Saturday, 28 September 2013

Dogs can provide such comic relief! LOL!

Good Aftenoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is pouring with tids of rain! A good day to stay indoors! We had to turn the furnace on yesterday. So, it would appear that Autumn has definitely befallen us! Methinks, Fall is my favourite season!

Alan took Shadow out for his morning walk and eventhough, Alan dried him off, his coat is still a bit wet. So he is stretched out 'comfy comfy' on the couch to dry off. Since we have had him in our care, he has grown quite a bittidz. He will be 17 months on October 1st and we think he won't reach his full growth until age two! Shadow is a lovely 'mini horse', with a good loving heart! He is a very curious dog and thinks that he is a human! LOL! I referred a tid to Shadow in the following tidbit post: Friday thoughts!.

So on this rainy day, here is a tid of comic relief! When I tell a certain tidbitz tale to Shadow, he listens most attentively! ie. 'That his great grandfather was the handsome 'Grand Duke' of the Great Danes. Well, 'Duke', the 'Grand Duke,' fell in love with his great grandmother, 'Lady Shadow', a beautiful Black Lab. Hence, 'Shadow' is named after 'Lady Shadow', and is of the 'Shadowski' lineage.' LOL! Those bits of 'story' always makes me laugh a bit, and the amusing thing is that Shadow appears to just love this tidbit of 'history!' Guess what I am saying, is that Shadow is a wonderful companion to us; and even on the bleakest of days, he provides humour!

Tidbit - 'Love thy neighbour as thyself'. I think this also applies to 'doggies' (or other cherished pets) as well.

Bittid - I love this powerful passage of inspiration and reassuring encouragement from Psalm 58:11. I enthusiasticaly quote it outloud often! - "And the Lord will continually guide you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail."

Took these bittid photos of Shadow in August. Now, when he stretches out in full regalia, he is even larger than the sofa! LOL! Dogs provide such joy and we can learn much from them! A further tidbitz, - a dog can be a great source of comfort, not only in families, but to those who are older, and / or live alone etc.

Here is wishing you a nice Saturday. Another bittidz! - Enjoy and appreciate your dogs and what they can teach you! Treat them well, and they will treat you well!

Peace and God Bless

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Seek and Ye Shall Find!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is another lovely Autumn morning and I am appreciative of my cup of coffee, as well as to drink in the fresh fall air on our patio. Sally was back with us; she ended up staying overnight. Yesterday evening (before she was due to be picked up), I mentioned to Alan that if it were easier for Sally's owners, Sally could spend the night. Well, a few bittidz minutes later, our phone rang! That is exactly what happened; her owners called to ask if Sally could stay over. So last night and this morning, we have had the tidbitz pleasure of two doggies. Sally was just picked up and will be back with us again next week.

As you know, Alan and I live one tid day at a time. We are in Christ's service and it is an ongoing daily walk / journey. There are always new things to learn. I have become very aware of the constant Spiritual battle. A verse: Matthew 10:22 - "And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.". The Bible says there will be division anomgst households. You can refer to Matthew 10: 35 & 36.

That tidbit being said, I share 'tidbits' not only as a journal, but with TLC. The Holy Spirit Guides me to write. Those who take a bit of time to read my posts, may their spirits be uplifted, and may they be encouraged to Seek Him out; as, " He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life." That is how Alan and I conduct our lives.

We have encountered opposition and at the same time, I guess I can consider 'stuff coming out of left field', a major compliment; albeit a mother's sadness. My posts of Sept 15th Life is far far too short! and Sept 16th Love Conquers All! are very clear and it is with LOVE that I write. Actually Matthew 10 in its entireity, is an awesome passage; and that is it in a bittid nutshell. I Pray, as does Alan, that those who Seek Christ, that they will find Him.
The Bible teaches us, as Christ says: 'I am at the doorway of your heart. If you open the door and invite Me in, I will come in and never leave you.'

May these few bittids, be an enlightening light of calm, comfort, and encouragement.

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Be a Blessing to others!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up early this morning, as I had a few tid things to do. I enjoyed the quiet moments, when no one else was up; not even the 'pup' (now a mini horse LOL!), Shadow.

Am now appreciating my elixir of coffee and gazing out the window at the freshly soaked foliage from last night's rain fall. The colours of the autumn leaves take on an extra special vivid beauty! Eventhough the sun is attempting to shine forth, the black clouds are moving in rapidly from the mountains. The forecast is for rain; which looks like it could happen any bit second. For me, it is a 'perfect' Fall morning!

