Friday, 31 January 2014

'Take heart, this too shall pass.'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We were immersed in heavy fog again this morning; however, no complaints, compared to other parts of the world. In the earlier hours, it was a minus 6 degrees Celsius. Despite the earlier thick batch of 'fog soup' it is refreshingly crisp! Also, the sun is now gloriously shining, with the abundance of blue skies! Blessings! We have much to be thankful for! I was grateful too, for my morning elixir of coffee, as it was a peaceful time of day! Friday again!

To recap since yesterday's post, Shadow was picked up at app 5:00 pm. The whole family showed up and they were happy to see their dog. It went a lot more smoothly than we had thought.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your help with the words etc. The Mum and Dad have invited us to come by and see Shadow any time we would like. I thanked them and suggested too, that we should keep in touch. They were very appreciative of the good care we gave to their Shadow.

Basically, we went through a lot of Shadow's 'puppyhood', and as Alan said, 'he is a different dog now, to when you knew him'; inasmuch as we had him for almost eight months. I also managed to sputter out that 'if...' The owner knew what I meant; and he was thankful for my bit of 'gabble farb.' Then my eyes filled with tears and I was tid speechless. The owner nodded his head in compassionate understanding and empathy. When I found the words again (or rather was 'helped / strengthened'), I was directed to say: 'If it is of any comfort to you, just know that.'

After they left and within the bittid hour, Massi was dropped off. As mentioned, Massi is a 5 year old English Mastiff (he is app 155 pounds; Shadow, who is still growing, is pushing 100 pounds). It is amazing the similarities of behaviour of these two large dogs. We think Shadow is a very large dog, well, Massi is a 'giant'; but also, a gentle one.

Like Shadow, Massi nudges me in the morning for me to wake up Alan. Dogs are smart! Last night, I sensed that Massi was checking us both out, to see who was the 'softer' of the pair. Like Shadow, he knows it is me; eventhough it is Alan who feeds, walks the dogs, and gets up in the middle of the night to let them out (if need be) etc. LOL!

Massi is settling in just fine. Methinks, God has played a tidbit part with the 'dog' timing. We must continue in our daily walk in the Spirit and to enjoy its fruits. Also, to be a Blessing to others! As well as knowing in Faith and Trust in Him, that everything is to be done, in accordance with His Will, Purpose, and Plan.

Alan took Massi out for a walk earlier; he was good. (I now call Massi, 'Jazzi Mazzi'; he also has 'moxy'). We miss Shadow terribly; but again, I / we have to be thankful for the time we had with Shadow in our care. I will also Pray for Shadow every day, that may he be well treated. "Do unto others as you would them do unto you." His family knows that we are there, if needed, be it to look after their dog or if Shadow is too much for them. I also told the owner, 'kind and good owners of dogs, have good dogs.' (He agreed).

There are NO bittid coincidences. 'Something led me, as if both my heart and hand were being gently pulled.' ie. The Holy Spirit guided me to tune into Joyce Meyer's ministry, 'Enjoying Everyday Life.'‎.

I just finished watching Joyce's message of January 31st on You Tube. It is right BITTID on! For each and every day of your life!! A MAJOR TIDBIT! I also watched Part 1 yesterday and the tidbits that also stuck with me, were - 'do not grieve the Holy Spirit'; and even if you are sad, fine; but continue to have the JOY, from within. That tidbit thought helped me get through our 'goodbyes' (temporary - we will be seeing Shadow again, that I know), when his family came to take him home. I mentioned earlier in this post, that I did not have the words and yet, the owner knew / knows my heart.

Joyce was sharing in the You Tube video (January 30th), that when she was at an appointment, there were some ladies who recognized her. The one lady who 'spoke' to Joyce, was like me with Shadow's owner. ie. Stumbling / fumbling for the She kept repeating - 'this...this.' and those few utterances, made Joyce's day, as she discerned what the woman was trying to genuinely and joyfully express! Methinks, it would be a good tidbitz to 'plug' into that video as well! When you watch it, the 'this' etc will make more bittidz sense!

Today's You Tube is excellent! As Joyce is sharing, she is a 'teacher' but, she is there to give us a message to seek THE TEACHER, which IS Jesus Christ.

