Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are about to return to our beloved Pasley and will not be 'home' til next Sunday or so.
Enjoyed a leisurely morning this morning (Alan made and brought me my coffee!), and watched 'The Hour of Power' (with the Schullers), 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (with Joyce Meyer); and 'Living Truth' (with Charles Price). All three T.V. broadcasts were terrific; and I simply have to share 'joyfulness' with you, before we leave town! ie. Please go to online and / or listen to these three remarkable people. They are 'right on' with their wonderful messages; and you might experience changes for the better; by listening (and doing) what they are teaching worldwide.
No coincidence; (there are no coincidences) but my recent blogs; (ie Aug 21st to present) touched on their teachings, which encourages me all the more to write a quick tidbit post, to inspire you to 'check them out'. Actually, you will be checking Him out; and then Checking Him into your hearts. I like that one! LOL!
Would just like to add a bittid, that you need to have the unseen FAITH and TRUST in Him and take the courageous 'Leap of Faith'. He IS there for you (because He LOVES you so; you are worthy!); just invite Him to dwell within you and He will never leave you.
When 'home' again, I will write up what I heard and learned today. Unfortunately, we have 'stuff' to do, before we leave; and we have a ferry to catch within the next short while. BUT, I wanted to joyfully share a bit, before leaving town; thinking it may be an uplift to some of you, or others you know that may appreciate a compassionate and 'helping hand'.
A tid - When I turned on 'The Hour of Power;, I happened to hear Wenley Phipps, singing magnificently the Hymn, 'AMAZING GRACE'. I LOVE that Hymn; so empowering! He wants us to be CONFIDENT, BOLD, AND JOYFUL.
Will also be joyfully reflecting upon Him (daily!); and ALL the Blessings and Bounty He has Given us. And, that in 'tough times' (as in the story of the storm on the Lake of Galilee) 'FEAR NOT'. (Everything is UNDER His Feet; in other words, not to worry or be anxious, when you are focused on Him!). Place your Faith and Trust in Him to handle eveything for you. 'It is when you are down to nothing, that He is up to something for you'; was the invigorating message from Robert Schuller Jr. Very true! Also Joyce shared that He loves you, that you are worthy and have value. Very enlightening. For those of you who feel downtrodden, insecure, worthless etc, please do yourselves a favour, and hear what she has to offer. Your lives will be enriched forever more!!!!
Have to go. Here is wishing you all a happy end to the last day of August and a great start to September.
Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL Things.
Bittid - Thank Him each and every day! Amazing what happens!
LOVE the above photo image - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
God Bless.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Joyfulness & Confidence!
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Upon Further Reflection
Hi, just had a tid of a bit of reflective thought, upon re reading my blog of today.
When I mentioned about 'ENTITLEMENT', I was amazed that the tidbit subject was brought up by our friends; I think their comments are right on!
Life is both a 'Gift' and a 'Privilege'; and any extra 'privileges' that come our way, should be genuinely appreciated and never ever taken for granted. Methinks, there may be a tendency in today's world, to take more things for granted, or as a 'right'; without much sincere thought or understanding, as to how things evolved in the first place.
I think too, my parents and grandparents were a lot more 'strict'; and our generation has perhaps overcompensated, by being more 'generous'; thus encouraging an attitude of 'entitlement'. Hmmmmmmm. All I can say is, that being truly thankful and appreciative for each and every day is what He would have us do.
We are always grateful for each and every day; however, when we go to Pasley, we reflect even more upon our Blessings. Be it Him, our lives, our families, our dreams / visions, Pasley etc. My Dad always said, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink". Very true. As far as the 'entitlement' attitude, may it give way to a 'generosity of spirit', with an open willingness to participate and communicate with Truth and Love.
The above bittids / tidbits, I hope are as illuminating to you, as they are to me.
Love the above bittid photo image of the gardenia. It has such a beautiful fragrant smell, as well as being a classic beauty. It takes me back to earlier days of wearing corsages! LOL!
Good Night and God Bless.
Appreciate Life as a Privilege
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Yes, we are back....not for long though.
We returned yesterday, and will be heading back up to Pasley tomorrow afternoon. The weather has not been / is not the best; and it is not even 60 degrees F yet! We LOVE Pasley; but with heavy rains and winds for this past week, we were just as happy to relocate to 'home' for a short bittidz. We will be restocking / replenishing our supplies; as well as enjoying the running of hot water, electricity etc. before going back to Pasley. Also, the generator was not functional for most of the time; inasmuch as the batteries need to be charged and recharged by light and sunshine. We do have a solar panel; however, the weather was quite dark and damp.
To give a re cap of the week, here goes! You might want or need (LOL!) to pour yourself a cup or glass of something!
On Monday, Aug 25th, found us tidying up the house (like a clean house to come home to!). packing odds and sods of food supplies, already in our fridge and larder. "Waste Not, Want Not" applies! As mentioned, we had a number of telephone calls re: our business (up country) and received some good news as well. Will share that tidbitz when things are in place.
It looks as if our harvested efforts are coming to 'Fruition'. Remember I shared about having FAITH in Him to Provide your needs; and that it takes COURAGE to have the UNSEEN BELIEF / FAITH. It is good to believe in Him etc; but then to actually put it into practice! Alan and I do our best to do that, each and every day; however there are moments when that can be a struggle. ie actually taking the 'Leap of Faith'. Apart from 'things coming to fruition;, we still have some hurdles.
