Monday, 31 December 2007

Love Conquers All & Happy New Year to you all!

Good Day! or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am going to write a tid differently today.....Cathy, a fellow blogger / friend of mine, is in the process of planning a wonderful trip to Disneyland with her family; that includes their grandchildren. She is a "young" grandma as well!

After I replied in a comment to her post; it made me think back a bit.

When my children were small ( ie approx 8 yrs old), I took them to Disneyland (in Anaheim) and I / we had the best time ever! I was newly "separated"; and I wanted to give my children a good and fun vacation. We went on a "Special"; from a Thursday to a Sunday; and that included our airfare, as well as staying at the Howard Johnson Hotel. As soon as we arrived there, the kids (and me) jumped gleefully into the hotel pool! Fortunately, the hotel was very close to the Disneyland Entrance Gates. We went on all sorts of rides; and there was one ride that I must have gone on, at least a dozen times! The ride operator was amused, and I know he increased the length of the ride, as well as giving me a few extra tidbit rides for free! I was; still am, a 'kid at heart!' On our last day, we each won large stuffed animals! Imagine me, with 2 small kids, all our bags, the 3 animals (bigger than my children!) squeezing into the Airporter Bus etc.

It was a meaningful holiday that I will never forget; and I am grateful that I have that wonderful memory of that extra special bittid time together! I still have the stuffed animals, stashed somewhere in our garage, methinks.

Would love to be in a situation to go on another 'Disneyland' adventure with my children and our grandchildren! Perhaps, when the "babies" are a bittidz older!

Also, if / when we are accepted, as a genuine part of my children's / grandchildren's lives, that will be indeed a blessing for all of us. Currently, everyone is losing out; in the longterm, if not just in these early formative years. None of us are getting any younger (save in heart!) We have not had the pleasure of getting to know our wee grandsons; let alone enjoying my children's passions and interests. I do not even know our grandsons' clothing sizes.

Alan and I have done our best to be family oriented and inclusive; but we have very definitely been excluded; save for tidbitz obligatory calls or infrequent visits. We obseved this, yet again this Christmas.

However, we are always hopeful, that this will be a New Year, with renewed hopes and new beginnings. Our door is always OPEN. As the saying goes: "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it to drink". Sadly, this is the truth here. I dearly love my children; and I brought them up, as best as I could, to give them a worthy goodness. For the record, my Alan loves my children as well; and although he is not their 'Dad', he would love to have a nuturing and respectful relationship with them. We would genuinely love to be a part of their lives; however,'a 2 way street' is required, because 'the gate swings both ways'.

Having said that, we wish them, and everyone a very Happy New Year's Eve and a great 2008.

Tidbit - Do your best; but also know when to step back.

Bittid - When all else fails, best to leave things in His Hands; and have the Faith that He will provide reconciliation, by 'touching' their hearts; as He is "The Way, The Truth, and the Light". "Love one another, as I have loved you"; and "Do unto others, as you would have them, do unto you" are very true. And, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.

God Bless.

Sunday, 30 December 2007


Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate greeting is, in your part of the world!
Here it is one day before New Year's Eve; much to reflect upon for both 2007 and

We are looking forward to embracing 2008; as we have so much to be thankful for! Even for just appreciating such Blessings, such as water, available food sources, gentle climes, and a wonderful place in the world to live!

Have spoken with a tid few of 'old' friends of many years today; and it is comforting to know that we are still genuinely good friends with each other. As one gets older, one is a bit more 'wary' in their expectations and discernments of loyal versus artificial friendships. As Joyce Meyer in her T.V. ministries eluded to today, there are times when the branches need to be clipped from the tree; in order to encourage new growth, to come to "fruition". "Fruition" is such a comparable description.

Tidbit - Many people are "busy" and 'always in a hurry'....Hmmmmmm. Sure you must have run across some of 'those' who are always professing those treadmill words. I know of what I speak, because I was on one of those churning gerbil machine/ like 'treadmills'; for some 15 years; before I accepted Him into my Heart, in 2002. He has given me clarity; and He, is whom I ask for daily Help and Guidance. I agree with Joyce Meyer, that generally and sadly, 'those busy' people often are empty and are not happy with their own personal lives or set of circumstances. But, to everyone else, they look 'fine'. He does not have a time frame; so it is good to just "slow down", enjoy, and work at being "fruitful" and leave the rest to Him to guide you in your endeavours. You do not always have to be "busy'; more importantly, just be "fruitful" in His Service.

