Saturday, 7 July 2007

A Spider's Web

Good Morning! It is a beautiful Saturday am here! Spider webs and all; nature humming and alive, all over the place!

Could not resist this photo image of a spider and its web. We saw a similar one this am; it was not there last night; so it is pretty amazing that a tid spider can weave such a web! We could not count how many circles; but there must have been at least 20 or 30! "All in a night's work!" Wow! Sheer majesty at work! The awesomeness of God's creatures; both big and small. I do not like spiders particularly; however, the web was magnificent! And, with the light of the sun upon it, there was a wee bit of a rainbow! Alan very carefully "moved" the spider with web attachments to the tree side of our patio; so that it would have the freedom to spin as many expansive circles as it would wish. The strands of the web are very strong. It makes me think of the movie, "Spiderman"; the third one that is out, is considered as well worth seeing. We most likely will watch it from our cosy bedroom lair.

Our tid friend, will certainly be 'earning its keep'; as it will be catching all sorts of pesky tidbitz flies and bittidz bugs.

Tidbit - Glean and appreciate nature; no matter how small or what may appear as "insignificant". It IS significant! Also, makes you think about the web of life; and how are you in the weaving and / or the entanglement of it? Funny how bit thoughts come to mind, when you are "out" in the garden; and perhaps, sipping a cup of wonderful coffee. "Smell the roses", so they say; reflect and appreciate what there is, as opposed to what there is not. Our roses are looking so healthy...the 2 Pink Queen Elizabeth Rose bushes are blooming and are blending nicely into one "clump"; the tidbitz "wild roses" that were my Dad's are a gorgeous yellow. He used to wear those in his lapel; and there are a few other bittidz rose bushes, with budding colours in hot pink, bright red; so bit by tid, tid by bit, life is taking solid root.

Bittid - Take time to "smell the roses"; as life is too short. All too often, we discover that fact, when we become a tid older. My parents always said to me, "Life is short; make the most of it!" Of course, it fell on "deaf ears"; because I was younger, and thought that I was "invincible and immortal". "Well", that is not the case. Have more of an understanding now, of what my parents were trying to imprint upon me, to help weave a better life. "Better late, than never"; so they say; that is true! Hopefully, there are some "younger" (and "older") ones who may feel a bit more encouraged to take heart, and re spin their webs.

God Bless.

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