Tidbit - Romans 15:13 - "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (methinks this is a good hearty verse to memorize!)

Bittid - John 16:13 - "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you, what is to come."

These verses in the Bible (as well Ephesians 1 and Luke 10:19) are also inspirational teachings. Joyce referred to these powerful verses and basically, she is saying: 'God wants you to have the Power of the Holy Spirit living within us. So that we can be used by the Holy Spirit, to be a light and uplift others.'

In closing, a 'hearfelt Thank you, Joyce; you have been so helpful to me im my daily walk in Christ, and to so many others! You are, indeed, a light of might, infilled and empowered with the strength of the Holy Spirit!' (Also, thanks to other wonderful ministries too!).

A dear friend just emailed us a New Year's Greeting, with a beautiful photo image. We are not Chinese, but Shadow's owners are Chinese. I will 'pay it forward' and send our bittids of good wishes to them, including Shadow. The Holy Spirit is, indeed, awesomely at work!

Peace and God Bless

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Appreciate all God's creatures!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been a sad day for us. Shadow, the Great Dane / Black Lab mix has gone home just a short tid while ago. We have been looking after him since June (40% of his young life; he will be 2 yrs in May); so we have bonded with each other. He is a really good dog, with a wonderful disposition. We have treated him like a beloved family member, and it shows. To us (and others), he is a very special dog.

The family's home burned down last June. (We took care of their dog over Spring Break for a few weeks; so we did have an earlier intro to him, when he was a young puppy). They called upon us for help, until their home was ready to move back into. Well, their house is now renovated and they called us last night to let us know they would be picking him up in the early evening. They have suggested that we can go visit Shadow whenever we wish. Also, we will keep in touch with them. We did again suggest that if they found the dog too large etc, we would be more than happy to adopt him. (The owner was appreciative and he / they know that we took good care of Shadow). So yes, it has been a day of tears. I even burst into tears as Shadow was leaving. Methinks, the family will be treating Shadow in a better way.

We have another dog coming over tonight - Massi, a five year old English Mastiff. He is a sweetheart! He will be with us for about 10 days. Maybe that was good the bit way this all worked out at this particular time.

Tidbit - Regardless of how sad you might feel in certain situations, be grateful for the time you were given to spend with the animal or person. Thank God for that gift / Blessing!

Bittid - Even if it is hard through your tears, Ask Him to carry your burdens. Cast your cares upon Him and be glad, knowing that He carries them for you. You feel much better!

I prayed (as did Alan) for His help when it came time to say our 'goodbyes' to Shadow. However, I believe we will see him again.

Well, Alan is making up our dinner. Meatballs, peppers, garlic, a homemade sauce, and mashed potatoes. We will also be appreciative of a glass of red wine.

Until tomorrow. I like this photo image of TLC encouragement.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Enjoy an Attitude of Gratitude!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is back to the rain this morning; the fog appears to have gone. I will receive the rain gladly, compared to the horrible ice, snow storms and blizzards, with freezing temperatures that are ravaging other parts of the world.

Am extra appreciating my elixir (2 cups of coffee each am); this morning, and again, have much to be thankful for. Even just seeing the little chickadees chirping, flying about, and enjoying the tiny pussy willow like buds on our magnolia tree, out front. To me, these are wonderful bittids of Blessings!

Tidbit - For those of you, who feel a bit down at times, just take a deep breath, take a pause, savour a sip of your coffee (or whatever beverage), and simply look around you. BUT, with an attitude of gratitude! Your problems will immediately become much smaller! Also, cast all your cares upon Him, and leave the consquences to Him.

Bittid - There are tid times when we must step back from confusion and strife of the 'everyday' matters. Simply turn up the notch of faith and trust in Him all the more! Be bold, be courageous, be confident, be expectant, and joyfully 'Wait Upon the Lord' as per His Promise of awesome Provision. Psalms 46:10 - 'Be still and know that I am God.' Or, 'Cease striving and know that I am God'

Never forget that you can always find tidbits of encouragement and uplift in the Psalms and / or any Book in the Bible, to strengthen and focus your resolve in Him.