Would like to share an experience I had prior, to us leaving for Pasley. Because the water is such a precious commodity at Pasley, I decided I would enjoy the bath (and water!) all the more. As I was soaking in the tub, I said outloud (in a resigned, yet genuine tone) to Him - "I KNOW You know we are in a bit of a 'sticky wicket' with a few things; however, I KNOW You will Provide for us; as we are Your children. I do not know how, the when, or the where, but I KNOW You have a purpose and a good plan for Alan and I. So, I am going to ENJOY the journey, while we wait for You, to supply our needs. Thank You. Praise You In ALL Things. Amen".
At the very moment I said, 'Amen', sunshine immediately filled / dazzled our bathroom, as it brilliantly shone through our skylight! The skies had just been darkly overcast, threatening rain any second! Although, earlier in the morning, there was a tid of blue sky and a sliver of sunshine. I immediately was in 'AWE' and I thanked Him for the majestic sunshine, that just 'appeared' so glowingly. I felt as if He was 'smiling' and that perhaps by my 'surrendering' with all my heart, that is to RELY and totally DEPEND upon Him. Then, certain 'pieces of the puzzle'(ie the good news, I earlier referred to), started to happen; just like a 'domino effect'. Like, 'WOW!'
Whilst on route to catch the ferry, we picked up a few more reinforcements. The island boat as mentioned, was still out of service, so we had to make alternative arrangements. (You may wish to refer to my post of Oct 8/07 - Thanksgiving re: the exiting 'Cigar Boat' experience). The same gentleman, same sleek boat, cheerfully picked us up. He was just as charming and genuine as before; and in fact, we invited both him and his wife to 'pop in', sometime for a visit.
It was lovely to be back up at our cosy Pasley. We enjoyed a delicious pasta dinner, along with a Caesar Salad (a pre made mix of greens & dressing), French Bread, and a glass or two of South African Red Wine. It was an 'International' evening, as appreciated with the simple and tasty combination. We also fell thankfully asleep; always enjoy the best 'sleeps' up there! Even our Blue, 'comfy comfy', on an old torn up sleeping bag! LOL!
Tuesday, Aug 26th. There are tidbits of sunshine, poking through the clouds and bittids of blue sky; although heavy winds and rainfall is in the forecast. You can well tell by the breezes picking up; both on the ocean and on the island. The branches, the leaves of the trees turn in such a way, that alerts your senses to a stormy downpour. At the moment, we are similar to Ernest Hemingway sitting on the beach deck chairs (I really enjoyed his books; must re read them again!). We are most appreciative of our 'Bohemian' paradise. As a tidbit, there is a wonderful publike restaurant in Oslo, Norway, called 'Bloms'. Apparently, this historical restaurant was one of Ernest Hemingway's favourite haunts; I had occasion to go there and can definitely see why Ernest Hemingway would be drawn to such a unique spot!
I made mention of the word ' PRIVILEGE' in an earlier post; and it is, indeed, a 'privilege' to come up to Pasley. (Actually, Life is a 'privilege'). Alan and I are very Blessed, in our Legacy from my Mum and Dad; and we are forever thankful for this magnificent spot; so dear to our hearts. We equitably share it with my brother and his family; and we are all working towards longterm enjoyment for both families and the ongoing generations. Even when Alan and I visited our neighbours later in the rainy afternoon, the theme of 'entitlement' came up (actually by the 40 yr old and then followed through with his Mum and Dad) that Pasley is not a 'right' but is a 'PRIVILEGE'. Touche!
When my parents were alive, they enjoyed the full 'specialness' of Pasley throughout their lifetimes; and we were included, if we wished to be; and yet we were never allowed to take Pasley for granted. My brother and I respect the same 'privilege' of spending time up there; and eventhough we have had personal issues with one another, we are concentrating on putting our past differences behind us. We trust and Pray that the generations after us, will treat Pasley also as a 'privilege' and not merely as a 'right'. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing our neighbours; a great way of getting caught up on 'island history', as well as being warm and cosy indoors!
Wednesday, August 27th. Rained 'cats and dogs' the night before, along with harsh winds. For a bittid of 30 minutes, when the rains and winds subsided; I squeezed in my morning walk with Blue; and it was so peaceful in amongst all the trees, along the trails. Wonderful mists rising from the treetops and the occasional brightness in open spaces. Fall is very definitely in the air. Later in the afternoon, our neighbours (the parents of the 40 yr old) came over and it was a great time had by all. PLUS, the sun came out in full regalia and warmth for the Pasley hour they were there! Incredible timing! Both Alan and I were joyful to see them; however, I was just extra glad! Do not know why; save that they are lovely, genuine, and 'down to earth people'. They are approx 10 - 12 years older than us; and their 'kids' are approx 15 - 19 yrs younger than us; so we are right tid in the middle; which makes it extra nice. (I enjoy friends of all ages!).
It is said, that you are 'only as old as you feel'. I have always heartily believed that to be the case! 'Laugh and the World laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone'. My Dad always said those wise words to me; and it is true. Alas, there are many sad (even sour) people today; that enable themselves to be in an 'empty' situation. (You can refer to my Aug 20th post - Reflections and Discernment). However, if they turn to Him, and invite Him in to their hearts, they will be forever changed; and will look at life in a much happier and simpler way!
Thursday, Aug 28th. Came and went! Major rains and ocean swells. Miserable actually; but it just made us that much more appreciative of our Blessings. In fact later that evening, we were sitting underneath the partial roof eves, and eventhough it was cold and just pouring with rain, we were happy! Enjoyed a glass of red wine and said, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Also, earlier in the afternoon, another neighbour came over, and we enjoyed her visit and hearing what was new with her. In short, we reconnected with quite a few of our neighbours.