Bittid - Good to have a purpose, 'goals' you can visualize, to be passionate about; to dare go for it! That is what He wants! Just lean on Him, and He will provide what you need; as He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

Alan and I have a fair 'entourage' of projects to handle. 'Bringing things to fruition' and relying totally on Him to do so. Those are wonderful Blessings to be grateful for; and we gladly give Him Thanks. Praise Him in All Things.

I love the above photo image; something 'so down to earth!' Am working on deciphering the tid print of directions for our digital camera; and in a bit, I will be able to post authentic pictures for you!

God Bless.

Saturday, 29 December 2007

Christmas is Giving Genuinely and Joyfully from the Heart!

Good Morning!

Have been up for a few tid hours! Still on "Mexicano" time, methinks! Took our Blue out for his daily am constitution; and saw the most beautiful sunrise! Am really enjoying being "home!". Zihua is also where 'our heart is'; and we look forward to spending many of our winters there. We have fallen upon a unique endeavour; and once that has come to fruition, I will happily share some good news with you. Things are 'in the works', as they say.

When we were in Zihua, Christmas felt removed. Combined with gentle warm climes and lack of Christmas commercialism, it was quite the heartwarming and appreciative experience. Apparently, the decorations are put up a bit few days before December 25th. When we were at the "Hub", in Huston, Texas, we picked up on the "Christmas Spirit" in the restaurant, called Ruby's.(see yesterday's post). All the waiters and waitresses were wearing 'Santa' hats and aprons; and what a bustling beehive of a place! It was like a step into the past; with neat photos, history momentos on the walls, Christmas music, etc. I recommend that cheery atmosphere highly!

Tidbit - Appreciate your health and your Blessings. Yesterday, Alan took a tidbitz of left over turkey to the "street" people. At that exact moment, they were wondering where their next meal was coming from; and it was a cool dark wintery afternoon to boot. We also independently ran into some 'older folk'; and they complimented each of us, on our generosity of spirit. They could "see it" in our eyes. They knew who we were / are - We are in His Service. Their hearts were warmed and uplifted.

Bittid - Give! Be more "into" giving, than receiving; and particularly at this time of year. You can also refer to the November 25th Post; that covers quite the bittidz!

God Bless.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Feliz Navidad & Beautiful Bougenvelia!

Hi! It has been awhile! Manana!

We had a great time; we returned home, without incident in the wee tidbitz hours of the 23rd December. You know, there really is no place like home! We hated to leave Zihua; but once on the plane, could hardly wait to return home! We had to go through the "Hub" in Huston, Texas. Huge airport! We had a 3.5 hr stopover, so we went to an airport restaurant (a franchise; very similar to a White Spot theme) called "Ruby's" -the best thick chocolate milkshake I have ever had! And the HUGE hamburgers were also, a gourmet delight! We had temperatures of 88 degrees F to 108 degrees F and upon our return, came back to the freezing cold! Brrrrrrrr. Imagine as in 'tiptoeing through the tulips', and wearing sandals instead, to the 'welcome home' snow! Blog about weather extremes; some 70 to 80 degrees difference!

We reconnected with our Mexican friends, made some new amigos; and we are looking forward to spending some time there each year. We have come across a unique endeavour; and all being well, we are hoping to spend 4 to 6 mos per year in our beloved Zihua. We love the 'seasons' where we reside; however, during the dreary winter months, we are thinking - Zihua! We will learn how to speak Spanish! It is such a beautiful and romantic language; and, we love the people!
We went on a couple of tours, walked on the beaches, were entertained at a few "Happy Hours", and appreciated the Mexican restaurants, In a bittidz, really enjoyed ourselves. We were also invited for dinner at our Mexican friends; apparently, it is considered an honour to be invited to a Mexican home. Wonderful food; exceptional company! Another highlight, was that we released baby turtles from our hands, to the ocean at dusk; that was an awesome experience!

