Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Another found treasure at the bin!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting you to you, in your part of the world!

The time has 'flown by!'. In between our business projects, we have had other issues 'on the table'. Basically, two antique dealers came over yesterday (one in the morning, the other in the afternoon) to give us 'almost like an antique roadshow' experience, of 'stuff on the table'. It was very interesting and most educational; and I was like a bittidz sponge! I LOVED it, and we are most appreciative for their insights!

'Gleaned' more about silver. For ex. If you are wanting to 'downsize', unclutter, sell, whatever, to make life easier / simpler, you may wish to have a 'sorting system'. This was the sage advice from our afternoon friend.

The pieces that have 'dents' or 'dings', set aside; as well as 'silver plate'; and also, put aside 'Birks Sterling'. Apparently, as beautiful and as reputable a name, 'Birks Sterling' is, the silver does not go up hugely in value; even after 200 years! (ie. We have a few small spoons etc. 'sitting on the sidelines'; however, we may give them as 'special' gifts from time to time. - Which may be a nicer personal touch than buying a 'gift'). I was surprised and amazed; however, I love 'Birks Sterling!' Of course, if it is a rare and special silver piece, different story!

If one has 'heirlooms' from family generation(s) (or other 'special' pieces), and there is a genuine sentimental attachment / significance, then hang on to those pieces! Should you ever need to sell / or whatever you wish to do with those 'treasures', you will find that their value will have increased over time.

Of course, I love the 'dings'; as to me, they help add 'character' to the piece or pieces. However, in this case, the items are at least 200 years old! If brand new, perhaps I would not feel the same heartfelt sentiment. The tidbitz thing is, the pieces one sets aside and 'lets go of', basically will be sold to those who not only love silver; but they will appreciate the beauty of also affordable prices! A tidbit uplift all the way around, methinks!

This afternoon, I spent time going through our silver items; and I have put some aside; in the event if / when we 'let them go'. It may never even come to that; however, it felt good to 'organize' various bittid pieces. Our trustworthy friend will help us disperse with them; so that it is a good win / win situation all the way around. Plus, when one 'lets go', you feel at peace; because a decision has finally been made; which may have been 'gut wrenching' to begin with. As I made mention in a very recent post, "We come into this world with nothing; and we leave with nothing".

Also, was researching various artists; and did not have a lot of tidbit success; inasmuch again, as we are looking back into a few centuries re: our few oil paintings! No data; perhaps, because paintings have to be 'listed for sale', in order to have 'something' show up?

It looks too, as if the exquisite Indian woodcarvings may have found a home with a brilliant professor. Do not have any more bittid information there!

Writing of tid 'treasures' ('Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'), as Alan was depositing Blue's bit 'contribution' to our garbage bin, he found and brought back a funky, fun, neat purse to me! It is in excellent condition; save for a couple of straps; which our wonderful local shoe / purse repair man will 'fix up' to make the purse as good as new! My much loved purse fell apart last week (will have that repaired too!); so this was, indeed, a 'Blessing' today! You can see the photos; the material appears to be 'rainproof'; and the black & silver purse looks as if it can hold much; as per all its zippered compartments inside and outside! There was even a dime in one of the pockets!

Also, the Ladies are starting to 'filter out our door!' I am glad; and am at peace with offering fair prices for our collection of Lady Head Vases to those, who share the same genuine passion of collecting them! Have to admit, I do have a few favourites; so methinks those Ladies will continue to reside with us!

Here is wishing you a nice evening; hope these bittids of tidbits are of encouragement; particularly during these challenging economic times!

Good Night and God Bless.

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