Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Was up early this morning, as I had a few tid things to do. I enjoyed the quiet moments, when no one else was up; not even the 'pup' (now a mini horse LOL!), Shadow.
Am now appreciating my elixir of coffee and gazing out the window at the freshly soaked foliage from last night's rain fall. The colours of the autumn leaves take on an extra special vivid beauty! Eventhough the sun is attempting to shine forth, the black clouds are moving in rapidly from the mountains. The forecast is for rain; which looks like it could happen any bit second. For me, it is a 'perfect' Fall morning!
Just re read yesterday's post - 'Thanksgiving' is every day! and that is so true! When you set your mind and heart to wake up with an 'attitude of gratitude', and of being thankful to Him for your Blessings, your day is off to a good start! I begin with the Lord's Prayer and Pray to Him to be armed and equipped wth the full armour of God, and to protect us from our enemies and foes. Also, Praying for various people. Then I leave the rest to Christ and to the Holy Spirit, knowing and trusting that He will take care of whatever unfolds that day. Should mention also, that at night, before I fall off to sleep, I do the same thing. Those Prayers put my mind at rest and I have a sound sleep. - Ready to take on the next day!
Am sharing this because it may help you have a better day. Alan and I live one day at a time. I know that I was talking about our Thanksgiving dinner; but it was in the mode of being thankful for all our Blessings. Also, it is an uplift to think of joyful occasions; including remembering past Thanksgiving dinners.
I did forget to include an important food tidbit; and that was the oatmeal stuffing! Alan makes the best stuffing; an old Scottish family recipe that his Mum gave him. We may not have the 'sherried' yams; but we will certainly appreciate the basics that go with a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. The basics not only include the main meal fixings; but our table will be set with our kitchen cutlery and plates. Over the past bittid while, we have sold our silverware, crystal glasses, and some china. We do have a few pieces of silver left; some of those were the ones I polished up the other day.
(You can refer to the Sept 20th post 'Be a good neighbour!') What a sparkling differnce, polished silver makes; even with just a bittidz few! It makes me appreciate 'less' all the more!
Tidbit - The 'outer' trappings of 'things' are lovely to behold and I appreciate them as well; particularly at special festive gatherings. However, sharing 'a generosity of spirit', that comes from 'within,' far outweighs the exterior settings. We have a few crystal glasses; and we look forward to enjoying a mellow glass or two, of red wine from them.
I mentioned in my September 22nd post - " Building a strong foundation on the 'inside!" that I watch enthusiastically, a few other ministries on the Vision Channel and that I would share a few bittids from them.
One of the programs, is 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte ( I find her teachings very 'down to earth' and refreshing! As she says, 'We are more than conquerors through Christ!" A tidbitz recommendation, is to tune into her website, and / or telephone the Prayer Line number - 905-901-2048.
I will never forget a time a few years ago, when I telephoned the Prayer Line (long distance)and Rhonda immmediately picked up the phone! Wow! I thought! She suggested that I read OUT LOUD, Psalm 146 to Psalm 150 and to keep on reading them! The first verse of each of those chapters start off with " PRAISE THE LORD!" For those who are in need of an uplift, read the tidbits found in those amazing chapters! And or any other passages from the Bible, that give you a tidbit of inner strength and comfort. A heartfelt 'Thank you Rhonda!'
Bittid - One of the Bible passages Rhonda shared on Sunday, 'strongly speaks to my heart.' ie. Nahum 1:7 - " The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him."
Am sharing this wonderful photo image again! Alan and I are looking forward to a special Thanksgiving turkey meal this year! Also, the leftovers are the best tid part, methinks!
To repeat, Alan makes up wonderful soup from the turkey, and he gives some soup away to a few neighbours, as well as to those who are in need. If the turkey is big enough, apart from us having lots of leftovers, Alan makes up a few plates of a Thanksgiving meal to those, who are not fortunate to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal; let alone food.
Actually, Alan does this all year through, not just on a few bittid occasions. ie Alan makes up a fantastic tomato soup, that he keeps adding veggies etc to; including some spices from our bit garden! We have learned how to 'stretch' our meals, not just for ourselves, but to also share with others! In other tidbit words, 'Be a Blessing to others, all year through!'
In the meantime, Alan and I will continue to live one bittid day at a time, as we are appreciative for our Blessings. Praise Him in ALL Things!
Peace and God Bless.
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