Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Take time to smell the roses and appreciate your Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

To quote from yesterday's post: 'Some wonderful ministries' - "There are also some other meaningful programs that have momentarily escaped my mind; however, I will include them when I remember them."   I have really appreciated all the programs and there are too many to include, However, 'Tomorrow's World' is another ministry, which has also been very insightful.

Tomorrow's World | Making plain the Bible's answers to the most ...www.tomorrowsworld.org/‎  Tomorrow’s World , is 'sponsored by the Living Church of God under the leadership of Roderick C. Meredith.'

that I was going to share a few bittids from yesterday's sermon, methinks it best if you were to tune in to hear the complete tidbit message for yourselves. Also what John Maxwell says, as well, is enlightening and encouraging.  I appreciate what Joyce responds to how she treats people;  particularly those who have mistreated or wronged her etc. ie. 'That is, to never treat people the way she was treated; just turn it around.'  Methinks, that takes courage and empathy; and when one has been through some bittidz, this is a good tidbitz to follow.

Joyce also mentions that there is a 'waiting' time for God to work through you. It is a gradual growth and so often, the ones waiting, as 'in the middle', tend to just give up, when the journey is too tough to keep on trekking. Joyce is saying 'Do not ever give up on what God has called you to do' or words to that effect. That is what Alan and I are experiencing these days AND, eventhough, bittid things are uncertain, we know that trusting in Him, we will make it through. As mentioned, Alan and I travel on a 'road less travelled.'

There has been a lack of clarity and very little transparency; however, we are hopeful that there will be an  honourable and equitable solution before too long. A win / win for all those concerned. In the bit meantime, Alan and I are doing what we can do, to survive; and living one day at a time. (He asks us to give Him today). At the same time, we are thankful for our tidbit Blessings. This is a bittid photo that I just took of a beautiful orange / apricot/ yellowish rose in our flourishing tid garden.. I am amazed by its fragile and wonderfully formed foliage! The freshly fallen raindrops upon it, also give it an even more majestic delicate beauty. This fragrant bloom is from one of the rose plants that my daughter gave me a few years ago for Mother's Day.

Tidbit - Never give up or lose hope. Always have hope and do not let others steal your dreams. Take time out for a moment to 'smell the roses.' LOL!  Reflect too upon your Blessings! A sense of humour helps too.

Bittid - Be a Blessing to others - always. When you smile, or offer a word of encouragement, or even do a kind deed for someone, not only do you help them feel better, but you feel immediately better as well. At the end of the day, Give grateful thanks to God and simply continue to do your best to enjoy the path (without angst), He has put before you. Even if it is uncertain, KNOW for certain, that He will help you through the storms.

Peace and God Bless.

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