Since we have been home, we have been caring for Alan's parents. We left them in good hands. We are now in the process of acquiring some extra help for them; because Alan can not do it all himself.

We had a good Christmas; a quiet and a reflective one. I 'decorated' our abode on the 24th, with what Christmas 'stuff' I could find / salvage from our overly swamped 'groaning' garage; and our living room/dining room is a very 'Christmasy' cosy spot. (if I blog a tid of a bit myself! LOL!) We enjoyed seeing my son for Christmas breakfast; and Alan's Dad was with us for Christmas dinner. Alan's Mum was happy to just rest in her bed; as she was unable to be with us; save in spirit. My son gave us a much needed and appreciated digital camera for Christmas!!! So, once we read and master the tiny tidbitcal print, you will see some wonderful bittidical blog photos! LOL! We were also invited to stay down in Mexico for this Christmas, but thinking of family, we thought it best to come home. Plus our puppy, Blue was tugging strongly at our heartstrings. To that end, we put together our Christmas Breakfast and our Christmas Dinner, for all those who wished to attend.

We have been invited to spend a Christmas 'Mexican Eve' etc. next year with some friends in L.A.; so we may consider their kind and unique invitation. It is a bit of a tid matter, whether we fly from Zihua to them, or on route to Zihua. Or, we may have already been to Zihua, then fly home for Christmas, and then back again to Zihua. When we "settle" in Zihua, we will have our doggie with us. A lot can happen in a year (let alone a day!); so we will keep all our options open; including where and with whom, we celebrate Christmas with. Eventhough, we truly wish to spend time with our loved family members. They have not always been receptive to this. So, as of this moment / Christmas, Alan and I have decided / reflected, that we will just simply enjoy our lives - with each other! We have come to the conclusion, that we only wish to have genuine relationships with those who wish us to be a part of their lives.

"After The Kids Have Gone", is a wonderful book, written by Lorene Wingard, that is a story about a woman who 'fell in love' with Zihua. She has enjoyed a 'rich' Mexican life and she has introduced her family and friends to that history/culture. Pretty awesome, I think!

Tidbit - Live each day; one at a time. It is easier to do that, with daily practice. Things that are not pleasant etc, can be handled more positively when you calmly endeavour to do just that, day by day. If any of you are experiencing rough or tragic moments, let it go. The past is gone; and the future is promised to no one. It is the present that matters. Some of you know of what I write; some of you may not; but that is okay. Just do your best to live one day at a time. It works (after practice).

Bittid - Be thankful for your Blessings; and 'keep it simple'. Christmas (in Celebration of Christ's Birth) can both be a happy and a sad time of year for many people. Being genuinely compassionate and appreciative of all things is best. Praise Him in All Things. Have the Faith, that He will Provide your daily needs.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas; and here is wishing you all the best for 2008!

Am goimg to go and read the directions on how to use our camera; so that ultimately, you will be able to see our 'authentic pictures!'; not just neat photo images. that I have 'borrowed' from "Google" images.

Adios for now; and God Bless.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

All packed and ready to go!


Whew! Just poured myself a tid glass of red vino! Am now packed! Yahoo! Managed to squeeze and cram everything into one bitidical suitcase! That is a bit of a feat for me! LOL!

Have organized 2 wake-up calls in the middle of the night, and then the taxi to pick us up. We have to be at the airport 2 hrs ahead of our flight. We will be arriving tomorrow afternoon; just in time for "Happy Hour!" I think by then, Alan and I will be 'ready' for a Pina Colada, a Geiko, a Tequila, or a Margarita! LOL! We will be staying in 3 different spots at the same location; so by packing "light", that will help us be extra dexterious with moving; as well as going with ease, through customs on our return flight via Texas, on our way home.

We are so looking forward to a bittidz of a holiday! We just emailed a friend (that we have yet to meet) but, he and us will be getting together for a good tidbitz visit / meal, whilst we are away.