I like this restful photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Further reflections in our daily walk

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Watched Rhonda Lazerte Ministries yesterday ( and she is so down to earth. Rhonda walks daily in the Spirit and she knows that He has helped / helps her overcome all obstacles. She has gone through tragedy, sadness, you name it; and yet she walks with Grace and inspiration. Her tidbitz experiences, which she boldly and courageously shares, she hopes will encourage others; to never ever to give up; even when it appears all bittidz else fails. Know that He does NOT give up on you!

For those of you who have gone through trials and tribulations, have questions, doubts, anxieties, etc, best to tune into her website. She also has a Prayer Line (905) 901-2048. I happened to telephone her a few years ago and she picked up the phone! It was a wonderful conversation which I will never forget and I am grateful for her suggestions. I 'did as I was tid bid' and read Psalms 146 to Psalms 150 -'Praise the Lord.' Rhonda suggested not only to read those chapters a few times a day. but to read them outloud! Methinks reading or stating (shouting joyfully) outlout, invigorates the soul! All of a sudden your problems are not. Plus, you have handed everything over to Him in Faith and Trust.

I enjoy watching and listening to a number of ministries. As well as reading the WORD of God in the Bible, which is the TRUTH. I am thankful too, that I have Alan who, apart from Jesus Christ, is my sounding board. I am forever grateful and I am glad that I have his loving support. There are many marriages that could be much better, if there was a 'spiritual' understanding and communication. Alan was the one who re introduced me to Our Father; or put it this way, I was compelled to invite Christ into my heart. I am thankful I did; and my life changed forever.

We have observed too, that there are a lot of 'fair weather' people; even Christians, and when 'the going gets tough', they simply give up. Alan and I travel on a road less travelled, and we choose the narrow one! Hebrews 11:1 aptly describes it - 'Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.'

Walking in the Christian walk is not easy; because there is persecution, rejection, division, false witnesses, deception, lies, manipulation and so forth. I could go on; but we are not the only bit ones who have experienced 'stuff' like this. It is all part of our daily walk. And yet, we focus not on what is secular or the natural, but on the eternal, that is the unseen. That may be difficult perhaps for some to comprehend. That is why I suggest tune into the ministries (ie Rhonda Lazerte, Dr. Charles Stanley, Charles Price, Dr. David Jeremiah, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, John Hagee etc) and their teachings of the Word and the Bible.

I know a number of people who would benefit from their ministries. I discern that a lot of women would appreciate Rhonda for what she has gone through and endured. I am thankful for her ministry, which is on the Vision Channel on Sunday 6:30 pm ET time. Door of Hope » Vision TV Channel Canada. There is not a video to watch; you have to be 'right on it' and watch the T.V. In my heart, I know she is a friend and she would welcome callers. She 'talks the talk, and walks the walk' and, lives the life of the Holy Spirit.

Also, every morning I ASK that He makes His way straight before me, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. That puts me in focus upon Him and others; not on myself.

I love this reflective photo image of a restful, peaceful, and soothing calm. It reminds me of Christ, when He asks the fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, to 'Follow Him and that He would make them Fishers of Men.'

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Courage Daily

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, I enthusiastically watched Joy10 TV and listened to Dr. Charles Stanley of 'In Touch Ministries.' Much of what I have been reflecting upon, he sums up in his empowering message: 'The Courage to Face Opposition.'

My tidbit suggestion is to tune into his inspiring teachings. He is straight up and calls it, as it is. For those of you who are inquisitive, you will glean tidbits of further understanding. Enjoy! Perhaps with a cup of coffee, and drink in the wisdom that will touch and speak to your heart strings!

I also appreciate other wonderful ministries and will be watching them throughout the day. Today is a 'day of rest' and I am glad for that; as well as being continually thankful for our Blessings! I want to thank all the mininstries and the ministers for their walk in Christ, which is helping me in my walk!

This morning again, we are immersed in a cold and damp thick fog, that goes right bittid through you. However, compared to other areas of the world, we are most fortunate. No complaints, just gratefulness.

Alan and Shadow went for their morning walk earlier, and now Shadow is stretched out 'comfy comfy' on the sofa bed.