Should mention too, that when we are at Pasley, I LOVE to cook! The kitchen may be sparse and spartan; but perhaps it is just the 'bohemian ambience'; and very often, the best meals and / or 'creative concoctions' appear!' LOL! We had glorious salmon steaks; and it was delicious, if I say so myself! LOL! Cooked the salmon in the frying pan (I know that that is not the healthiest way) with oil and margarine; along with honey mustard and brown sugar generously sprinkled on both sides of the salmon. The usual seasonings; but I did not need to apply lemon; as the tid of lime added the extra bit of 'oompf'. Plus some green peppers from our bittid patio vegetable garden; along with store bought yellow and orange peppers cooked much in the same manner; but in a separate pan. Peas were also thrown into the medley; and our tidbit cherry tomatoes (also from our home freshly grown produce), gave a bit of colour!
Friday, August 29th. We came home; via the 'Cigar Boat'; and typically, the sun came out. Then on the ferry, our car was in a 'view spot'; so we had a wonderful vista of the surrounding islands! However, we had to return to the city; as we had our banking and other things that needed doing.
We were tired but contented little puppies last night; and inasmuch as the weather was 'iffier' this am, we made the decision not to go up to Pasley, til tomorrow. Plus the forecast is not looking good for this evening. So after we enjoy our Sunday morning programs (You can refer to my Nov 11th, Nov 18th and other posts, if you wish), we will leisurely head back up to Pasley; doing a bit of shopping on route. Love the above photo, that I took of Pasley 'at sunset'. (You can see actual pictures in post of July 28/08 - Holidays are Good).
Hope I have not worn you out with the last tid few days of journal 'catch up'; as I also wanted to share some special tidbits / bittids with whomever, reads my posts. May be back in a bit of a tid; or if not, next week!
Here is wishing you all a great Labour Day Weekend. Happens to be my birthday on the 2nd of September; and I feel that each and every year is a Blessing. We will be 'celebrating' my birthday up there....just chilling out and being appreciative and joyful for each and every day, let alone each passing year.
God Bless.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Happy August 25th!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
August 25th! Already the month of August is almost over; and then we are into September, Fall etc.
At the tid moment, it is not raining, and the sun is attempting to poke its head out through the clouds and the bits of scattered blue sky. Forecasted to be an 'iffy' day. We are still not sure as to when we are going up to Pasley. We have received tids of phone calls, starting at 8:00 am this morning; so it may be better for us to go tomorrow; which gives us the appropriate bit time to address any bittid issues / matters before we leave.
Was up early, and admired our glorious front patio 'garden'; which is in full regalia of reds, whites, pinks, corals, violets, and purples. Plus, the early morning dew was impressive as well; and you can definitely feel a tidbit of Fall in the air.
Tidbit - Your attitude and behaviour at the start of the day, shapes the rest of your day! 'Praise Him In ALL Things' is a helpful uplift!
Bittid - Be thankful for ALL your Blessings. ie your garden or whatever gives you joy!
Have to go for now; however, here is wishing you all a good day! Love the above photo image of the 'Queen Elizabeth Rose'. As mentioned in previous posts, we have a couple of these rose bushes in our back patio 'garden'; and they are, indeed, lovely!
God Bless.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
'Let Him Reign In You' , And Appreciate The Rain!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today, eventhough it has been pouring with rain all day; am really enjoying the cooler air and our home. It has been most refreshing; and our plants and flowers are also appreciating the downpour.
This morning I watched the three T.V. programs re: 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'The Living Truth'. (You can refer to posts of Nov 11/07 etc for background). Basically, Robert Schuller Jr shared that we must place our Faith in the unseen; and he gave some wonderful examples; which you can check into if you wish, on his website.
With Joyce, she was sharing that the 'Word of God has the Power' ( Walking Confidently in Righteousness and Holiness); and that everything IS in the present tense with Him. Also, on earth, people say 'Show me first'; whereas, with Him, you need to Believe first, before He shows you; and He does. Please feel free to view her website.
To me, His plan is the best; rather then dealing with those who are forever saying, 'Show me first'. Just makes me think of banks and other financial institutions in that regard. With all the major scrutiny they are currrently under, they are totally fearful of taking any risks whatsoever. Micro thinking appears to be replacing macro thinking.
With Charles, he was sharing that we need to have a 'Dependence on Him'' and, 'It is the heart that connects with God'. We are in God's Workshop; and we are 'God's Agents'. He wants us to be in His Service, moment by moment, day by day, for our own personal growth. He wants us to be 'ready'; not just on Sundays; but everyday! You may wish to refer to his website as well.
This morning was absolutely gorgeous with the vividly different shades of green of all the surrounding trees, in our complex. I took some digital pictures; and here is hoping I will add them to the blogs, at some point. The geranium flowers too, were vibrantly alive with colour. Am thinking as per Joyce, 'Let Him Reign in you'. So true! I love the above photo image illustrating an inviting warmth; and because of the rainy weather, we enjoyed a nice fire in our cosy abode.
We had an appointment at the house this afternoon; it went well. We also recently had word that the 'Island Boat' for Pasley is out of commission for the tid time being; however, we do have another tidbit source of transportation. Inasmuch as the forecast looks gloomy and wet tomorrow, we may postpone going to Pasley til either later tomorrow pm or Tues am. We plan to be home on the Friday for the day; as we have our business to attend to.
