Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Keeping things simple!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here are six pictures that I took yesterday of our two tidbitz display cabinets that are alive with Ladies! Even with the blinds closed, I was still not able to erase a bittidz of glare, largely because of light shining down through our skylight. I will learn how to adjust the camera re: the blinds etc. However, as a beginner, am thoroughly enjoying experimenting with our digital camera; and in time will be much better! As the expression goes, 'Practice makes perfect'.

Thought best to at least attempt to take some 'updated' photos; and my apologies if there are some sore eyes. LOL! You can also refer to my posts of April 4th & 5th, if you prefer to also catch a further glimpse of the Ladies. Beacause there are Ladies on our table, there is more room for other Ladies to grace the shelves.

A bit off topic, the Canucks were successful last night; it was a close game!

Have not forgotten to share some tidbits re: the Vision Channel - ie 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles & Hilary Price - We have had a few tid busy days; and, before too long, I look forward to writing some bittids or thoughts that may uplift your spirits a bit. However, it is still best if you check these wonderful and insightful International Bible Teachers out for yourselves, to gain the best knowledge and empowering encouragement. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' is most appropriate; and perhaps some of you, may receive some enlightening ephifanies! Hence, Blessings! etc!

Have to go for now; appointments beckoning. However, perhaps these pictures will give you a bittid of fun info to digest. Pehaps you have various pieces / items / collectibles that you are considering to 'let go', as well. As a tidbit, it is a good and peaceful feeling once a decision is made; should you choose to go that route. The way I see it, why not let someone else enjoy! "We come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing". You may find something else also to 'collect'; but always remembering that everything is temporary; 'on loan' if you will.

Keeping things simple, being joyful and content, being genuinely appreciative for your daily Blessings, and thankful for each day, and 'Praising Him In All Things' gives you a peace of mind and an inner calm confidence. Living one day at a time! No sense worrying about what has past (ie crying over 'spilt milk'), nor should you 'fret' for tomorrow (the future); but just simply enjoy and live in the present - today (living each day at a time) the best you can. Relying on Him and 'Seeking His Counsel' and Guidance is paramount to enjoying your life and having a positive outlook; regardless of circumstances.

Here is wishing you a good one!

God Bless.

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