Tuesday, 11 June 2013

'Milk and Honey"

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yahoo!!!!! Finally was able to install the tidbitz orange DONATE button!  If you wish, you can refer to my June 1st post -  Timing. for a  bittidz of background etc. The interesting thing is, that after some assistance, I just 'left it to Him' to show me what was left to do! And voila!

So to my dear Aussie friend, THANK YOU!!!!! for encouraging me to continue with writing posts, with the hope to uplift all those who read them!

The night before last, I was up a few tid times during the night. Yes, I will admit, I was under 'spiritual' attacks of anxiety, worry,  fear of unchartered waters  / uncertain territory etc. (Those thoughts of angst etc usually appear at night don't they?).  However, I was ' Directed' straight to the Bible. There were 3 passages at 3 different intervals that I was 'Guided' to read.  I was experiencing quite a bit of devasting scenarios, as well as discouragement, and even a bittid of despair - given all the 'stuff' ??? that has been happening right out of left field???  I would like to suggest to those of you who are feeling less than 'chipper'  to refer to these 3 passages (or whatever verses give you comfort in the Bible); as they were exactly what the Doctor prescribed for my spirit.

Deuteronomy - Chapter 26.-  'Offering First Fruits.'  ALL of the chapter IS right on!  Alan and I have our dreams of relocating, and we would be taking our fruits / produce etc with us and replanting them!!! AND in the Bible, when a 'land of milk and honey' is mentioned, we have been given a vision of our new wondrous location! Best to read the whole chapter. To start with here are verses 1 &; 2.
"Then it shall be, when you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and you possess it and live in it. That you shall take some of the first of all the produce of the ground which you shall bring in from your land that the Lord your God gives you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to establish His name." Very reassuring fruitful tidbits methinks!

Job 42- 'God Restores Job's Fortune' verses 10 to 17. Well, that was a totally awesome encouragement as well! I have been 'Directed' a number of times to that particular passage. Very enlightening!

Last but not least -  Book 5 - Psalm 107 - 'The Lord Delivers Men from Manifold Troubles'  I read that chapter in its entireity and it provides such a wonderful comfort!  It is of good cheer to one's spirits!
Finally, I went back to bed and had a sound and peaceful sleep.  Yesterday came and went.  On Sunday, watched a few ministerial programs on the Vision Channel and I will share some bittids in another post.

For the past two days, I have been placed in 'testy' type of situations where there has been deception, manipulation, control, self serving interests, etc and it has been a major learning lesson to me. Comments are made, then contradictions, and then when 'asked' for explanations, as to the TRUTH of the matter, there appears to be the tactics of 'running away', dodging issues, being 'busy' etc,  Hence the process of avoidance of not wishing to have the real motives exposed or brought to light. Eventhough, it has been exhausting and dismaying, the rewards are the tidbit ephifanies!

Tidbit - "God does not care about the size of your bank account; He cares about the size of your heart!

I heard that tidbit on Sunday from one of the ministries I was watching on T.V.  My apologies; as I can not remember who shared that bittid of wisdom, or words to that effect'  BUT it is so very true!

Bittid - 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.'

It is our hope that once we are stabilized, then any excess help from donations, will also go to various ministries. As in PAY IT FORWARD.  Apart from Alan and I saying Prayers for others, we also are in need of a few Prayers ourselves.

The photo was taken of the beautiful Rhodi at our old home, app 3 years ago. May it give the people who live there now, lots of joy, like it did for us and all the passerbys.

Peace and God Bless.

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