You may wish to refer to my recent posts, which I hope, provide you with uplifting bittids. That being said, may each and every day be the best for you! To ensure that happens, Invite Christ into your heart. Seek Him daily; and the Holy Spirit will change and transform your life for the better. Actually, for the best! He, as Our Heavenly Father, has the best plan for you! Know that, and be full of courage and confidence in your daily walk in Christ.

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Heartfelt kindness

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am thankful for each and every day! However, since a child, I have always been extra thankful for the weekend! At this tid moment, am appreciating my elixir (coffee). We are still immersed in a heavy fog; but in the mid afternoon, the sun will be out in full majesty. Yesterday, the temperatures soared to 62 degrees F in the sunshine; and then it dropped to zero or slightly below, during the night. So, this chilly frost filled morning finds me enjoying a peaceful and grateful start to the day!

I Ask Him each and every morning, for the best day; and to use me in His Service; as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for each and every one of us! EXPECT THE BEST! He Provides the best; perhaps not immediately, but He DOES, as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan, AND in His Timing.

I happened to fall upon Galatians 6 - "Bear One Another's Burdens' is awesome! Verses 8 and 9 jump out at me! There are NO bittidz coincidences, here folks!

Verse 8 - 'For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life.'
Verse 9 - 'And let us not lose heart in doing good; for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.'

As shared in earlier posts, Alan and I live one day at a time. That is not to say that we do not have dreams or plans for the future; but we have found it best to keep things tidbitz simple.

The world is uncertain; and yet we are certain all the more of Our Heavenly Father, and our daily walk in Christ. Alan and I have gone through many obstacles and yet, we have still survived. We KNOW that we have been helped and provided for by the Grace of God. We literally cast all our bittid cares upon Him, and we leave the consequences to Him. As I have also said, Christ does not give us any more burdens than each of us can carry at any one time. That being said, ASK Him to carry your burdens; in fact joyfully turn them all over to Him. It is amazing how much better you feel; as if a huge load has been removed from your shoulders and your heart.

We have received Blessings and unexpected kindnesses from others. Our neighbour made a special trip here last night to bring us a dessert he baked for us. He is in his 80's, and he made the effort to let us know that we are 'special' to him. Generally, it is Alan and I, saying to others they are 'special.' However, it is nice when it comes back. It is not expected by our friend, but we will do something extra special for him, as a heartfelt thanks. He seeks us out, because he feels we uplift him. Well, his tidbit of kindness uplifted our spirits!

Tidbit - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." Can not express it any simpler.

Bittid - "Love thy neighbour, as thyself."

If more people had genuine concern and love for one another, the world would be a far better place. We just received another random act of kindness; and thank you to that very 'special' and dear friend! We will keep on trekking in steadfast Faith and Trust in Him. 'Praise Him in ALL Things!'

I like this photo image of the bright yellow daffodil; as it is a bit of good cheer!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 23 January 2014


Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The days have been going by far too quickly. Also, I have reflected upon many things that my Dad used to say to me. This was one of them. "Make the best of your youth; because it is no fun getting old."

My Dad died relatively young (79 years), sadly due to throat cancer. Basically, my Dad stressed 'life is too short.' I now know what he meant / means. Alan and I are not 'old' but the years are moving very swiftly. Fortunately, we are 'young at heart' and we are appreciative of each and every bittid day and its Blessings! We take the good with the bad; and we move on, learning lessons in our daily walk in Christ. At the same bit time, we are thankful that Our Heavenly Father is Guiding and Directing our paths; AND it is in accordance with His Will, Purpose, and Plan.

Last night, I was 'guided' to the Bible and it opened right up at Psalm 121: 1- 8 -'The Lord the Keeper of Israel.' It is a wonderful comfort of inner strength and refuge. ie. Verse 7 - " The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul." After that, I was further 'directed' to read Psalm 120: 1-7 - 'Prayer for Deliverance from the Treacherous.' TRUTH in a tidbitz nutshell!

Tidbit - Do not allow 'details' of the secular world, to bog you down and throw you off His course. ie. Psalm 120:2 - "Deliver my soul. O Lord, from lying lips, From a deceitful tongue." Do not be distracted by the wiles of Satan and his minions.