Just picked a bittid bunch of cherry tomatoes! They look so delicious; and we will enjoy them with our dinner tonight!
Good Night and God Bless.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Reflections and Choices
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Am glad it is Saturday; am just relaxing, enjoying my cup(s) of coffee, and 'smelling the roses'. Love the above photo image!
As a tid, we have some beautiful climbing yellow roses; and they have wonderfully intertwined themselves with our 'Trumpet Yellow' Clematis, which is growing abundantly along our bit back patio fence.
Have been reflecting; and it gets down to the CHOICES, one makes. All of us learn from our choices we make; particularly if it was not the best choice at the time. That is how one 'grows' and becomes a better person. I know I have mentioned in various posts, that 'yesterday is gone (do not cry over spilt milk), tomorrow is promised to no one (do not be anxious about the next day), and just enjoy today, giving it your best.
Well, there are times too, when one has to take a stand; to touch upon past choices to streamline a smoother path for the future. Sometimes, things that have happened in the past, stick with you, and generally can be problematic later on. ie Blaming others, resentment, whatever. The hardest thing to do, is to acknowledge your own mistakes or inappropriate choices. It is imperative for personal growth to assess your own conduct and its subsequent effects on others. If needed to apologize or attempt to clear the air. So that not only to personally grow from the experience; ie being wrong and apologizing! Now there is a personal growth all around; so that our tomorrows are better with greater levels of communication and understanding.
He already KNOWS everything about us; however, when you turn to Him, and invite Him into your heart, He will never leave; and you are forgiven; because He LOVES you so! For those that have yet to have that experience, once that takes place, they 'change' and look at life in a very different yet simpler way. HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT. The TRUTH, sets you free; and that is where the 'right' CHOICES are easier to make. Ask Him to Guide you each and every day; and it is amazing what happens! Please refer to my post of August 20th, re: Reflections and Discernment; as they may give you tidbits / bittids. There are other posts as well, that offer bittids / tidbits.
Just had an unexpected visitor; our lovely neighbour. She came over to pick some of our freshly home grown produce. ie Sweet Basil, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, chives, whatever she would like. She is the one who kindly offers to water our patio 'garden' plants / flowers, whenever we are at Pasley. We are very Blessed to enjoy her as a wonderful neighbour / friend.
Later this afternoon, we have an appointment and it involves making choices; and we are relying on His Direction, and His Words of Wisdom to Guide us. Some of the choices I have made in the past, were not 'brilliant'; however, that is part of the 'learning curve'. I do not make choices to deliberately cause harm or be vindicative towards others; instead I depend upon Him to be my Advocate of Choice and Truth.
God Bless.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Enjoy the journey!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Today has been a very quiet day; almost too quiet! However, very pleasant temperatures with a light soothing bit of a breeze. We have made a number of telephone calls, and it is just a matter of confirming various commitments.
We are in the process of arranging / organizing everything so that we can comfortably leave this Monday for Pasley. Depending on the 'Pasley Schedule', we will be heading back to town next week for a day, to attend to any outstanding business, before returning to Pasley. We will also be replenishing our supplies of ICE and a few other appreciated necessities.
As mentioned in yesterday's post, Alan and I will be enjoying the ambience of a wonderful restaurant this evening. Looking forward to it!
Tidbit - Do your best to 'enjoy the journey', while you 'wait' upon Him to supply your needs. Sometimes that is easier said than done; however, it does become simpler, when you courageously Rely totally on Him to Provide Solution for you. He wants to GIVE you Blessings; just let Him do it.
Bittid - Easier said than done too, but just live your best for today; do not worry about yesterday, and do not fret or 'pre-worry' about tomorrow. Just simply enjoy today; and,'Praise Him In ALL Things'.
Hope this helps give you (as it does to me) some tid encouragement to simply 'enjoy the journey'; living each and every day; one day at a time. I LOVE the above photo image of the man heartily devouring / slurping / gulping down his oysters! (I LOVE oysters; may inhale some tonight! LOL!) We have that particular plate; and every time I pass by it, a smile readily appears on my face! We have much to be thankful for; and all I can say is, 'Thank you!'
God Bless.
P.S. You may wish to refer to my earlier posts; ie 3 of March 15/08; and March 19/08 for background. The above plate reminds me of the amusing antics and comical expressions of our late friend, whom I nicknamed, 'The Almond Roca Man'.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Glorious, peaceful summer skies!
Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today has come and gone! It is now a lovely summer evening; and a very nice close to the day.
We had a fully productive day; a major appointment in the morning, which went very well. Alan and I had planned to go out for dinner tonight; but our cosy home beckoned to us instead! We will enjoy a movie and just 'chill out'. We will go out tomorrow and appreciate a quiet evening with each other.
We watched 'Lawrence from Arabia' last night. What a fantastic movie; and so well done! I understand, it was Peter O'Toole's movie debut; well he was perfect for the part! I saw the movie as a teenager; but seeing it a second time, really caught my tidbit attention a lot more than many years ago! Probably like most of us, perhaps! Lawrence of Arabia was an amazing human being; and the fact he united the Arabs and helped them to succeed, was just awesome. And to think that he died in a motorcycle accident ( alas, did not negotiate the turn), after all he had endured throughout his life. 'Lawrence of Arabia', had the right idea of how to take 'leadership'; by example, as far as I am concerned. I feel if you want the genuine and loyal respect of others, be prepared to do the same. 'Talk the talk, and walk the walk'. We missed the first bittid, and did not watch the last 1.5 hrs; as the movie was running into the wee morning hours; however, what we saw, was incredible!