Just re read yesterday's post - 'Thanksgiving' is every day! and that is so true! When you set your mind and heart to wake up with an 'attitude of gratitude', and of being thankful to Him for your Blessings, your day is off to a good start! I begin with the Lord's Prayer and Pray to Him to be armed and equipped wth the full armour of God, and to protect us from our enemies and foes. Also, Praying for various people. Then I leave the rest to Christ and to the Holy Spirit, knowing and trusting that He will take care of whatever unfolds that day. Should mention also, that at night, before I fall off to sleep, I do the same thing. Those Prayers put my mind at rest and I have a sound sleep. - Ready to take on the next day!

Am sharing this because it may help you have a better day. Alan and I live one day at a time. I know that I was talking about our Thanksgiving dinner; but it was in the mode of being thankful for all our Blessings. Also, it is an uplift to think of joyful occasions; including remembering past Thanksgiving dinners.

I did forget to include an important food tidbit; and that was the oatmeal stuffing! Alan makes the best stuffing; an old Scottish family recipe that his Mum gave him. We may not have the 'sherried' yams; but we will certainly appreciate the basics that go with a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. The basics not only include the main meal fixings; but our table will be set with our kitchen cutlery and plates. Over the past bittid while, we have sold our silverware, crystal glasses, and some china. We do have a few pieces of silver left; some of those were the ones I polished up the other day.
(You can refer to the Sept 20th post 'Be a good neighbour!') What a sparkling differnce, polished silver makes; even with just a bittidz few! It makes me appreciate 'less' all the more!

Tidbit - The 'outer' trappings of 'things' are lovely to behold and I appreciate them as well; particularly at special festive gatherings. However, sharing 'a generosity of spirit', that comes from 'within,' far outweighs the exterior settings. We have a few crystal glasses; and we look forward to enjoying a mellow glass or two, of red wine from them.

I mentioned in my September 22nd post - " Building a strong foundation on the 'inside!" that I watch enthusiastically, a few other ministries on the Vision Channel and that I would share a few bittids from them.

One of the programs, is 'Door of Hope' with Rhonda Lazerte ( I find her teachings very 'down to earth' and refreshing! As she says, 'We are more than conquerors through Christ!" A tidbitz recommendation, is to tune into her website, and / or telephone the Prayer Line number - 905-901-2048.

I will never forget a time a few years ago, when I telephoned the Prayer Line (long distance)and Rhonda immmediately picked up the phone! Wow! I thought! She suggested that I read OUT LOUD, Psalm 146 to Psalm 150 and to keep on reading them! The first verse of each of those chapters start off with " PRAISE THE LORD!" For those who are in need of an uplift, read the tidbits found in those amazing chapters! And or any other passages from the Bible, that give you a tidbit of inner strength and comfort. A heartfelt 'Thank you Rhonda!'

Bittid - One of the Bible passages Rhonda shared on Sunday, 'strongly speaks to my heart.' ie. Nahum 1:7 - " The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him."

Am sharing this wonderful photo image again! Alan and I are looking forward to a special Thanksgiving turkey meal this year! Also, the leftovers are the best tid part, methinks!

To repeat, Alan makes up wonderful soup from the turkey, and he gives some soup away to a few neighbours, as well as to those who are in need. If the turkey is big enough, apart from us having lots of leftovers, Alan makes up a few plates of a Thanksgiving meal to those, who are not fortunate to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal; let alone food.

Actually, Alan does this all year through, not just on a few bittid occasions. ie Alan makes up a fantastic tomato soup, that he keeps adding veggies etc to; including some spices from our bit garden! We have learned how to 'stretch' our meals, not just for ourselves, but to also share with others! In other tidbit words, 'Be a Blessing to others, all year through!'

In the meantime, Alan and I will continue to live one bittid day at a time, as we are appreciative for our Blessings. Praise Him in ALL Things!

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 23 September 2013

'Thanksgiving' is every day!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting, to you, in your part of the world!

To recap, I watched a few more wonderful ministerial programs on the Vision Channel yesterday afternoon / early evening. May share a tidbitz or two, on them a bittidz later.

Today, it is Autumn, that is a tidbit for sure! There has been a mix of rain and sun. At the tid moment, the sun is shining brilliantly. I could not help but to take a bit of time out to enjoy the warm rays and thanking Christ for our Blessings.