Bittid - Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." He exposes the TRUTH!

In tid short, one can try to manipulate, deceive, and employ false witness against you; but God is NEVER fooled. Know and take eternal comfort in knowing that "He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life." At the end of the bittidz day, He IS the One, we Answer to; as to the TRUTH. The evil one (and his minions) use deception, malice, control, confusion, etc to throw one off God's path. Therefore, daily Seek His Wisdom and Understaning, so that you may have clarity and discernment to KNOW what is tidbit TRUTH and what is not.

I strongly identify with the empowering message of Ephesians 6: 10 - 17 - 'The Armor of God.' Where we are to put on the whole armor of God against all that is evil. The photo image is a solid and compelling one, to 'fight the good fight,' methinks!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Appreciate the little things!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Forgot to mention, that in yesterday's bittidz post Always Walk in the Spirit! that as the grizzly and I were on the floor, staring eyeball to eyeball at each other, a huge silvery blue light flashed before me. I was very calm and not afraid; the bear likewise. Then he instantly vanished, and I immediately woke up.

Finally took down the Christmas decorations and did a tid of dusting earlier today. I listened to some Pan Pipe music; and it is amazing how a bit of music can put a cheerful jump in your step; particularly when one is doing housework. Might add too, that Amish and Shadow were both happily stretched out on the sofas.

We are still immersed in thick fog; however, the weather could be far worse. So, no complaints from me!

Also sorted and deleted a major build up of emails and now our computer is running a lot more smoothly. It feels good to declutter 'stuff.' Actually, methinks one can gratefully reflect upon our Blessings at the same tidbit time.

Alan just interviewed another dog and owner this afternoon; and the dog (Massey) is a wonderfully good natured English Mastiff (app 150 pounds; age 5 yrs). We will be caring for him a bittid later this month. Amish is going home in a couple of days.

Tidbit - Be thankful for the little things; and joyfully appreciate their specialness!

Bittid - Be good to yourself. If you radiate Grace, kindness, empathy, and the rest of the Fruits of the Spirit, you will be an uplift to all those you meet.

I appreciate this photo image; it is a tidbitz of good cheer and nuturing encouragement!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Always Walk in the Spirit!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a very foggy day. At this tid moment, It is app 38 degrees F (which is mild temps for this time of year) yet it feels much cooler. Methinks the dampness of the fog and being near the coast, it goes right through one. However, I am thankful for this type of weather, compared to other areas of the world, that are experiencing horrible problems.

The 'pussy willow' type of buds on our magnolia tree, look quite awesome on this misty morning. Plus, the chickadees are back; and happily chirping, while they enjoy the tidbitz nourishment from these bittidz blooms. Blessings, methinks!

Am sure that those of you, who are dog owners, know that one can learn many bittids from a dog. The little 'rug rat' (Amish) we are taking care of currently, has quite the feisty personality. For example, he barks for his food and he likes to be fed on the sofa, if you please. He loves his stuffed 'bear' and 'blankee.' He and Shadow get along; despite their differences in age and size.

Writing of a 'bear', I had a bittid dream the other night about a Grizzly Bear. I was in a field and all of sudden, out of nowhere, there appeared a Grizzly Bear, lumbering towards me. Well, I calmly and very carefully, while facing the bear, back tracked my steps to the log cabin that we were staying in. While I was shutting the latch door, the grizzly somehow managed to put his paw around the bottom of the door and grasped my left hand. OOOPS. Well, with my free hand, I calmly prodded his eye wide open and we gazed at each other for several seconds (felt like a million years to me!) and then he quietly left, as quickly as he had appeared. For whatever reason, I was not afraid; and it was as if it were an 'eyeball to eyeball' conversation; without the necessity of 'words' (ie. a growl on his part and / or a scream from me. I probably would not have been able to have mustered a sound). Now I think in 'real life' the grizzly most likely would have had a bit of a different agenda! LOL!

Tidbit - Know that He Directs your path, when you Rely upon Him. He Provides you with a calm, as He Guides you through the storms.

Bittid - At the end of each day, always give Him Thanks for everything; including the lessons He is teaching you in your daily walk with the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ.