The skies are glorious this evening as everything looks so green, fresh, and completely alive with colour. The recent rainfall has been a Godsend. I love the above photo image; very similar to our summery calm skies tonight.
Tidbit - Appreciate your day, good or otherwise. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.
Bittid - Be thankful for all your Blessings and also, be grateful for the night, when you can solidly rest.
Good Night and God Bless.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Reflections and Discernment
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Am personally really thankful for the cooler weather and rain. It gives one a nice feeling of 'being at home' and enjoying one's house. Am sure some of you can relate a tid!
Today has been a strange day; productive, nonetheless. Made successful contact with a number of individuals, and later this afternoon, we have an appointment, with drinks and appies / dinner to follow.
Our computer was not functioning earlier today; however, with the wonderful assistance of our internet provider, all is put to right. There was nothing really wrong; save an odd bit of a 'glitch' in the 'system'.
Alan just returned from his doctor re: his knee, which he injured severely last August, when he fell through a rotted part of our deck at Pasley. The deck has recently been rebuilt. Alan has been referred as of today, to a friend of ours; who is # One in his field. Thus things may be resolved sooner, rather than later.
Tidbit - COMMUNICATION is key; as it is vital to be on the same page. When there is direct and straight-up discussion, many of 'so called' problems evaporate. Fostering good will, integrity, honour, respect, and ethics, etc. is so crucial in enjoying positive and genuine relationships.
Bittid - 'Reflections' and 'Discernment' is good; keeps one focused on empathy and a quality conduct / behaviour towards others. 'LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR, AS THYSELF'. At the same time, if you allow yourself to be abused and / or mistreated by others, then you are continually enabling yourself to be treated poorly and without the quality respect you deserve. This can be a 'fine line' at times; however, just as important, is to take a stand for what is Right and Just. ie The TRUTH. 'Nipping things in the bud', is best. 'HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT'. I love the above photo image of 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
God Bless.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Contented puppies, home for the night
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We went out for a dinner that we had been looking forward to, for some time. We spent the evening with my son; and it was a delightful visit. The food, the atmosphere; and of course the company, was totally excellent!
Should mention that when I was going through 'old' stuff; ie clothing...I came across a beautiful soft turquoise long rayon swirl skirt, with a complimentary matching top; which my dear friend, Lynn gave to me, just a few tid months before her unexpected death. She was cleaning out her closets and she wanted me to have this particular outfit; because she thought it would a) look good on me; and b) it would match the colour of my eyes. She was one of my closest friends; and as per my recent posts (Aug 16th & 18th), Lynn was one of my special friends, I could easily count on one hand.
Tonight I wore 'Lynn's' outfit; along with gold heeled sandals that were my Mum's. I also adorned a ring and bracelet from my Mum; so in all, it was a meaningful and sentimental combination. Love the above bit photo image; that is how we feel now; glad to be home again and to enjoy a good night's sleep, oblivious to the pitter patter of the rain upon our skylights.
Tidbit - Appreciate the gifts that you have been given and warmly enjoy them!
Bittid - 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.
Good Night and God Bless.
In Appreciation
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today it is raining; but we are thankful for the cooler temperatures and relief from the recent muggy nights etc. Plus all the flowers / plants are being watered naturally.
Have been going through some clothing of my Mum, who passed away in the summer of 2005. There is not a day that goes by, that I do not think of her. (or for the most tid part). I am remembering our good times together. As I write, am enjoying wearing an old plaid coloured short sleeved comfy shirt, along with a pair of sporty teal green shorts; and this classic ensemble, just makes me feel good! I have finally organized and rearranged my closet(s), so that I can readily enjoy her 'movie star' clothing, as opposed to leaving them buried in hibernation. With the way things cost today, I am hanging on to her quality clothing (the outfits that fit of course; and what does not creatively work, I will happily give away!) and will appreciate wearing them all the more.
When my daughter married, I wore the glamorous, yet elegantly simple dress that my Mum wore to the wedding of Alan and I. I had to get the dress taken in a bit; but it really is 'one of a kind'. There are not too many dresses made like that anymore!
Tidbit - Appreciate mixing the 'old' with the new. When it comes to clothing, the classic look never goes out of style!
Bittid - When there is a loved one that has passed away, remembering the special moments and the good times spent together, means much, and is of gentle solace. Very often, one does not know what they have missed, until it is gone. Am not lamenting my Mum; just remembering her; and that in her way, she did the best she could for me. Thanks Mum. And, I know that she is at peace.
The above photo is a picture of my Mum in the dress, along with myself, and my daughter, taken a few years ago.
God Bless.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a much cooler start to the day! It rained overnight and our thermometer is currently in the mid 60's! Thunder and lightning outbreaks, along with rain is in the forecast today; and it is a welcomed bit of relief. The hot hot weather has been abated until the weekend / following week, By then, we will be back up at our beloved Pasley for about a week to 10 days. As mentioned, we have a number of projects coming to fruition; so it just depends how much can be completed before we leave.
In my post of August 16th, I made reference to having a few 'true' friends; and that one is fortunate if you can count the number on one hand. I would like to add that there are many awesome people I know and appreciate; just that I am Blessed with 2 or 3 close female friends. Alan is my best friend; inasmuch as we are married and choose to spend our time together; be it in developing our business interests, and daily enjoying our personal lives.
