Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
A week has simply vanished! To recap, it has been a hectic and busy time. We have been preparing to move. We are also Prayful, that those who have been deliberately deceptive and unethical etc, will be exposed by the Truth (at long last!). Truly, if Alan and I had 'deep pockets,' we would retain legal counsel to expose these particular individuals so that they could legally be sanctioned for what they are. Inasmuch as they have gotten away with inequitable greed and malice not only towards us, but towards others. Perhaps part of His Purpose is to unveil the deceit and the lies as illustrated by their 'words, actions, and deeds.'
Whatever happens, Alan and I are going to make the best of things and Trust in Him to Guide and Direct our path, as per His Will, Purpose, and Plan. We have received many wonderful tidbitz Blessings this past week. (ie more consignment items sold, a credit on our visa card, food / coupon cards etc). Upon reflecting, He has indeed,sustained us, one day at a time. He IS our Advocate! We are thankful for the unexpected bittidz breaks, that helped us get through a few more 'trials and tribulations' of this past week.
Also, there were some disappointments; however, if one does dare to try, then at least you know you have done your best by being in the game. Eventhough Alan and I 'think outside the box', we have also gratefully 'cast all our cares upon Him' and leaving the 'rest' to Him to Resolve.
Also, here is a little tidbit from Theodore Roosevelt: 'The Credit Belongs' - "The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best, know the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if they fail, while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." Several years ago, I was presented with a plaque with these 'words of wisdom'; and ever since, I have always appreciated these empowering tidbits of encouragement.
Mentioned in earlier posts that we receive a free monthly booklet, 'My Daily Journey with Christ' from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth.' Alan and I agree with Charles Price - "The reality is that being a Christian is more likely to result in hardship than it is in prosperity. ie. 'The Blessed Life' and the Biblical quote from Matthew 5:11 - "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say of kinds of evil against you because of Me." These bittids reassured us a tid; as we have been recipients of a number of 'out of left field' spiritual attacks and adversities.
Have also noticed that there have been some rather uncaring, unkind, and unwarranted comments made to me. Almost as if delighting in 'rubbing more salt into the wound.' If you wish, you can refer to my April 21st post, 'Generosity of spirit' for a bittid of background. (I also wrote about other friends - ie. a couple, who have empathy, understanding, and 'generosity of spirit.' As my kind friend said to me, 'You would do the same for us.' To which I replied heartily in the affirmative!).
Yesterday we replenished our larder at Costco. Hurrah! 'Thank You, Our Father!' Whilst there, I had to use the washroom. On my way out, I ran into a woman who looked very very sad. She approached me and wished me a 'Happy Mother's Day.' The strange thing is, at that same moment, I was feeling a little discouraged as a mother. ie. Sadly, there has been little communication with some family members; so perhaps I was an 'open book' to her. The 'TLC' of her greeting, gave me a bit of an uplift. I thanked her and wished her the same. Well, her whole face immediately lit up; and it was as if she wanted someone to simply wish her 'A Happy Mother's Day.' (I do not even know if she was an actual 'Mum'; but what matters is, to give a word of genuine and gentle encouragement). Thus the visit to Costco was all the more special - as in receiving a kind unsolicited 'Mother's Day' greeting; as well as me giving this poor woman a gentle word of encouragement in return.
Mums have their foibles. I know I have made my mistakes as a Mum; as did my Mum etc. I am thankful for my Mum and she did her best; and I am thankful. Not easy being a Mum (let alone a single parent; which I was). From my heart, I tried to do my best with love and fairness; however, as the tidbit expression goes: 'You can bring a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.' Methinks, it should be a two way street; and sadly, it would appear that Alan and I are on the low end of the totem pole (with some family members). So I will step back; and hopefully there will be a time (preferably sooner, rather than later; plus, life is too short); when we are genuinely welcome to be an active part of their lives. In the meantime, I will Pray for loving, compassionate, kind, caring, and forgiving hearts for us all.
Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.' Very true!
Bittid - A gentle smile, a kind word, and a random act of kindness is a Blessing. If you are feeling down, be a Blessing to others; as you will also feel uplifted in turn.
Today, while Alan was getting his hair cut, I waited in Tim Horton's. My son gave us some gift cards; so I thought, appreciate his kind gesture! ie. Treated us to a dozen freshly baked doughnuts; the best buy) and I thoroughly enjoyed my time interacting with others of all ages in there. The place was hopping and busy non stop; and before you knew it, Alan was back!
Just a short bittid while ago, it was pouring with rain, thunder and lightning, as well as heavy hailing! Within a few minutes, as per the photo, hail had rapidly accumulated in our roof gutter! Also, here are some more daffodils that Alan picked on his morning walk with our Blue. We are thankful for these flower Blessings of good cheer, while they are still here.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Sadly, our Mums are no longer here; however, I wish all mothers of all ages, from all over the world, a 'Happy Mother's Day!' My son has invited us for a Mother's Day Brunch tomorrow and he will be making us 'Eggs Benny!' Yum! We look forward to enjoying a nice visit with him.
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Springing and hailing into Mother's Day!
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