Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Throw your worries OUT the door!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

In my earlier bit post (May 26, 2013), Letting it go and moving forward!  I had made reference to Dr. Charles Stanley's empowering message. (www.intouchministries.org)

There are NO bittidz coincidences! A wonderful friend of ours and he knows who he is, sent us this gem of a tidbit today 'From the Pastor's Heart.'. A timely tidbitz of encouragement plus!
click here to view.

For those of you who are a bittid discouraged and would appreciate a tid of an uplift, read Dr. Stanley's inspirational insights!  Here is hoping too, that you will tune into his special  ministries; as his teachings are awesome!

We need more people like Dr. Stanley!

I thank also our friend again, as he is 'special' as well. That being said, Alan and I are on a real zig zaggy 'obstacle course'. No sooner getting through one hoop, when another leaps out at us! So as of last night, I literally threw my tid hands up in the air and stated out loud to Him -  " Fine. We have been doing our best and we can do no more. Do not know what else to do and I cast all my cares upon You!  May You take care of all my / our worries etc and, I am thanking You in advance! I know that You have everything in Hand and I TRUST you totally, with all my soul, my mind, my heart, and of all my being! Direct my path as per Your Will, Purpose and Plan.  Thank You!  In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen"

Well after I declared that Prayer OUTLOUD (It felt good; I could have almost sworn the walls shook!) and IMMEDIATELY, I felt a PEACE, WITHIN.  All of a sudden, OUT went the worries, the doubts, the aprehnsions, the fears, the anxieties etc etc etc. ( the 3 'etc' remind me of the wonderful musical, 'The King and I.' I love that musical!)

"Keep your eyes on the King of Kings!  That's where the victory will come from!"
In this case folks (again, to repeat another tidbitz from our amazing friend), this IS the King to keep your eyes on! He ALWAYS keeps His eyes on you and will never desert you!  No matter how bleak your situations are; He is ALWAYS there with you, Simply invite Him into your heart and Let Him and the Holy Spirit take over from there!

Today, I did the same TIDBIT thing - threw ALL worries out of the house,  this time with JOY! Yes! Can do nothing without Him. So, Fine. Have left all the consequences to Him. The obstacles are there; yet somehow, the zig zags are a bittid easier to go through. We are thankful! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Was going to write the post on something else; but when our friend sent us this, I felt compelled to share this instead.  So, will be back before too long.

Again, you can refer to my post of 'Timing' which shares a bittid of info. Also, it is our hope that once we are stabilized, then any excess help re: donations, will also go to various ministries. As in PAY IT FORWARD.  Apart from Alan and I saying Prayers for others, we also are in need of a Prayer or few!

Peace and God Bless.

The site below is the DONATE address, if you wish to help. I am waiting for the web designer to insert / position the link / code re: the Donate Button. My apologies if any of this is a bit confusing to you. As mentioned, I am not computer savvy; however, have managed to at least include it in the tid mix.



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