'Genuineness' is what it all comes down to. Have had past and recent disappointments; however, there are those who have exposed themelves by their own 'words, actions, and deeds'. Some of them do not know what to do because of embarassment, shame, whatever shoe fits; and it is coming back to haunt some of them, whereby they are getting caught in their own webs of deceit and lies. With some (ex friends), I have tried to show compassion etc; but their purposes are quite different from mine.
Alan is from a Christian family; and it was Alan who genuinely helped me accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Since that time, our lives have been taking many amazing turns (most would not believe it); and the fact that I have 'changed' (because Alan has 'brainwashed' me; and, indeed, he has not!), are angry, jealous, spiteful, etc - just because.
Alan has been the scapecoat and the whipping boy, as well as myself; however, that is fine. We are happy and are enjoying our lives; regardless of the ups and downs. Our Faith in Him has wonderfully Blessed our Marriage and our lives together. You can refer to my post of June 10/08 etc, if you wish to read about 'Our Answer to Prayer'.
Anyway, I am enjoying my cup of coffee, whilst writing my blog. Alan and I have done / are doing a lot of reflecting and it really DOES get down to being 'genuine'. We are so grateful that we met, fell in love, and each day just gets better; and this has now been approx 6 years. There were and still are those that oppose our marriage. Alas for them, that they did /do not wish to take the time to have a genuine understanding of the Truth; but perhaps they are more comfortable with their own versions, false gossip, or divisive heresay. And instead of being happy for us, they are not; but all the sadder for them, in that they do not appear to be content with their own lives. And yet, there IS a Solution; and that IS Him. If some would turn to Him, their lives too, would be 'changed' for the better and for the best. Alan has been a 'messenger' in His Service; and that is the simple TRUTH of it.
Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'.
Bittid - Commandment # 8 - 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour'.
Have to go for now; as we have some business to attend to. Will be back in a tid.
God Bless.
P.S. The Olympics have been so inspirational!
Sunday, 17 August 2008
'Peace Be Still'
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Yesterday, I may have already mentioned was forecasted to be a hot day. Well it was a tid! 92 degrees F in the shade, as per our outdoor bit thermometer! And, we know it is accurate!
It was a very warm and muggy night; we had the fan on full blast, and are grateful for the screens on all the windows. However, I was awake for most of the night and I would like to share a bit of bittidz with you. Perhaps you have had your intrepidations too.
We (who doesn't, for the most part) have a number of projects on our plate; along with some tough challenges. I spent last night 'talking' to Him; basically, I was looking at all the 'stuff' we have going on in our lives; and we definitely need His Help for Solution. He does Provide; however, it is in His time and according to His Will; thus we are 'waiting' with patience and doing our best, to enjoy the journey while we 'wait'. It is vital that one has joy; then regardless of what is happening all around you, you are at Peace and enjoying your life. He has already WON. He HAS overcome the world; and says 'FEAR NOT'. Well, there are times when there is fear; and everyone experiences their own sets of fear at various times. I told Him that I am 'struggling' with some obstacles; and yet I have the unseen FAITH, that He will Provide; just do not know the when or the how. However, that is not up to me to worry. We are to RELY on Him; that is His Wish. He does not want us to worry or have angst (the other force does); and to maintain a confidence and a joyfulness of spirit. I know He heard my Prayer; when I said the word, 'struggling'. I also felt a huge lump well up in my throat, as well as tears streaming from my eyes, in my poignant plea for His Guidance and Help.
The long story made short, I said a very powerful Prayer; right from the bottom of my heart. In the wee hours of the morning, I had to go to the washroom; and I heard 'Be Still'. So, I returned to my bed and just lay there for the rest of the night; did not give in to the evil one to be up and puttering about; whether it was on the computer, doing housework, whatever. He wants us to rest; particularly when we lay our heads down on the pillow. Easier said than done, at times. This morning, approx 7:45 am; when I was back in the washroom, rain started to gently fall on our skylights; the exact moment I went into the washroom. The sound of the rain was a welcoming and comforting gentle relief to me. The rain did not last; only for a very few minutes; and it is a beautiful warm summer day. (82 degrees F now in the shade).
On Sunday mornings whenever it is possible, I enjoy watching and listening to the 'Hour of Power' (with the Schullers); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer); and ' The Living Truth' (Charles Price). If you wish (if you are newcomers to my blog), please feel free to check out earlier posts. ie Nov 11/07 etc and that will give you a 'heads up'. When I was 'talking' with Him last night, I had expressed that perhaps there might be a 'gem of info' that I would learn in the morning from the televised programs' teachings. I also 'Praised Him in ALL Things'; and thanked Him for all of our Blessings, thus far. I also boldly said, that I KNOW He will Provide, as He (Jesus Christ) is our Saviour; and that He has a good (and the best!) plan for us.
Well, this morning with the Schullers, Robert Jr brilliantly touched upon 'the storm within'. ie our emotions and events can take over; whereas, if we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, He IS there, living within us. ie "Peace be Still" (Mark 4, v 39) when He had the winds cease on the seas. He also shared the story about a friend of his, who Prayed on top of a high mountain; and when he said 'Amen', the winds and clouds ceased; just like that! And, he gave a plaque, '4610' to Robert Schuller Jr. Basically it is from Psalms 46, v 10 and where God is saying 'Be still, and know that I am God'. How incredible is that!!! Wow! Also, in the toughest of times, Jesus comes to us. Have Enthusiasm in God; and when He is in your heart, He is there! And here is another wow! Morris Robinson was the guest who has an awesome voice; just blew me away with his spiritual music; that he combined with classical composers! Perhaps some of you are familiar with him? He also used to play football. He was brought up in a singing family; and whenever times were tough, his Mum always broke into Gospel Songs; and thus they all learned to sing! Morris' two yr old son, is exercising his singing voice too! Morris has recognized his God given gifts and and is enjoying full use those special talents. Good on him! And God loves the sound of music! We all have been given precious gifts and talents; because each of us is unique and special to Him; we just have to recognize and appreciate (and not abuse the gifts) His Gifts to us.