As mentioned in my post of yesterday, I have really appreciated many wonderful ministries, with their tidbits of enlightening encouragement. Thought I would recommend you read / listen to the messages by Dr. Charles Stanley.

His devotionals also, are full of tidbit wisdom and the one on An Exercise in Casting Cares is so empowering!

I love this photo image of the warrior, putting on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6: 10 to 17). Trek steadfastedly in the Spirit. Ask Him to arm and equip you in the full armor of God, before you get out of bed in the morning; and before you fall off to sleep at night. You will discover that each day is made simpler and you are more at peace within.

Peace and God Bless

Thursday, 16 January 2014

May rainbows uplift you!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

To recap a bit, it has been a full tid week thus far; and the bittid weekend is almost upon us (again!).
As mentioned, I have enjoyed and appreciated the teachings and insights of various tidbitz ministries. I have found, that nothing is a bittidz coincidence; as everything has / is tied in with our daily walk in Christ.

Some wonderful ministries! (June 24th post)

Take time to smell the roses and appreciate your B... (June 25th post).

It is a glorious sunny day and we have much to be thankful for! It never ceases to amaze me, to see and hear the contented little chickadees zooming back and forth amongst the branches of our large magnolia tree! Was out earlier on this crisp morning and already, there are tidbit rhodo buds starting to appear! Methinks awesome! Spring will be here soon enough!(again).

I happened to turn on the TV a few days ago; and the channel was on 'Canadian Reflections.' Beautiful pictures of scenery, as well as wonderful verses from the Bible, that complimented the magnificent photos. Very uplifting! One of the tidbits that caught my eye, were the photos and Biblical verses associated with the Bible. ie. Genesis 9 - 'Covenant of the Rainbow.' It is best to read the chapter, as it is God's Covenant with Noah and his sons.

I have always loved rainbows and I am like a little child, whenever I see one! I just shout joyfully and appreciatively outloud - WOW! (the whole house or wherever, appears to shake! LOL!)

Interestingly enough, earlier this week, we were looking after a dog called Noah (a 2.6 year young beautiful husky), who was with us for one day. He and Shadow played outside non stop for 3 hours! They wore each other out, and it was quite the scene to see them both happily tuckered out! LOL! Noah lay stretched out on the floor and Shadow took to the couch. (Shadow is almost as big as the sofa now; with his legs dangling over the edge). Noah was more than welcome to lie on the couch (we have sheets and blankets to protect the sofas); but he was content to crash on the carpet. We have Amish with us (a little rug rat - age 9 years) and it has been a good lesson for both Shadow and Amish to learn to get along with each other. Shadow is about 20 times bigger than Amish; but it works!

Tidbit - When you wake up, each morning, apart from giving Him heartfelt thanks, always Seek Wisdom and Understanding from God. You are given Favour and Grace from the Holy Spirit, and with discernment, comes truth, clarity, and peace within.

Bittid - Keep things simple and simply Rely upon Him. Cast any and all your cares upon Him; and He will Provide for you, as per His Promise.

In our daily bittids of experiences, we are learning how vital it is, to have complete trust and enduring faith in Our Father. Keep on trekking with a spirit of dependency upon Him. 'Praise Him in ALL Things.'

Took the photo of a wonderful rainbow; I believe there are 2 rainbows! When you Seek Christ and read the Bible, your spirit becomes 'alive' with a resliency of hope and good cheer!

Peace and God Bless

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Be steadfast in Faith and Trust

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We were without bittidz power last night and it finally came on this morning. Methinks, with the massive rains and high winds, that contributed to the major power outage. Am thankful that things are working again and I appreciated my elixir of coffee, all the more this morning! It is a black and gloomy day. I will take down the Christmas decorations when we have the bittid sunshine back; because even with the lights on, it is still pretty dark.

The 2 dogs ('Mutt and Jeff') get along well with each other. Alan had an interview earlier today, with a family who have 2 little dogs. They are wanting some one to help them out for app a week in March. As I mentioned a bit earlier, Alan has to meet the dogs (and their owners) to see if there is a tidbit fit. More importantly, that the dogs and the owners feel comfortable with leaving their dogs with us. As mentioned, I have reflected upon many things and in a tidbitz nutshell, 'turn everything over to God' and leave it all to Him to direct your path.

