Sunday, 15 May 2011

Moving forward

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a week since I last wrote a post. We have been on the go.

Today I watched 'Hour of Power' and there are no tid coincidences. An incredible witness, Jose Henriquez, is one of the Chilean miners, who helped encourage and empower the 32 miners who had been trapped some 2000 feet underground for 69 days. It is such a heartwarming story of FAITH that he shares in a guest interview with Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman. Jose Henriquez says: "So we prayed to God and we presented the problem to Him and we gave it to His hands. God loves the ones who humble themselves, so we trust our Lord and we humble ourselves before God and lay it right at His feet. I think we touched God's heart and He took care of us."

Pastor Sheila in today's message of 'Believe in the God Who Believes in You!' imparts in her closing comments: "Today, can you make that declaration? Maybe you don't feel it, but say it. Maybe it's weak. It doesn't matter. Just say it out loud: "I believe. I believe. I believe. I believe in God. I believe God loves me." Amen."

My tidbit suggestion would be to tune into today's "Hour of Power'; particularly if you are feeling a bittid dismayed, discouraged or weary from various 'trials and tribulations.' I enjoy watching 'Hour of Power', as well as other impactful ministries that offer insights, hope, and inspiration.

We are moving; and it all gets down to tidbitz timing. This afternoon our friend was over and helped us take down our lovely antique chandelier (he bought it) and within the next few days we will have more of an idea of bittidz details. I now have accepted the move and I am at peace with the move; eventhough we are in limbo. Alan and I have turned everything over to Him to handle. We are in His Hands; and we have to keep on believing that He has a better plan for us. That He will Guide us through everything that unfolds. Also, I keep hearing those magnificently inspiring words from Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Bod, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Eventhough certain matters have not worked out the way we would have wished, Alan and I have chosen to move forward, and make the best of whatever new adventures are before us. We know He has a plan ('Our Father Knows Best'), and He will provide and sustain us. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life.'

Also, when you face uncertainty and / or challenging circumstances, say (outloud is great!), 'Thank You God, for everything.' It is as if a huge burden is lifted from your heart. He tells us not to be anxious, and to Trust in Him to Direct our daily paths.

Took this picture a bit earlier today, and we are grateful for our 'pup' Blue, as well as the bounty of Spring!

Peace and God Bless.

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