I began to joyfully think about Thanksgiving (the Canadian one is October 14th) and that each and every day is like a wonderful 'mini thanksgiving' to Alan and I. I suggested to Alan that this year, we will really appreciate a nice Thanksgiving meal; with a turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, gravy made from scratch, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, peas, carrots, a 'sherried' yam casserole, AND, last but not least, pumpkin pie, with freshly whipped cream (or vanilla ice cream). The turkey will be of a generous size for tasty tidbits of left-overs, as well as having the makings for homemade soup. Alan also likes to give bittids of left overs and soup to our neighbours, as well as to any one in need.

Tidbit - Be thankful and appreciate that each day given to us, is like a new canvas to experience our walk in Christ.

Bittid - 'Praise Him in ALL Things!'

I love this bittid photo image of the turkey; looks delicious!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Building a strong foundation on the 'inside!'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Glad today is Sunday! All day! A quiet day to rest a bit (one of His Ten Commandments), and reflect upon our many Blessings. It is the second day of Fall, and it is pouring with 'white' rain; black clouds everywhere! It may be a dark miserable day outside; but not inside; nor on the inside of my heart!

Have no complaints. Am enjoying some quiet moments, and was appreciative for my two cups of coffee earlier this morning. Alan always preps the coffee the night before and it is just a simple tid matter of pushing the start button, the next morning! There is much to be thankful for; regardless of bittids of 'trials and tribulations' etc.

Meant to include in my post of September 20th,'Answer to Prayer!', that when one puts all their Faith and Trust in the Lord to Provide, He always does - in His Timeline. One of the key tidbits, is to keep on trekking with an opptimistic outlook, trusting in Him with all your heart! Our Father wants the best for each and every one of us! When one does have their Prayer(s) answered (for the better,methinks!), one is given a more sinewy and attuned armour 'inside.' Very true, that Our Father is our Refuge and Strength! It is in the 'HOW' we deal with bittid adversities / situations, and 'with Him on our side, who can be agin us!'

This morning I enthusiastically watched on our T.V. the program: "In Touch Ministries'( and Dr. Charles Stanley was sharing the tidbitz message of 'A Strong Life.' A bittidz suggestion is to tune in to his ministry; as he sums it up very simply! Methinks, there are NO coincidences; as this is a further tidbit of validation of our daily journey and our ever growing walk in Christ.

Tidbit - Accept Christ into your heart; as 'He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light'. Once you have invited Him in, He never leaves you. Instead, you become indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Continully Ask Him to Direct your path, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Bittid - Rely and Depend totally upon the Holy Spirit to Guide you in building a strong foundation in Christ and within your heart.

I love this photo image. He is standing at the doorway of your heart, and is waiting to be invited in! Simply push the 'start' button to invite Him in; and your life will be changed forever!

Here is wishing you a calm and a peaceful and reflective Sunday.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Be a good neighbour!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a wonderful tidbitz day! One of our young neighbours came by earlier and picked up a few pieces of clothing (sadly they do not fit Alan). He wants to pay us for them; so we will give him a very good price. Alan suggested that he should take them home, try them on, and then, we can go from there.

Mentioned in a recent post, that our complex had their annual garage sale last weekend;. As our young friend was not able to be there for the event, Alan put aside a few T shirts and some other items for him.

Later this afternoon, another neighbour came by with a good sized 'round' loaf of freshly baked bread that his wife had just made. They are from the Balkans; and they recently returned from a trip to their homeland. Along with the bread, our neighbour gave us a bittidz 'spread', which is to be served with the bread.

A few tid months ago, Alan helped the same neighbour with his fence and the neighbour has never forgotten Alan's assistance. These neighbours have been very kind and have given us home made bread on a few occasions.

As a thank you for their 'generosity of spirit', we gave them some red peppers (very hot) that have been thriving magnificently in our bittid garden, as well as a stoneware four loaf baking dish (see photo image). There is also a recipe included for cinnamon buns. She loves to bake; and we thought they would appreciate this particular baking dish. It is not just any tidbit baking dish. It is from Pampered Chef and cooking / baking with stoneware is awesome! For the first few times of use, you just use a bit of oil or a light spray; then after that, no coating is necessary; and the dish takes on a lovely golden brown hue. It gets better with each tidbitz use! The dish can not be washed with soap. Instead, you can use a Pampered Chef scraper and wash with hot hot water. It was a dish that I had intended to use; but never quite got around to it; eventhough, it looked great on display! LOL! We use and enjoy other Pampered Chef products; as they are excellent! It also felt good to return their kindness.