As I have also shared, I really appreciate watching and listening to various ministries. During this time of tid 'reflection.' one of the main tidbits that keeps touhing my heart, is that 'we can do nothing without God.' In other words, we must depend upon Him to guide and direct us in ALL regards; and not to rely upon the matters or works of the flesh.

The various bittids I have been reflecting upon, were covered mightily by Joyce Meyer in her most 3 recent videos! There are NO coincidences, here folks! I am thankful for her wonderful encouraging teachings. Thank you Joyce! I recommend that those of you, who are curious, wanting to know more about God, best you tune into her!

There are many resources and videos that she shares! Here are the 3 most recent videos that I enjoyed online.

JAN 09 Do Not Be Led by Your Head – Pt 1
JAN 10 Do Not Be Led by Your Head – Pt 2
JAN 12 Seven Hindrances to Prayer

Everything was validated and illuminated all the more to me! Wow! As Alan had the interview, we thought it best to put Shadow in our room, with the TV on. (he was fine!) And then, I had Amish with me, while we listened to 'Seven Hindrances to Prayer'. Right on! Very powerfully heartfelt!

Tidbit - Do not be afraid to ASK God for anything. The more you seek and have 'Prayer dialogue' with Him, the more you grow in your faith and trust in His awesome Promise of Provision.

Bittid - When one door closes, He opens another. ASK Him for His Favour and Grace. ASK Him to open the doors and also should there be any doors that need to be closed, ASK Him to close those doors. Look forward to His best. You need to do your part, by simply inviting Christ into your heart, and steadfastedly Rely upon Him and not the works of the flesh.

Hope this is a bit of an uplift to your tid spirits! Apart from Alan helping me to Seek Christ, Joyce Meyer, Charles Price, and many many other ministries have been hugely appreciated by me in my daily walk and growth in Christ. Again, the 3 most recent videos, Joyce shares, are exceedingly empowering!

I love this photo image of a daffodil! To me it brings such a good cheer!

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Be thankful and Praise God in ALL Things!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, the festive season of Christmas and New Year's has come and gone! Again, may this be the best year for everyone!

To recap, Alan and I both picked up a 'bittidz bout of the flu' over the 'holidays.' Apparently, a lot of people have had it. I still have a bit of a chest cough; but it will disappear in time.

We still have Shadow with us; and as of this morning, we have a cute little pup, called 'Amish', staying with us, while his parents are partaking in a family reunion.

Reminds me of the wonderful tidbit time when my Aunt (my Dad's sister) turned 70 years young, and all the family members from far and wide, met at a resort and celebrated her major birthday. We were in Roros, Norway and the camadarie, the smorgasboards (herring rollmops, goat cheese, open faced sandwiches etc!) will forever remain a wonderful tidbitz memory to me. My Aunt and I were 'kindred' spirits. Apparently, I was the 'daughter' she never had; as she had 3 sons. She was lots of fun and was a 'young at heart' special person!

This morning, we woke up to a gorgeous sunrise and I was fortunate enough to catch a bittid glimpse of app 14 chickadees enjoying the buds (resemble pussy willows) on our magnolia tree. Interesting, how they can move so quickly in a tid group!

Tidbit - Live each and every day, with a grateful and joyful heart. There is always Blessings to be thankful for! Praise Him in ALL things.

Bittid - Ask and Seek Him daily to 'make your way straight'. To be guided and directed as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. Once you invite Christ into your heart, He never leaves you. The Holy Spirit of Christ lives within you; and by His Grace, you are given the Gift of Grace. You will also be able to discern between Truth and deception; as He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Make it an awesome 2014!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

January 1st, 2014! Wow! It is a new canvas that is put before each and every one of us! New beginnings, new reflections, new appreciations, new everything in a tidbit nutshell!

Alan and I stayed up til the midnight hour, watched on T.V. the 'Countdown' in Times Square, New York! So exciting! In the past, I always had a bit of a difficulty in letting the old year go; and yet then as soon as the New Year arrives, jubilant celebration! This year, I had no laments for this past year. In fact, it has gone out the window! We are looking to broaden our horizons in 2014!