Next with Joyce, there was the 'love language'; whereby 5 guests were interviewed as per their different personalities and how they deal with life. Very interesting. Basically, if you 'walk in Love', and you humble yourself before Him, you become better equipped to give more of a genuine uplift to others; as well as being able to adjust and adapt to various situations.
Last, but not least, with Charles, he was talking about Paul. ie Philippians 4, v 3 to 6. It is about being CONFIDENT. 'He who has began a good work in you, will bring it to completion'. We all may experience 'prisons', that restrict us at times; however, there are resources for life and for joy; no matter what your circumstances may be. Paul was saying that He was Sufficient with Him, even when he was in an actual prison. Looking both back and forward to the future, walk in Confidence amd permit Him to walk IN our shoes. A desire for Righteousness, Holiness, and Goodness; that is the presence of Jesus Christ living within us. And, be CONFIDENT seven days a week!
The above are tids of tidbitz which I hoped helped or encouraged you; it cerainly gave me a boost of enlightenment. I recommend listening or going online to check out these 3 magnificent International Bible Teachers; they are wonderful messengers!
Tidbit - He IS The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIGHT.
Bittid - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'. ( I mentioned that last night to Him as well). I received further validation re: having the Confidence, to be Still, to delight in the Joy, and to Fear Not; because He wants the best for us all. Always.
Also, when we were at Pasley this last tid while, I was again 'talking' with Him; and lo and behold when I looked up, there was a gorgeous 'rainbow' in the sky! Wow! Actually, the rainbow was a 'ring around the sun'; which is a precursor to the arrival of inclement weather; which soon took place. However, the rain felt refreshingly good; and the smell of fresh rainfall upon the earth was a wonderful treat!
I guess in a bit of a nutshell, SIMPLY and genuinely turn to Him; and He will Change your life forever. He IS your best Guide to help you enjoy all the Blessings you deserve. He loves each and every one of us.
God Bless.
Saturday, 16 August 2008
A relaxing Saturday morning at home
Good Morning or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!
Yesterday came and went by quickly; as if in a blur. It was a full day; and then a good friend of ours came over in the evening; and, so much for writing the blog! LOL! She brought a bottle of chilled champagne, and I warmed up bits and tids of 'appies' from our wonderful Costco; along with fresh big green grapes. Mmmmmmmm. Perfect for a warm summer evening. There was no extraordinary occasion to celebrate; except that it was wonderful to see her; so we toasted to our genuine 'Friendship!'. My apologies for not posting yesterday; but when our friend left, we 'retired for the night', and when we awoke, it was after 9:00 am! Feel as if I am on another planet; as that was a major 'sleep in!'. No complaints though; guess we needed the extra bit of rest.
This morning is a gorgeous summer am; and at 9:15 am, it was already 72 degrees F in the shade, as per our thermometer. (This is the day to be by the ocean; as it is has been predicted to be a scorcher). Just checked our thermometer and the temps have risen to 80 degrees F. However, we are appreciative of the summer weather; because in the next 6 weeks, we will be heading into Fall. I love the Fall with its crispness, cool nights, fires, colours etc; and yet, because we live one day at a time, we do our best to enjoy the moments of each day.
Tidbit - Be thankful for your few 'true' friends. One is fortunate if one can count the number on one hand. Think I personally have 2 or 3 close friends; although there was a 4th one, who sadly passed away approx 18 months ago. However, I know she is in Heaven; and is at peace, which is a major comfort to me.
Bittid - When you have accepted Him into your Heart, you 'change'; because He is now living within you. ALWAYS. Some of you know of what I write. However, there are still those that do not have understanding (simply not their time yet) and do not like the 'change'. ie from me, because 'they' are no longer in a position to manipulate, control, whatever they once used to do with me. My dear husband Alan, is being blamed too; because he 'has changed me'; so it is his fault. Thus false accusations, the works. However, we know the TRUTH; simply, they do not. Alan introduced me to Him; and I have embraced Him totally (it was at the right time; timing is everything) and it is amazing what happens when you genuinely invite Him in. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'. He becomes your best Friend, Confidant, Advocate etc; because you have a personal and open relationship with Him. That is what He wants! Am reading a fabulous book, 'Woman to Woman', written by Joyce Meyer; and what a 'down to earth' resource! For those women (and men, for that matter - to help understand us females better! LOL!) it is an excellent book of encouragement and insightful inspiration to all women. I thoroughly recommend it for all those who wish to have a happier and simpler life!
For those that are 'new' or not familiar with my posts, you may wish to refer to earlier postings (November 11/07, June 10/08 etc) for background or start at the beginning. Perhaps pour yourself a cup of coffee, or tea, or something stronger, if need be, and enjoy!
Have to go for now. May be back a tid later today. However, here is wishing you a great day!
The above photo is one of the pictures I took of our beloved Blue, on the new Panabode deck, overlooking our bay. Eventhough, the pic is sideways, you can still catch a glimpse of Pasley.
