Thursday, 26 May 2011


Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been an interesting time; as well as being Thursday evening already...Where do the hours / days go????

We are yet again, in a 'waiting mode'. To recap, Alan and I have done our bittidz best; and we are now leaving the 'rest up to Him' (Christ) to Provide Solution. It is not always that easy to always do that; yet, we are; because this is what we must do - in Faith and Trust in Him.. He did 'show up' last week; so we are all the more encouraged to leave everything up to Him to Provide. 'Our Father knows best.'

Since I last wrote my post of May 24th ('A solid foundation'), there has been more tidbitz accomplished. We are moving. Today we met with a moving company and we are looking forward to having reasonable rates from them. Also, Alan and I have made the decision to rent for the time being, as opposed to affixing a small mortgage on an affordable property. We would love to buy; however, we discern it is more prudent to simply not, until we stabilize. In the Bible, it says: 'A prudent wife is from the Lord'. I totally like that message; and we feel that He has a much better plan for us.

Last night, I was needful of a bittid of comfort; so I turned to the Bible. The pages literally flew open before me. ie. Samuel 16:13 (David Anointed) - " Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah." Those words gave me strength; inasmuch as Alan and I have a lot of uncertainties before us. We are taking the road less travelled, if you will.

We are not sure what will happen; as to where we will go etc. However, we know that He will continually sustain us; as He has done so mightily before.

We should know more tidbitz next week; and that will determine what we do next. All I can say is, that are totally Relying Upon Him to Direct our path.

Tidbit - Fret not. Be calm. Tomorrow comes soon enough. That is what He tells us.

Bittid - Continue to being thankful for all your Blessings; regardless of what happens during your day. Also, think of others, around the world, who are in a worse plight, and you will be all the more grateful for whatever you are going through.

I love the above photo image. Alan and I have done again what we can do and now it is a simple matter of purely waiting upon Him. So, we are going to enjoy while we wait and rest upon Him to Provide!

Good Night, Peace and God Bless.

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