We took our beloved 'Blue' to 'doggie day care camp' late this afternoon. We felt a tidbit twinge of regret, in that we had to leave behind such a magnificent family member; as he goes everywhere with us. I have attempted to use a bittid of 'positive psychology' on Blue; suggesting that it may be a fun 'camp' for him; in that there will be lots of 'treats', buddies, lady pals, good food etc etc etc! That reminds me of the wonderful musical of "The King and I". (etc. etc. etc)

We ordered in a pizza; and son, Arthur came over, and also showed us some photos of his vacation, the same awesome location, to where we are going! Plus, he gave us info as to the best likeable "bars", restaurants, etc. Wow, is all I can say! Absolutely beautiful scenery! Will post his photos when we return home; and that will give you more of a tidbitical idea of the spectacular beauty of this part of the world! The above tid photos are of the breathtaking resort in 'Zihua'; wrote about a bit about it in March / April /07.

Tidbit - Be joyful and "Praise Him in All Things!"

Bittid - When you have the opportunity to be on a holiday, put everything else to bed. Let your worries, etc go....and, have the Faith that He is with you, every step of the way. He is the Truth, the Way, and the Light.

Also today, we were able to gather a tid more of the remaining pieces of the "puzzle" (you can refer to the bit post of Nov 20th)re: Alan's parents' financial situation. A family friend was here earlier this evening; and because of his acumen (and he happens to be in the business), Alan gave him all the pertinent data, for him to peruse while we are away. I think there will be a solution / resolution when we return home. The parents are very happy in their new location.

We can leave for our vacation, knowing that we have done the best we can for Alan's parents.

We return on Dec 22/23; so will blog, when home again....In the meantime, here is wishing all of you a wonderful season of Christmas festivities!

God Bless.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A rainbow gift!

Good Evening or whatever greeting is appropriate to you, in your part of the World!
It has been an "interesting" day for us - gone!

Started to "pack" late into this afternoon. Will see if I can fit / 'cram everything' into one suitcase; thinking this should simplify our travel a bit! I mean, bathing suit attire, shorts, tops, and a scarce tid of evening wear, should suffice, would you not tidbitz?

While I was pulling things out 'here and there', I saw a magnificent rainbow, right out in front of our bedroom window! It was totally awesome; and such a wonderful uplift!

A short bittidz ago, I lit a fire; and we both enjoyed a glass of wine and a beer respectively, before our delicious dinner of "Shepherd's Pie, a la Costco! I might add, our pie hit the spot; and some Christmas cake of a year old vintage, was the perfect dessert.

Tidbit - Appreciate "special' moments; ie majestic rainbows, a warm fire, delectable Shepherd's Pie, glass of red vino, matured Christmas Cake, whatever you take genuine delight in! It is the little tidful things in your life, that mean the most!

Bittid - Being grateful and 'young at heart', serve you well in enjoying your life to the bitful fullest!

Love the above photo image; very similar to the splendid rainbow I saw earlier!

Good Night and God Bless.

Monday, 3 December 2007

"Let it Go"

Hi, Have not been home all that long.

Had a great tidbitz of a time with the "Ladies". My friend, really does outdo herself! She puts on a magnificent "tea" each and every Christmas. White wine is enjoyed more than the tea, by most of us! LOL! And, of course, LOTS of bittidz nibblies.

Had a really good visit with most of the women; AND, I "witnessed" to some of them. One of them, had gone through 'hell' in a he 'emailed' her on Valentine's Day, and said that 'the relationship, just was not working out'(after a 3year stint). What a cruel blow to her! Or, to anyone, male or female, for that matter. I told her about my story about someone who I "was in love with" for some 14 years; and he told me on the phone, that "something was 'missing' and he could do better". As a female, I immediately asked if he had met someone replied; I believed that. The situation really was, that he could not commit to 24/7; and that he enjoyed his own space too much. However, he ultimately did me a favour....a huge favour at that! To this day, I say "Thank you!". He had lost his job (not his fault; too many 'chiefs' is what it boiled down to); but I was totally I had pneumonia at the time....the most serious kind. Thank goodness for modern antibiotics!

I do not feel bitter; although a lot might feel that way, when you are 'kicked in the shins', when you are already down. I am still on good terms with his Mum, who is a lovely person; and I spared her the details of what really took place. She was like a 'grandma' to my children; and, to this day, she has a genuine affection towards them! I told this friend about my 'Answer to Prayer'; I will write about that one of these days; I think unabashedly, a good movie could be produced! I told her, that I Prayed "I was "READY" - key word is READY.