'Sally Gal' was picked up a little while ago. She and Shadow get along well; eventhough they are like a 'Mutt and Jeff' in size! LOL! Also, I just finished polishing up the few pieces of silver we have; and it makes such a refreshing difference to see it shine! Good for one's bittidz spirits, methinks! The same can be applicable to people! ie. Be a shining light, or an encouraging uplift and / or a Blessing to others.

It is a cloudy night; a good evening to be home. Alan has made up a spectacular spaghetti sauce from tid scratch; along with adding a bit of garlic on some of the freshly baked bread we received today. Delicious meal! Hope there is a good movie on tonight as well. Again, glad and thankful for the weekend! Much to be thankful for!

Tidbit - It is so true. "Love thy neighbour as thyself."

Bittid - You never know where a random act of kindness, or a word of encouragement, and / or a gentle smile could go and / or take you. It may make an empowering impact on someone who may be in need of a helping hand of encouragement.

Here is wishing you a nice weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

Answer to Prayer!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It feels like it has been a bit of a while since I last wrote a post. That being said, it has been a full week!

Would like to share an awesome experience that I was given this past Tuesday. Alan and I have been working on various tidbit matters; and this all the more endorses the 'Good Fight.'

We had some tid issues that we had to take care of. I literally threw myself to my knees on our stairs and Prayed outloud to Our Father. Basically, I stated that "I know You have a Purpose for us; just like You had for Job. We feel that we have been going through a 'lot of trials and tribulations'; and not meaning to complain; but we sure could use Your help at this time! We have some tidbitz that is needed for Thursday; preferably to have it attended to on Wednesday. Job was very special and well, I guess if he could endure, so can we; eventhugh, I do not understand Your Purpose!"

Within a few bittidz minutes, the phone rang! Our Prayer was answered and not only was it answered, it was ASAP!!!! Plus my request was even better than I had asked for!!!!! Since then, I have been joyfully saying non stop, 'Thank You' to Him!

Since Tuesday to today, we have been clearing up certain matters; as well as our hearts being less cluttered with 'issues.' Literally, we have turned everything over to Him, as per His Promise to us, to Provide.

Tidbit - Keep up the 'good fight' even when things are not looking good for you. Keep being peristent and consistent in your Prayers, Faith and Trust in Christ. Even if He appears to be silent at times, He does hear your Prayers. He always answers with the best plan that He has in mind for you. Even, if you do not always get what you had asked for. Our Heavenly Father, knows what is best for each and every one of us!

Bittid - Live one day at a time. Yesterday has gone; tomorrow is promised to no one. Make and enjoy the best of each and every day you have been given by Him! Always have a grateful heart, regardess of your circumstances. Be a Blessing to others.

Today, we have 'Sally Gal' with us. She is the cute feisty little dog (13 years) that we have had in our care since February. I have made mention of 'Sally' in an earlier post. (September 11th)

  • Friday thoughts!

  • An Awesome Testimony!

  •   Also re: 'Shadow' (September 6th) (now 16 months) who, is still in our care and is a lovely tempered dog; albeit, an ever growing 'mini horse.' LOL! (He is cross between a Black Lab and a Great Dane) We are thankful to have been Blessed with these dogs; as they have been wonderful companions and a comedy relief too! LOL! Dogs can be such an uplift' to our spirits. 'Shadow' has endeared himself not only to us, but also to our friends, neighbours, and other 'doggies.'

    It is the weekend again! Hurrah; and again, Alan and I are totally thankful for all our Blessings provided each day.

    I love this photo image of encouragement! We can all do with a bittid of daily inspiration!

    Peace and God Bless.

    Tuesday, 17 September 2013

    Food for encouragement!

    Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    Forgot to mention that on Sunday night, we had quite the number of thunder and lightning storms. Fall is definitely here this morning, or so it would appear.

    Thought I would add a bit more tidbitz re: the 'Salad Best Rice Recipe' that I shared in yesterday's post, of Monday, September 16th - Love Conquers All! Our friend gave us a tid more bittidz which is as follows:

    Re: the 4 cups of rice. It is "4 cups of cooked rice but that is 2 cups of uncooked rice. I put it to 1.5 (One and a half) cups of water per cup of rice. So for two cups of rice use 3 cups of water. When cooked you will have 4 cups of rice that you use in the recipe.
    Once the rice comes to a boil, I turn the heat down and let it simmer for 20 minutes
    (keeping a close eye on it). Then I move it and let it just sit for another 20 minutes I like it that way."

