Saturday, 18 April 2009

'New found Blessings!'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Glad it is Saturday morning! It is quiet and peaceful; methinks the sun is hiding behind the high clouds and is going to appear any second! My tid apologies for missing a few 'blogging' days; however, we have been 'on the go' with various bittidz matters (as per yesterday's post).

Am appreciating the delicious coffee Alan has made for me; it is hitting the spot more than usual this am. He has also turned on the heat a tidbitz; which we turn off at night, to help manage the high heating costs.

Am reflecting on how much we have to be Thankful for! ie Spring flowers in bloom, blossoming trees, thriving green growth, chirping birds, all the simple things etc. We savoured an extra special Friday dinner last night; that Alan creatively prepared; and I was the 'salad girl'. Chicken, veggies, and a healthy salad was just 'what the doctor ordered', along with a glass of red wine, while we watched the hockey game. Mats Sundin scored! Yahoo! We think he is such a wonderful addition to the team! Also some friends / neighbours came by a bit later and we enjoyed a fun visit with them. As a 'happenstance' (methinks there are no coincidences) they offered us a tidbit tip about our antique wood carvings; and we will be looking into that later this morning / early afternoon.

Tidbit - Appreciate the 'calm' beauty of your home, and enjoy a bittid of reprieve, rest, puttering, etc to recharge your batteries for the upcoming week.

Last night we also said an 'Absent Friends' Skal to our family friend, whose murdered body was found two weeks ago yesterday. Very sad; and worse, if the killer is never caught and brought to justice.

Bittid - Life is short; enjoy each and every moment that you have been given, and appreciate your family and friends. During challenging times, do your best to remain upbeat and confident, knowing that He is your Advocate! 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light!' Plus, do your best to continually uplift others; 'it is better to give, than to receive' as the expression goes. ie. A smile (freely given; costs nothing), a gentle word / genuine compliment, or a random act of kindness.

I love the above photo image! If you wish you can refer to my post of April 10th, 'Imagination and Celebration of Life'. Speaking of 'celebration', Alan just brought me some more 'fallen' daffodils; daffodils make such a magnificient and cheerful display!

Also, whilst Alan was out with our Blue, he came across 'some found treasure' in the complex's garbage bin area. Will share tidbits about our 'find' in my next post! Am really excited about the beautiful and delicately exquisite china 'find!'. Wow! Plus a lovely couple are coming over to view some 'Ladies' in the next short while. Definitely, we have much to be grateful for; and are very appreciative of our Blessings; some of which are 'newly found!' There are even bittids of 'Sharing is fun' coasters. How empowering is that!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend and I will be back later!

Peace and God Bless.

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