Tidbit - Uplift and genuinely build up others! I felt 'good',in briefly telling her what sadly happened to me. She was appreciative; yet incredulous; as she said to me, that she had had no idea that that had happened to me. I would like to feel that perhaps, this helped her feel a bit better to deal with her tid sorrow. Alan just said, did you tell her, that I said the same thing to you.... as in total disbelief....'like you? how could any one do that to you?' I did not think of that at the time......However, I said to this particular friend and to a few others, that 'when you do not look for something', things just "happen". Like I said, that I uttered a "Prayer" but, I also "threw it all away!"

Bittitd - Be prepared to "Let it go!" Rely totally on Him. And, leave it ALL to Him to resolve! I love the above photo image...that has been in some of my previous posts..."Seek, and Ye Shall Find!" I just wish I knew all this years ago; it was Alan who introduced me to accepting Jesus into my heart; some 5 years ago. It is never too late to genuinely invite Him in!

Good Night and God Bless.


Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the World!
OH! Thank God! Whew!

It has been a full bittid of a day thus far! Up very early; and boomeranging non stop! I had forgotten the amount of tidbit organization that goes into getting away! Of course, we have been a tid distracted with the moving of Alan's parents; and making sure that every single bit of everything is left in good and responsible order.

In the process of all this, I suddenly thought, I better put our passports aside! Well, I COULD NOT FIND THEM! This happened earlier this year when we were going out of the country. Well, perhaps I should just check myself into an "old age home!" LOL! To make a long tidbitz short, I FOUND them! Guess where??? I had very 'neatly' "organized" a bag of "stuff" last week, to make sure I would not forget to take certain 'necessities" on our holiday. Well, I had just finished saying a Prayer to Him...."HELP! How could I have 'misplaced' our passports; and have I done this AGAIN?" I took a deep breath, calmly composed myself; and thought the passports can not do a bittidz, and 'vanish into thin air!' Well, I FOUND them in our second bedroom, in the bag. Logic??? Hmmmmmm. I had thought so, at the time; but now???

Think I 'am ready for a vacation!!!' LOL! And then to have maybe 'lost' the 2 passports; hmmmmmmm. not good... and Alan, has been 'put through the ringer', enough as it is! So, Thank God! Whew!

Am going to a "Ladies Christmas Tea" later this afternoon; well, there is tea served; but I think I will be ready for something a bitful little stronger. My friend provides tea / coffee; but most of us, raise a tidful glass or two, instead! LOL!

Tidbit - Be really grateful for tid mercies! And remember to always THANK Him; in good, bad, or indifferent situations! (yesterday's post)

Bittid - Amazing what happens when you Pray for a bit of calm and His help! I just appreciatively experienced it!!! Whew! Thank God!

Have to go now; will be back later! Should mention too, that our bit balconey of geraniums survived the heavy snowfall; and there are tid blooms still sprouting forth! Quite a wonderful Blessing! It poured with rain last night; and I just noticed that our downstairs carpet in different spots, is wet...OH OH....There is definitely no leaks from the ceiling...anyway, I put some towels over the area and right now, am going to go and enjoy a bath; and not worry about the tidbitical "stuff"; as we already have a bittidical full plate.

God Bless!

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Give THANKS Always - Good, Bad, or Indifferent!

Good Evening!

Well it is bitful winter here! We have at least, 6" to 8" of snow; and it is still snowing; and extremely heavily! However, it is awesome; very magical! And, just the other day, I fertilized our geraniums, that are still in healthy and vivid bloom; much like our second batch of'primulae'(you can refer to "Geraniums Blooming and First Snowfall!", November 26th).

Did you know that no snowflake is ever the same? Each tidful one is unique! I guess that is a bit of snow tid for you. The above photo image is very similar to our winter scene!

Alan's parents are settling in happily, to their new location; and we are doing our level headed best, to ensure that everything is A OKAY for them.