Normally, we bring in the New Year (just after midnight) with a tid toast of champagne. We did not do that this tidbitz time. Instead, we simply Thanked Him for our Blessings and our 'bevy of doggies.' Quite the domesticated and peaceful domain. We are helping 2 families that wanted to spend some holiday time with each other; so we are looking after their 2 dogs for a short bittid while. We have cared for them before; and they are wonderful dogs. They have completely relaxed in our home and Shadow, has been a good host to these 2 lovely ladies.

Alan earlier brought me some champagne with a bit of orange juice (stretches the champagne!) and we toasted 'Skal' to the New Year. Today, it is quite mild, with high clouds. There was even a bittidz attempt of sunshine.

As mentioned in my most recent post, we have reflected much on the events of the past year; and at the same bittid time, are re evaluating our choices for the future. It gets down to. the value of spending time with those you wish to be with. As the tidbit expression goes, which my Dad always told me, was that 'you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.' In tid retrospect, those words are valuable tidbits of advice. Thank you, Dad, for your good counsel! They make good prudent tidbitz sense. We have learned and observed that one makes time for whom they wish to spend time with. Well, we have seen things first hand; and as a united team, both Alan and I will make the bittidz best of each and every day that unfolds.

Am also appreciating the little chickadees chirping and hopping about on the branches of our majestic magnolia tree outfront. They are thoroughly enjoying the 'pussy willow' buds!

Tidbit - Keep things simple, act with Grace, and always be thankful to Him, for your daily Blessings.

Bittid - Treat each day as a new canvas; filled with HOPE and LOVE. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." It is how you treat others that matter in the end.

To all those reading my posts, both Alan and I wish you a Happy New Year! May 2014 be the best one yet for you and your loved ones. We wish you the best; and as my Dad also used to say to me: 'Happy Sailing.'

My Dad loved boats and the water! He and I would go out in the middle of the night, and move / push logs away that were threatening the community wharf. I enjoyed those bittids of moments; everyone else was asleep; save for us. And the fishing in the early mornings and coming home with a freshly caught grills (those were allowed to be caught in those days. Grills is the name for a 'baby salmon'). He and I would go, catch the grills, come home, and cook it over the fireplace grill, and serve it with 'eggs over easy' which was a wonderfully appreciative Viking type of treat.

Now that I think about it, I used to do a lot with my Dad and upon pondering, he taught me much. Alao my Dad would say to me; 'If you choose to marry a carpenter, that would be just fine with me." It is only as of late, that I understand the spiritual wisdom behind those enpowering words.

So, I raise my glass to my parents; and to all other loved ones who are no longer with us. 'Skal to Absent Friends.' Those of you around the world, if you feel compelled, 'raise your glasses too, to your loved ones and say 'Skal to Absent Friends.' It is a gentle bit of comfort, methinks.

Also, for those of you going through tough times, do not allow the tough times to distract you from your dreams, or dictate your life, and thus pull you down. Turn EVERYTHING over to Him and know He Provides, as per His loving Promise to each and every one of us. The circumstances you may be in, look at them appreciatively and Give Him Thanks. You will learn that from adversities, you move forward all the more, when you Rely totally upon Him.

I have always loved rainbows, and they claim an extra special tidbitz place in my heart! I am like a little tid kid when I see one! (Remember, you must become like a child, to enter the Kingdom of God.') I took this photo, a few bittidz years ago; and it is of a 'DOUBLE RAINBOW!!' A Double Wow!! Live appreciatively one day at a time, with childlike appreciation; and treat each and every day as a wonderful Gift of Grace from Him.

I love the tidbits from the 2 following verses, from Philippians 4:6&7,as the words speak major volumes to me!
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
"And the Peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension. shall guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ."
Also, the last 2 verses (8&9) are good bittids of wisdom too!
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let you mind dwell on these things.
"The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you."

May those wonderful verses be of empowering encouragement to you, in 2014, to 'keep up the good fight', to steadfastedly stay and endure the course, whatever it may be or take you. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' Do not quit; as He has an awesome Plan for you! You simply need to 'Trust in Him, with all your heart, and He will Provide the rest.'

Peace and God Bless.