Tuesday, 24 May 2011

A solid foundation

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are glad it was the long weekend; as Alan and I were able to enjoy a bittid of a breather. Needless to say (write), we are still somewhat a tid weary. I guess with all the events leading up to a week ago, this is to be expected. We are Relying upon Him to Direct our path and to help us through the next set of hurdles. We are thankful that He HATES inequities; and again, we Ask Him to be our Advocate and for Justice to Prevail in certain upcoming matters. We are reassured in knowing that He sees everything; inequities etc.

We are going to be moving; just to where we do not know. However, we need to have some tidbit issues resolved and as prudently as possible. Again, we are looking forward to Him providing us with Solution.

As I have mentioned before, there are NO coincidences. ie. Today we read a passage re: 'More than Routine' from Pastor Charles Price's ('Living Truth' Ministries) free monthly booklet, 'My Daily Journey with Christ.' Basically Pastor Charles was saying 'unless what you do is of God, you're wastiing your time.' See Psalm 127:1 -'Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.' I love all the five verses of this chapter ('Prosperity Comes from the Lord'); that reinvigorates my spirits! To quote Charles: 'We are energized by the Spirit of God to accomplish the will of God. It is a living relationship - not a matter of form, rules and disciplines that too easily become an end in themselves."

Alan and I have experienced and learned a lot; particularly over these past several months. We have endured; and in Faith, we will continue to do so - knowing that we have been / are being sustained on a daily basis by Him.

We are appreciative for all the ministries that we have watched either on the T.V. or online, and / or receiving pamphlets in the mail.

Tidbit - Be joyfully appreciative of His interaction in directing your life, day by day.

Bittid - Always be thankful for your Blessings. If you feel discouraged, downtrodden, dismayed etc, just say 'Thank You' to Him. The more times you say 'Thank You' (regardless of your circumstances), the better your spirits will revive. Even by saying 'Thank You' outloud to Him, will help ease the burdens weighing or pulling you down. You will truly feel as if a huge load has been lifted from your shoulders and / or hearts.

Alan and I are still 'basking' in our day in court from last week. Justice certainly Prevailed!

We are in a bit of a 'waiting mode'; we have done our best, and now again we are waiting upon Him to Provide the rest. Our bodies are still saying 'Rest.' So, we are Seeking Refuge and Strength in Him, and eagerly anticipating His majestic Provision.

I took this picture of Pastor Charles Price, while I was watching 'Living Truth' this past Sunday. I thought it was in wonderful contast to the outdoor green foliage. What I have just mentioned are but a few of the many Blessings we are thankful for!

Also, as per my post of May 22nd, 'This may open your eyes', I am thankful to our friend who sent us this particularly provocative video. Hope you watch it; as it delivers a very special and empowering message. I add too, a 'Thank you' to Kamal for his courage.

Peace and God Bless.

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