    Again, an appreciative thanks to our wonderful friend for this mouth watering recipe. I know we will enjoy it! Be it as a meal, or an accompaniment, or as great leftovers. Methinks too, we can add other tidbits of ingredients to this special recipe.

    I mentioned in yesterday's post, that I do not like using the word 'HATE'. However, Our Heavenly Father HATES inequities and we are in the midst of having to deal with what appears to be some inequities. Alan and I, in Faith and Trust, are leaving it ALL to Him to work through the bittids.

    Tidbit - Psalm 46:10 - 'Be still and know that I am God." When all else fails, turn / surrender everything over to Him.

    As a helpful bittidz, Ask and Seek Christ for His Guidance and Direction at the start of each and every day; as well as thanking Him at the end of each day, regardless of your circumstances. (You can also talk to Him throughout the day / night; as He is there wth you!). When you are Directed by the Holy Spirit, Faith and Trust in Him to Provide, is that much more powerful and empowering in going through the 'good fight.'

    Bittid - Christ does not give us any more burdens than any each of us can carry, at any one time. That is such a tidbitz refreshment to me. Like a breath of fresh air! As in a new season, such as Fall, with all its autumn wonders that He creates!

    Again, we have so many Blessings to be thankful for; and 'Praise Him in ALL Things.'
    I like the awesome inspiration from this photo image!

    Peace and God Bless.

    Monday, 16 September 2013

    Love Conquers All!

    Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    It is pouring with tids of rain! The colour combination of shrubs, greenery, trees, with their leaves now starting to turn, look extra magnificent / resplendent this autumn like morning.

    Reread my post from yesterday and sadly, it would appear that there is a level of 'hatred' directed towards Alan. I do not like the word 'hate' but, there have been a few tid examples over the years. One of them took place in April, when Alan was falsely accused of something he did not do. (I was there as a first hand witness). I was assailed as well. What was a lovely and special occasion, that we genuinely participated in, with putting our best foot forward, there was an outburst, a public display of deliberate malice and mean spiritedness. Those responsible, 'know' the real bits of the truth; and actually have 'run away.' In the meantime, the 'behaviour' has been dismissed and 'swept under the carpet' - as if nothing happened, and / or so what?

    So since that time, I have done a major rethink; and yesterday, finally wrote / shared my post - 'Life is far far too short!' Alan is agog as well; and particularly more so, when he sees me going through heartfelt sorrow. FYI, I am guided by the Holy Spirit to write the posts.

    My first choice is God, the rest follows; as in a huge pie that is to be shared and enjoyed. Alan is my spouse; and is a human being, and it is not right for him to be the continual scapegoat / butt of jokes etc. Also, I have never demanded that my children choose me over their respective spouses.

    Forgive me, if I appear to be going on a bit, but I am addressing this vital issue now. I (and Alan supports me in my decisions) have 'stepped back' and am leaving all the consequences to God and the Holy Spirit to sort everything out. May everything fall into place as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

    Makes me state outloud- Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes All things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

    As mentioned yesterday, we all have our bittid faults. However there is a tidbit point when enough is enough. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" also keeps tugging at my heart strings. One can only kick one down so many times. Regardless, Alan and I will continue to Pray to Him in Faith, for Him to make things right with family members. Again, both Alan and I have tried our human best and the rest is up to Him. LOVE conquers all. I prefer and embrace that wonderful word - LOVE.

    Tidbit - John 13:34 - " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

    Bittid - Again, Jesus loves all of us unconditionally. None of us are perfect, except for Christ. Yet, we are all worthy and special in His eyes. The Bible is also a great teaching source, for those who Seek Him. The Old Testament and the New Testament provide awesome daily truths and comfort.

    I love the bitidz photo image with its empowering message!

    Also, I will share with you a hearty recipe that our dear friend gave us. It sounds delicious, healthy, affordable, and very easy to make; and good as tasty tidbitz leftovers! Particularly at this cooler time of year! Thank you, for your wonderful friendship; and Blessing us and others, with this 'local' dish!

    Salad Best Rice

    4 cups cooked Rice (2 uncooked) 1cup rice to 1/5 water

    Bring to boil, simmer for 20 min, let sit for 20 minutes.

    1 ½ cups chopped celery

    1 cup of peas (frozen or fresh)

    ¼ cup of green onions finely chopped

    4 oz can of small shrimp. (drain and rinse well)

    Put hot rice in a big bowl.