God Bless.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Keep things simple
Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today has remarkably just come and gone! It is very warm (no complaints!); and this is where the ocean air breeze would be most appealing and appeasing to us; had we still been up at Pasley. It is 92 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. However, it is great to be home again; as in 'there is no place like home!' We do have screens on the windows and a fan; so that really helps cool our abode.
We have accomplished a few tidbit projects; and hope to have the rest of the bittid matters completed before we leave again for Pasley. Have just booked for Zihua in December; and we look forward to revisiting that part of the world at that time. We will be home for Christmas. Perhaps one of these years, we might stay and experience a Christmas there. Eventhough we have received generous invitations, there is 'something to be said, for being home at Christmas'. Just a feeling you have. Am sure some of you, can relate.
Alan right now is watering all our flowers, plants, and garden herbs/home grown produce. The heat is taking a lot out them; so the water is a welcome relief to their parched roots. Our neighbour was wonderful to come in and water everything for us, while we were away; plus she loved helping herself to the tid cherry tomatoes etc! She very kindly offered; and of course when she is away, we will return her kindness and take care of her wondrous plants.
Tidbit - Keep everything SIMPLE. Things work a lot better that way.
Bittid - Holidays are beneficial to relax, reflect, and recharge; AND, to have the Faith, the Trust, and Calm in Him, that He will Provide for our needs. We have left everything to Him and are joyfully anticipating His Solutions. 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.
Here is another bit photo of our 'pup', Blue. As you can see, he loves his sticks!
Good Night and God Bless.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Grace and acting with Grace
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Wow! Can not believe that 2 weeks approx have evaporated, since my last post to you! We returned from our beloved Pasley last night; all tuckered out, but totally rested. Today, was back to dealing with raw reality; the usual tidbitz stuff to do etc; when one has been away for a bittidz of time.
Pasley days and nights went by far too quickly. We were hit with nasty rains and strong winds at the beginning; including the first part of my daughter's and her husband's visit. Fortunately, the weather improved; which made life easier; particularly where there are little ones to consider. My daughter's and her husband's boys (our grandsons are not identical twins, thank goodness!) have just turned 2 years old; and they are on the go, non stop; tid into everything! Methinks I have forgotten how 'busy' those days can be, chasing after and caring for wee ones. My daughter is totally run off her feet!
My daughter and her husband invited some of their close friends up to stay with them / us; so it was a full household. My son also came up for a few R & R days; and we were thankful to have enjoyed a bit of a visit with him as well. There were three little boys (the twins and their 5 yr old house guest)and they 'played' well together.
We have one fridge; so ice and coolers were / are an absolute premium. Eventually, we will find a second fridge (propane) and that will be a great relief to us all. The above is a picture I took, of our bay; and in the future, I will add more photos. Please bear with me. If you refer to the post of July 28th, you can see how the bay fits in with the other pictures. There is a treacherous rock reef out in front; and it is very deceptive to all those boaters / fishermen who are not aware of its presence; particularly when it is submerged under the water. Over the years, there have been countless 'boat hits'; ie damaged props, broken keels, lost lures, etc. Just the other day, a small sailboat went sailing right over the rock and ouch; the keel make such a horrible sound! Not reassuring, I can assure you. Fortunately, those on board were okay; their motor was immediately pressed into service, and they safely 'limped' away; not to do that repeat performance.
We enjoyed 'PIG' - the island gathering for the annual summer evening picnic, held at a tranquil field, overlooking a magnificent bay. For the event, one of my daughter's guests barbecued a large salmon for our group of 11; and it was so delicious! Of course, 'good food, good wine, good company', is always one of the welcoming mainstays at Pasley. Amazing how major a part, food plays in one's memories! Also, there were lights and music (CDs) brilliantly connected to the generator on the PIG night; and if one were approaching the island, one might wonder who are all those 'bohemian' people dancing about; both young and old alike! LOL!
We also caught fresh crab and mmmmmm, was that ever good. Cooked in garlic and melted butter; that is the best! Mmmmmm! A tidbit: as I was about to dig into my crab, my daughter reminded me, "Mum, you have forgotten to say Grace!" Well, indeed I had 'spaced it out'; so I immediately replied, "Yes, my daughter, you are absolutely right; thank you!" I was relieved and grateful when my daughter drew my attenion to give a genuine thanks for our meal. I thought, 'Good on her!' As a bittid, 'Grace' plays such a vital role in our daily lives. Apart from being thankful and appreciative for all of our Blessings; it is also when you genuinely act with Grace and Love, that truly pleases Him. He wants us to: 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself'. 'Do unto others, as you would have them, do unto you'. 'Keep it Simple'.
Our dog, Blue, was finally 'swimming'; albeit not for long; however, once he gains more confidence with his 'dog paddle', he will be just fine! The other 'puppy', Pedro, (3 yrs old; a year younger than Blue) who belongs to my daughter, is a pug / bulldog combination, is built like a tank; and he boldly tackles the water without any fear whatsoever.
Eventhough we were at a wonderful oceanside location, there is 'no place like home!' We are happy to be back; and will be here for another 2 weeks approx, before we leave again. We have much to do in the next tid while; but we feel that most of things will have been attended to, before we are away again.
Have mentioned some tidbits / bittids; hope they are a bit of an uplift to you. Have more bittids / tidbits to share with you tomorrow etc.
Good Night and God Bless.
P.S. It is nice to be back on the blog circuit! LOL!