Thursday, 20 June 2013

"Inner beauty' from the heart, FAR outweighs the 'outer appearance'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The last few bittid days have literally just whizzed by!  Full of tidbit 'trials and tribulations' - again! Guess they are always there to 'test' our metal and that we must continually 'rise above it all' - with Grace! (Easier said than done at tid times!)

Alan and I are pretty 'wartorn' with all the ongoing 'hindrances.' We no sooner get ahead a bit, then there is something else. (not complaining, just what appears to be happening). Well, methinks, walking a daily journey in Christ is NOT as easy as one would imagine. There is a tidbitz price to be paid; and it would appear that we have been paying much towards that walk. However, we can be consoled knowing where our eternal address will be! It is NOT BY GOOD WORKS, that gives us entrance to Heaven. It also is not by the size of the bank account either. It IS being guided by the Holy Spirit always - by " Doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you." But MORE importantly, is that Christ IS at the Doorway of your heart; and all you need to do, is to INVITE Him into your heart! When that happens, your life forever changes; albeit not necessarily a smooth bittidz road. Alan and I choose to take the road (His Road) less travelled (we are not 'fair weather' Christians). We have witnessed that those who reach out 'genuinely' to us, ARE genuine. (They are few and far between, alas. However, we are thankful for their kindness, understanding,  empathy, compassion etc).  Sadly, we have also experienced those, who  - by their 'words, actions, and deeds'  have shown a less than complimentary side.

Some tidbitz of news! A dear friend of ours brought over a lasagne casserole, along with a generous green salad, and some wine the other evening! She knows our larder is quite bare (and we have been very prudently frugal and stretching our meagre meals). We brought her up to date and now that she is more fully aware of the actual TRUTH, she is just AGOG; shaking her head. 'Agog' is such a good tid descriptive word!

On another wonderful note, an opportunity has presented itself to us, that may open an avenue of prosperity. (It found us). However, a few things would help. ie. Getting my hair done etc/  However, we do not have access to this luxury at this time; so we will have to just make the bittidz best of it - as in having our 'Inner Beauty'  shine and glow forth instead. LOL!  Men have it easier then women here!  Fortunately, Alan and I enjoy people (well, within bit reason) and this may be one of His awesome Plans that He is launching, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. I KNOW He has a Purpose AND a good Plan for us!!!! (That goes for all of you too!).

We have relied on past tids of communiques from others (you can refer to my earlier posts for bits of background / bittidz thoughts etc); however, the tidbitz is, we have been woefully 'let down.' So, we have to just simply 'take stock and move forward' with courage and confidence in Trusting Him to totally Provide. He is Our Heavenly Father, and He knows what IS best for each and every one of us. We are daily holding to that steadfast in FAITH!  That is what we all need to calmly do!!!! Particularly, when you are under strife and attack of what appears to be overwhelming obstacles.

Tidbit - Do not worry about your exterior. It is the heart (the inside / interior) that matters the most! - TO HIM!!!!! He KNOWS of ALL who you are; even before you have been born. One may be able to 'fool' others; but you can NOT fool Him!

Bittid  - It is very easy to just 'give up', lose hope,  particularly when all strikes appear to be against you. Take bold courage and be brave in 'putting up / engaging in the good fight. 'The TRUTH SETS YOU FREE!!!!!

We have some very pressing needs; however, we are leaving it ALL up to Him to Provide. We have been doing our tidmost best. However, best to " Leave all consequences to Him." As mentioned, Alan and I had thought there had been some truth to certain developments happening. Be it by comments, suggestions, encouraging feedback, erc that things would happen - well, ???????   Believe it or not, we still feel that there will be something happening; BUT, not just yet. All I can say is that we have sorely been let down and our trust betrayed as a result. There is NO simpler way of putting it.  So we must continue, despite adversity, hindrances, etc and INSTEAD,  look forward to His AWESOME Solution!!!  Continue to be of the best bitmost good cheer to yourself; and hence, to impart Blessings to others!

In various upcoming tidbit matters, we are Relying upon the Holy Spirit to help us by giving us His Direction, regardless of all the arrows / darts of hate, false accusations etc aimed at Alan, at me, and or at us. I am also taking a stand for Alan. He has been wrongly maligned. Those who have made the sincere bittid effort to know him, know he is a worthy warrior in His Service. Maybe that is the TRUTH of it; as in a spiritual battle!  Various 'people" think that I have 'changed' and that Alan is to blame. NOT SO! On the contrary! I am so thankful and happy that I met Alan ('In Answer to Prayer' - you can refer to earlier posts - June 2007 etc) some 11 years ago! He has been misunderstood (so have I, but no matter. We know who are our friends - few, I might add; but we are grateful and appreciative for them!).

It is pouring with rain here; does not feel as if summer is here! However, everything does look so lush and green! As in tbis magnificent 'Bohemian'  and relaxed photo image, that I just love!

We are very appreciative of your thoughts and Prayers.

Peace and God Bless.

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