Sunday, 26 January 2014

Courage Daily

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, I enthusiastically watched Joy10 TV and listened to Dr. Charles Stanley of 'In Touch Ministries.' Much of what I have been reflecting upon, he sums up in his empowering message: 'The Courage to Face Opposition.'

My tidbit suggestion is to tune into his inspiring teachings. He is straight up and calls it, as it is. For those of you who are inquisitive, you will glean tidbits of further understanding. Enjoy! Perhaps with a cup of coffee, and drink in the wisdom that will touch and speak to your heart strings!

I also appreciate other wonderful ministries and will be watching them throughout the day. Today is a 'day of rest' and I am glad for that; as well as being continually thankful for our Blessings! I want to thank all the mininstries and the ministers for their walk in Christ, which is helping me in my walk!

This morning again, we are immersed in a cold and damp thick fog, that goes right bittid through you. However, compared to other areas of the world, we are most fortunate. No complaints, just gratefulness.

Alan and Shadow went for their morning walk earlier, and now Shadow is stretched out 'comfy comfy' on the sofa bed.

You may wish to refer to my recent posts, which I hope, provide you with uplifting bittids. That being said, may each and every day be the best for you! To ensure that happens, Invite Christ into your heart. Seek Him daily; and the Holy Spirit will change and transform your life for the better. Actually, for the best! He, as Our Heavenly Father, has the best plan for you! Know that, and be full of courage and confidence in your daily walk in Christ.

Peace and God Bless.

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