    Add celery, peas, onions and shrimp.

    ½ cup of salad oil 1 tsp salt

    ¼ cup of vinegar 1 ½ - 2 tsp Curry

    ¼ cup of soya sauce 1 tsp granulated sugar

    1 Tsp Celery salt

    In a small bowl mix these seven ingredients.

    Stir and pour over rice mixture.

    Stir lightly to coat.

    Serves 4 - 6

    Peace and God Bless.

    Sunday, 15 September 2013

    Life is far far too short!

    Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    It is a typical fall day; cloudy and a slight breeze. Refreshing! Have always enjoyed this photo image of a fall like mist!

    We are appreciating a quiet and restful Sunday before an active week starts up again. Our complex had its annual community garage sale yesterday; and we ended up meeting some delightful 'neighbours' who also live in this complex. We sold a few items; however, methinks we will be having a few sidewalk garage sales in the future! Alan and I finally have the garage less cluttered, with more space!

    As mentioned in earlier bittid posts, we have been re evaluating our lives. The Autumn seems to be a good tid time for a bit of tidbit reflection. We have come to the conclusion, that life is far far too short and that let us all make the best of it!

    This morning I watched and listened to Dr. Charles Stanley (
    on Joy10 T.V. His sermon was about having / building a strong family. I could not agree more!

    However, as parents, we do make tid mistakes and have also experienced our share of bit disappointments.

    Today, I am writing as a Mum; very saddend by what has occurred in our lives. You can refer to my earlier tidbitz posts; ie about me being adopted etc. My 'earth' parents did their best and believe it or not, I miss them more now, than when they were alive. This reminds me that you never really appreciate someone, until they are gone or it is too late. My parents gave me more tidbits than I know; and I am reflecting and reminiscing gratefully. Of course, they made their bittidz mistakes too; but I know that they wanted me and loved me.

    I am of the same mind and heart with my two children. I love them both dearly. I am thankful I gave birth to both of them. They were lovely kids and I have some wonderful memories of them. However, sad to say, we have gone in different directions. That being said, their father and I divorced years ago;; and many years went by before I met Alan. You can refer to my 'Answer to Prayer' post, when asking God and my 'earth' father for their advice and choice should I ever remarry. I also love Alan and he in turn, loves my children. Alan will never be their father; and he respects that truth. Sadly though, both of my children (one of them in particular) hates / intensely dislikes Alan and over the years, we have tried to work things out with them. Alan and I are still Praying for a reconciliation for all those concerned; so that we can all be a joyful part of each others' lives.

    Apparently, ' I have been changed ' - by Alan. I will agree to that! FOR THE BETTER! ie In the sense, that my husband loves me genuinely; and who ALSO helped me build / rebuild a more solid foundation in Christ. So basically, Christ has changed me; NOT Alan.

    I look back and reflect and sincerely do wish that we could all work together in love, truth, compassion, and empathy. We would love to see and spend time with our current grandchildren and any future grandchildren. Sadly, because of the unbelievable disapproval of my choice (Alan as my husband), it has been a rather 'rocky road ' with them, for all these bittids of years. I would like to think that my children would be happy for me; and for my choice and appreciate that Alan is a special human being. Sadly, he has not been given that opportunity to have my children truly know him and who he is. Again, both Alan and I would like to reconcile with family members and to be a strong encouragement to them! As well as being loving participants in their daily lives.

    It would appear the door has been closed - or at least for the time being. Again, life is too tid short. Everyone has their faults etc. It would be great if we all were to start over and wipe the slate clean.

    Tidbit - Life is far far too short!

    Bittid - Be a reassuring and encouraging 'light' to your family and to all those you meet.

    The two recent posts suggest how special we all are in His eyes. Remember, He loves each and every one of us.

    Peace and God Bless.

    Thursday, 12 September 2013

    Thursday thoughts!

    Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    The same wonderful friend who sent us the link / video of yesterday's post / story ('Man Crushed Under Semi-Truck Rescued by Angels') has sent us another link / video today! ie. 'God the Master Artist.' A heartfelt thank you again!

    I find it very insightful, uplifting, and totally awesome! It is of good cheer!

    Tidbit - We are all 'special' and unique creations in His eyes.

    Bittid - He has a special purpose for each and every one of us!

    Hope you enjoy this video / message as well!