We are leaving early this week for our "snowless" vacation; and it will be a good R & R. We will be well rested and recharged to do, whatever is necessary upon our return. Also, brings to mind, Christmas; where and how it will be enjoyed. We will just go with the flow.

Earlier today, I watched and LISTENED to the 3 T.V. programs on the Vision Channel (you can refer to posts of Nov 11th, 18th, and 25th for more info, if you wish); and the bottom line is: Do not rely on your own understandings; He will Provide for you.

Tidbit - THANK HIM ALWAYS...ALL THE TIME....Stop and think about it. With the story of the loaves and the fishes, He simply gave THANKS. His disciples were concerned prior, with the bittidz lack of the food to distribute....Remember, He says, "Fear Not, For I AM Always With You". That is a Truth; more than a tidbitz!

Bittid - We have had a few tid challenges the last bit while or so; however, we have 'thrown' it all back on Him; and Thanking Him in advance for His Solutions. Just like the 'Grace' of Thanks, that Jesus gave before feeding the masses, re: the loaves and the fishes. Having the FAITH, is what is it all about!

'We must be like a child, to enter the Kingdom of God'. Think of a snowflake and the wonderment and creation of it all! Perhaps, the first snowfall, brings back happy memories, when you were a child!

Good night and God Bless.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

A smile is a gift, when freely given

Good Evening, or whatever greeting it is, in your part of the World!

We ended up watching the movie, 'Miss Potter', and Renee Zellweger was purrfect for the role. Very warm hearted character. Incredible how talented Beatrix Potter was; wonderful drawings to 'bring to life' her animals in her creative tales; ie of Peter Rabbit. I so loved the stories when I was a child! Imagination is a gift; and good on her, for having recognized her awesome talent.

The image of Mrs Rabbit, tucking a little bunny in bed,(yesterday's post) was similar to what we are doing with Alan's parents; tucking them into more of a quality TLC (Tender Loving Care) life. They are very fragile with all the 'unpleasantness' from 'them'. We are doing our utmost, to remedy the situation; as mentioned in previous blogs.

When we were at the old age home last night, it is so horrible to see all those 'old souls'. waiting (possibly wishing) to die. Quite literally; not only can you see it, you can feel it. Music and love is definitely not in the air at that 'care' facility. Their very life has been sucked out of them; you can see it in their sad and downtrodden eyes, whilst they sit limpid and 'vacant' of expression in their sterile wheel chairs. There is no joy, no life, just waiting and waiting and waiting, in the wheel chair line up. And, 'these old souls'. who were they, in their lives?

So, at least the parents are now away from that horrid 'hell hole'. There was a woman, when she was wheeled into her tidbitz size of a room, who shouted,"Let there be Light"; when her light switch to her room was turned on for her. I could not help but feistedly bittidz back and say ' Absolutely, and good on you!' She smiled (a sad smile), but at least she caught the empathy of a person, walking by.

Once 'things' are a bit more settled, we will be taking a bittidical stand against the old age 'care' home facility; not only because Alan's parents were treated poorly, but others have been subjected to the same manner of neglect or emotional 'abuse'. Some of the administrative and medical staff will be taken to tidbitical task re: their inhumane attitude towards the elderly; as well as some of the questionable tid types of 'overly prescribed -medications'. Hmmm? Can some of you relate? Am sure, there is much of "this indifference", complacency, or whatever, that goes on, 'elsewhere'; however, we will 'reprimand' this particular 'establishment'; so that this 'treatment' does not persist in the future.

Tidbit - Time goes by so quickly. Life is 'like a snowflake'; it appears for an instant, and then it is vanishes. Enjoy your life, while you are still young, or "young at heart", and healthy. Because, you too, will age and pass on.

Bittid - Perhaps you can do a TLC deed for an elderly person today; be it a parent, a friend, or even a stranger. A genuinely warm smile often does wonders! It will mean a big thing to them; and give them some courage and hope. Giving a tidbitz of kindness and empathy, makes a bittidz of difference. And, why not start now? 'Tis the Christmas Season'... Christmas can be also a very sad time to many people. So, for those less fortunate, consider them, and GIVE - even a smile, which costs nothing; because a smile is a gift, when freely given. I love the above photo image; and its message is very true.

God Bless.