Friday, 17 April 2009

A peaceful Friday evening!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Whew! The last few tid days have been on the go; particularly today! However, a lot was accomplished and we are now thankful it is the weekend. It is also a beautiful sunny spring evening! Amazing what a bit of good weather can do! Apart from invigorating one's spirits, many bittid blooms (ie our pink camelia, daffodils, tulips) are blossomng forth like crazy!

There is not a lot of news to share; because we have had 'our nose to the grindstone'. However, we have done some 'fun' things (re: our Lady Head Vase Collection) as well as successfully dealing wtih some umpleasant matters. Regardless, the weekend is here again! We give happy Thanks to Him, and we Praise Him always in ALL Things.

Tidbit - Apart from having Faith, put your total Trust in Him to Provide the Solution. Be of good cheer, like David! Reading the Psalms in the Bible is a wonderful uplift! Rely on Him; do not rely on your own understandings ever.

Bittid - There are NO coincidences. We received a few 'curve balls'; and yet, they turned out to be 'Blessings in disguise'. 'Keeping things simple' and appreciating your daily Blessings with an open, joyful, and genuine heart, works best.

Love the above restful tidbit photo image; that is Alan and I tonight!

Good Night and God Bless.

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