    I love this tid photo of the statue of the child in our bit garden; looks so peaceful, calm, and reflective.

    Peace and God Bless.

    Wednesday, 11 September 2013

    Addendum to the Awesome Testimony!

    Here is a tidbit addendum to 'An Awesome Testimony', that may help, in the event you are not able to access the video. This looks to be an easier bittid link.

    Tidbit - Be persistent with perserverance - Try and try again, until you succeed! Or put it this tid way, do your bit best. At least you know that you did not give up!

    Bittid - The link also has other awesome stories; so perhaps this is an extra Blessing to read / see / hear about other incredible stories of Faith etc.

    Peace and God Bless.

    An Awesome Testimony!

    Good Afternoon,or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    To recap a bittid:

    Yesterday (Tuesday) we were up early; as we were expecting another little 'pup' to visit us for the day. Eventhough the 'pup' is age 13 years, she is still very feisty (a Chiwawa / Jack Russell cross) and she is in great shape and has a lovely temperament! She thoroughly enjoyed her long walk in the morning. We have had her visit us on and off for a number of months; and we have also built up a quality friendship with her owners. The photo image was taken a few months ago of 'Sally.'

    The last couple of early mornings, feel like a bit of Fall to me; as I could see the 'foggy mist'; before the blue skies and the rays of summer sunshine shone forth brilliantly. I have always loved the tid oncoming of the Autumn season! Perhaps because it is a wonderful tidbit time to reflect upon all our many Blessings, which uplifts and refreshes me / us. Methinks, this is also a good time for a renewal of purpose and a revival / resilience for whatever journey lies before us.

    Thought I would pass on an awesome testimony, that a very good friend of ours sent to us. Thank you for sharing that enlightening tidbitz.
    The You Tube video - 'Man Crushed Under Semi-Truck Rescued By Angels' (see video below)

    Tidbit - May this incredible story uplift all those who are feeling downtrodden, despondent, depressed, discouraged, weary, sad, bitter, angry etc.

    Bittid - Always do your best to be a genuine Blessing to others. As Christ says: "Love one another, as I have loved you."

    He unconditionally loves each and every one of us. All one has to do, is to genuinely invite Him into your heart; and He will never leave you. The Bible is also a great source of reassurance, comfort, teachings, and truth.

    The afternoons and evenings are still 'summerlike' and the forecast is looking glorious for the next bittidz while! A wonderful 'Indian Summer!' Right now, it is 100 degrees F. We are also enjoying second bloomage from our pink rhododendrum, as well as seeing more Braveheart plants popping up with flourishing flowers.

    P.S. It took me several bittidz attempts to add the Link / You Tube to today's post; however, it looks as if the video / story is now included for you to see.

    P.P.S. Also, today is September 11th, and upon major reflection, we have so many tidbitz Blessings to be thankful for!

    Peace and God Bless.

    Saturday, 7 September 2013

    Faith in the unseen!

    Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    We are glad it is the weekend. 'Iffy' weather; however, we are thankful that we are not living in parts of the world, that are being deluged with floods, storms of devastation, droughts, unbearably high temperatures etc.

    The photo images that you will see, are of our 'Yellow Trumpet' Clematis plant and the purple ever flourishing flowers from the Braveheart plant. For the past four years that we have had the 'Yellow Trumpet', it has never shone forth with one tid bloom; until now! An awesome Blessing, indeed, methinks! Also, the Bravehearts are thriving mightily and they seem to pollinate and profliferate anywhere and everywhere. A lot of our neighbours really enjoy them and so Alan has given away several tidbitz plants, as well as bittids of seedlings.

    Apart from our dear Shadow, we are looking after 2 other dogs (large dogs as well) - only for this weekend. Our friend had a bittid of an emergency and her original plans had fallen through; so we are happy to help out. Plus, there is a little bittidz remuneration. Once we have certain issues sorted out, we would like to enjoy a dog walking / sitting service. Not only does it give a reprieve to the owners, but also a bit of a 'vacation' for the dogs. We treat dogs as if they are people (well, within reason). Alan is like a 'dog whisperer' and when needed, he trains dogs as well.

    However, we have found that good dogs usually have good caring owners. One of the dogs we are caring for currently, is a 'rescue' dog. He now has a wonderful owner and he has blossomed forth! Amazing what a kind word, a kind action, a kind deed does, be it to a dog or a person! A gentle smile or word of tidbit encouragement etc, you never know whose life might be made better because of a random act of kindness.

