Friday, 6 July 2007

A Quiet Evening

LOVE this photo image! The "cottaged" house, with thatched roof, all its lights, the chimneys, and the garden setting looks so warm, cosy, inviting, and tranquil.

Tonight is a lovely evening; and all the better still, that it is a Friday night!
The temperatures are warm, a gorgeous sunset is in the making; and it is a QUIET hush all over! Save for the peaceful constant sounds of the nearby pond fountain, the occasional chirp of a chickadee or a robin in song. There seems to be a gentle acknowledgment to the end of the day; with nature in all its dusky glory. Alan has watered all our plants and flowers; and everything looks so wonderfully green and lush. Healthy and vibrant life comes buzzing to mind. Our 4 baskets of cherry tid tomatoes are just awesome; and already there are some tidbitz ones sprouting; plus our bittidz 3 planters of Boston Butter Head Lettuce are absolutely thriving! You guessed it! We will be enjoying lots of salads - straight from our garden! Nothing tastes so good as fresh homegrown produce! Mmmmmmm. Yum. There is also garlic chives, green onions, parsley, peppers,cucumber, and a number of herb spices too!

It has been a full yet productive day. A rather nice way to finish the day. Just did the laundrey; and there is "something" so refreshing about having fresh sheets and towels! We will be taking in a movie in a bit.

Tidbit - Take time to reflect on the good things, and appreciate a "quiet" evening. There is much to be thankful for; including T.G.I.F. Day! (Thank goodness it is Friday!)

Here is wishing you all a nice R & R quiet evening.

God Bless.

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