Sunday, 8 July 2007

Family - My parents

Sunday evening! Already! Where does the time go? It is a gorgeous evening out; much like the day! Spent most of this afternoon, cleaning out and organizing files. We have 2 filing cabinets; similar to the ones you see in the above photo image. I embarked on the "task" yesterday; and it is a good start, if I say so myself! LOL!

In the "journey", I came across some old files of my parents; ie in their fight to make sure that "adopted" children, were to be treated fairly in all regards. I realized just how much my parents went "to bat" for us (my brother and I), and loved us so. We had our moments; like every family; but in a nutshell, they wanted children; and they made that unconditional choice to adopt; since they were unable to have children. I am appreciative they "picked" me! And, there is not a day that goes by now, that I do not think of them and wish they were both still alive; and here with us. Alan and I have lived in my "parents' home" for a year; and as tidbitzed in a few earlier posts, we just love it! We have added our own bittidz of personal touch; as well as blending their style with ours, and it works! We feel that my parents would be very happy with what "our" abode now looks like; with a tid and a bit of renovations here and there. And the garden is full of life; as it had been neglected previously. In a recent post, I made mention about my Mum's perfume; that may have been a joyful "sign" of encouragement to us.

My Mum had the wonderful chance to meet Alan; and she adored him; she said he was much like her beloved husband; and, I have to agree with her. I am glad too, that they got to know each other, during those few years.

Well, I discovered some hearfelt evidence of how much my Dad and Mum wanted us to be, as if we were their natural offspring; because, they made quite the sacrifice for us. This was an emotional "filing find" today; and, it makes you reflect and really appreciate how fleeting life can be. I always thought of my parents, as my parents; because they brought me up from a tid bit of a babe.

Thank you, Mum and Dad; I know you did your best. I am thankful you "chose" me! And had you been alive today, you would have your grandson, and your granddaughter - now a Mum, of 2 twin boys - great grandchildren! They will be celebrating their birthday on July 15th; and they will be a year old! Hard to believe!

Tidbit - Be appreciative; particularly of family; as life is all too elusive and short.

Bittid - When children are adopted, know that you were "chosen unconditionally"; and loved the very first moment, your earth parents held you in their arms.

It is a beautiful sunset sky this evening. Praise Him in All Things!

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