    Tidbit - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

    Bittid - "Love thy neighbour, as thyself."

    One of our neighbours really appreciates the homemade soups that Alan continually makes. Recently, he ended up baking us a candied sweet dessert; saying that if we like it, he would put some aside for us, whenever he bakes. It is a give and take; and as the expression goes: "The gate swings both ways."

    In closing - 'What is Faith?' Well, there are triumphs of faith. Here is the empowering verse from Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Also, from Hebrews 11:6 - "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."

    Hope that these tidbits are helpful.

    Peace and God Bless.

    Friday, 6 September 2013

    Friday thoughts!

    Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    We have had a rather interesting few tid days. We are continuing to move forward in Faith and Trust in Him. Certain bit pieces of the puzzle are becoming more clear. We are ever thankful for our daily Blessings.

    A long time friend of ours recently sent us this lovely message from Andrew Wommack's ministry. Thank you! That is of good tidbitz. Attitude is everything.

    The Power of the Gospel : “I’ve changed. I know now that I’m not the sinner trying to become holy. I am the righteous whom Satan is trying to make unholy. I’m not the sick trying to get well. I am the well that the devil is trying to make sick. I’m not the poor trying to be prosperous. I am the prosperous that the Enemy is trying to make poor. This is a totally different attitude and mindset. But I’ve found it much easier to fight from the position of victory than to try to fight to obtain a position of victory. It’s infinitely easier to release something I already have than to go get something I don’t.” Andrew Wommack

    Tidbit - I keep saying this awesome verse (Romans 8:28) outloud: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

    Bittid - Another wonderful verse from the Bible - Galatians 6:9 - " And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary."

    Hope those verses provide a bittidz of reassurance, encouragement, and an uplift for today, and for each and every day!

    We are still looking after Shadow. He is a beautiful 'pup' of 16 months. He is a Black Lab cross - we think with a Great Dane. He is app 80 pounds and is STILL growing! We love this photo image of him!

    Here is wishing you a good weekend.

    Peace and God Bless.

    Wednesday, 4 September 2013

    An eye opening ephifany!

    Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

    We now have our service up and running again and we are ever so thankful! Eventhough, quite a bittidz has happened since my last post, we have managed to overcome some bittid obstacles. We still are not 'out of the woods,' however, we will keep on trekking in Faith and Trust. Our Heavenly Father has provided for us thus far; so we will continue to keep relying upon Him to guide and direct our daily path.

    Alan and I live one day at a time; and believe it or not, that tidbit choice has been helpful to our spirits. At the start and at the end of each day, we 'Praise Him in ALL Things.' We have many Blessings to be grateful for!

    One of my favourite verses from the Bible is - Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." That being said, after a meeting yesterday, I was left feeling a bit downtrodden, saddened, and numb. An 'inner voice' strongly suggested I go check out the Bible for a tidbitz of solace, comfort and reassurance.

    Quite literally, the Bible 'opened up to a section of 'Christian Life Study Outlines.' the heading being 'God's Plan Of Salvation.' In that master outline number fourteen, are seven facts that reveal God's plan of salvation!

    1) IT IS A FACT THAT GOD LOVES YOU. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

    11) IT IS A FACT THAT YOU ARE A SINNER. Romans 3:23 - "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

    111) IT IS A FACT THAT YOU ARE NOW DEAD IN SIN. Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    1V) IT IS A FACT THAT CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. Romans 5: 6-8 - "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly." "For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die." "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

    V) IT IS A FACT THAT YOU CAN BE SAVED BY FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Acts 16: 30, 31 - " and after he brought them out, he said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" "And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household."

    V1) IT IS A FACT THAT YOU CAN BE SAVED AND KNOW IT. 1 John 5: 10 - 13 - "The one who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the witness that God has borne concerning His Son." "And the witness is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son." "He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life."

    V11) IT IS A FACT THAT YOU ARE NOW A CHILD OF GOD AND YOU ARE READY TO OBEY HIM. Acts 5:29 - "But Peter and the apostles answered and said, "We must obey God rather than men."

    In yesterday's discussion, the subject of dealing with 'facts' came up. Well, as mentioned, I was rather 'numbified' and sought out the Bible, which happened (no tid coincidence, methinks!) to fall open on 'facts'; albeit a different type of 'facts.'

    That was an eye opener ephifany to me and I thought I would include them in this post; as an uplift to those who would like some good cheer. Hope these tidbits are helpful bittids of encouragement.

    Peace and God Bless.