There were some 'in between' years, where perhaps the 'stuffing' had been knocked out of me - ie Me being belittled and undermined by certain individuals who took advantage of my 'good nature.' Basically that I was 'nice' and that I had a 'good' disposition / temperament.  Well, recently, I have had an ephifany. 'All is not what it would appear to be.' It has only been over the last few bittids of months, that I have sadly been made aware of ulterior self serving motives of those supposedly close to me. Quite a major blow to my heart and then some. That being said, from my June 11th post -  'Milk and Honey"   I reiterate a tidbit of reassurance and comfort to me.
"God does not care about the size of your bank account; He cares about the size of your heart,'  I think that wonderful bittid insight was given from Dr. David Jeremiah ( of Turning Point.  

Dr. David Jeremiah's  ministry is also one of the ones that I really appreciate; as he calls it what it is.  His message on 'Keep Calm and Carry On' is dead on! For those of you who are experiencing tid moments, a bit suggestion is to tune into his encouraging ministry and teachings.

Last night Alan and I enjoyed our first full meal in a long time. Our friend (the one who suggested the 'Donate Button' You can refer to  A new canvas each day!) gave us a donation towards food for us. (Food for thought, methinks! It certainly helps! You can only have tomato soup and tea for so long!). We were able to purchase everything ON SALE!!!! ie. Spaghettini;  two bottles of Pasta Sauce, for the price of one; Parmesan Cheese; some ground round meat; and a generous bag of Portugese buns. The amount came to exactly what she gave us! Write about right to the penny! We have various tids of spices in our garden and the oregano, added the perfect touch! We have never appreciated a dinner so much! Thank you, to our compassionate friend.

As mentioned there is uncertainty; however, we know that somehow He will Provide. He IS for certain. We know too, that He has a Purpose; so we have to continue to be resilient in our Faith. Alan and I do travel on roads less travelled; and maybe that is part of the 'gritch.' We are not 'yes' people; save to Our Father. My Dad was not a 'yes' person either. Actually, nor was my Mum.  I was adopted (the blood parents were also 'Vikings' - like my Dad who adopted me; saying I was 'made to order' as in a 'carbon copy' and that he and my Mum could not have produced as close a tid combination).

Alan is a Scot; so he is a bit of a 'warrior' as well.  Against all bittid odds, regardless of adversity, 'trials and tribulations,' I have him to thank for introducing me to Jesus Christ. Alan has been misunderstood more often than not; and unfortunately, he (and now me as well) have been the 'scapegoats' of bits of false accusations etc.

Tonight we will be enjoying the tidbits of 'leftovers' of last night and this delicious meal will stretch us for another few meals!

Tidbit - Be of good cheer, regardless of your circumstances. Be a 'Blessing' to others!

Bittid - Be thankful for each and every day. 'Praise Him in ALL Things.' Know that He has a Purpose for you, and just keep on trekking!

Referring back to my Dad,  who loved gardening, I gave him a Queen Elizabeth rose for Father's Day many years ago. (You can refer to my earlier posts, if you wish).
Also in reflecting, it is the 'generosity of spirit', not the size of the bank account that God cares about. Cash may be 'king'; but eternally we are worshipping THE KING OF KINGS.

Let us give thanks to Our Father above,  as we celebrate Father's Day!

Peace and God Bless

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