Sunday, 22 May 2011

This may open your eyes.

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today, a friend of ours sent us this video, and I thought I would pass it on; as it may open your eyes; as it did ours. (I do not know how to do the title / link; so I have had to present it this way. However, better to share it, rather than not, methinks).

"Muslim meets Christ"

"If you are a Christian, you will be glorified by this video!

If you are not a Christian, hear what a Muslim discovered in this video!

If you are a nonbeliever, you should be mesmerized by the Muslim in this video!"

Another week has yet again, flown by. We had a major hurdle that He helped us overcome last week. Eventhough our bodies are still recooperating from the stress of tidbitz everything, Alan and I have thankful and joyful hearts!

Before we went to court, I Prayed all night to Our Father for Him to Prevail and to have Justice served. I also added that I know He hates inequities; and that we have been surrounded with a number of inequities. That He could render a Solution, that was fair for all those concerned etc. He and the TRUTH came shining through; and eventhough we have some more bittidz hurdles, we know that He will Provide Resolution through these uncertain times.

Tidbit - Keep on trekking in Faith and have the enduring trust in Him, that He will help you through whatever daily challenges are before you.

Bittid - When you know He sustains you through tough moments, you grow in strength and understanding.

We have been enjoying a 'vacation at home', as we are pacing ourselves for the upcoming week. We are glad today is Sunday, a perfect day of complete rest; to revive and recharge our batteries. Plus, it is the long weekend to remember Queen Victoria's birthday. We are hopeful too, that more matters will be clarified within the next few bittid days. Then, we will have more of a tid idea of what we will do, where we will go etc. Thus far, Alan and I have been appreciative of this bit time of quiet and rest. He IS our Refuge and Strength.

Today I watched 'World Impact Mininstries' (Peter Youngren) and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price) and I appreciate their teachings from these International ministries. I have to admit I slept in for 'Hour of Power' (Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman); and I look forward to watching that online, as well as 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer) online.

We also cheered on the Canucks in their 4th game against the Sharks. Good on the Canucks for enduring and battling their way through all the obstacles. Thought too, that Coach Alain V. answered questions most diplomatically about Games 3 and 4.

As a further tidbit encouragement, we can reflect gratefully upon this past week. God does, indeed, answer Prayers; even if not at the time we would always like or what we would prefer even. Our Father knows what is best for each and every one of us; and when we reflect appreciatively upon past experiences / circumstances (good and bad), we know He has sustained us through and through, as per His Will, His Purpose, His Plan. We become all the more grateful and joyful for our Blessings. When there is Faith and Trust in Him, and one has an open and thankful heart, one is content and at peace - in all situations. Turn everything over to Him and He will Direct your path. I love the following verse of encouragement and Truth from the Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

The above photo image is 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.' Basically when you genuinely invite Christ into your heart, He will come in and never leave you.

Peace and God Bless.

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