Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Good Morning, or Good Day or Good Evening! - in whatever part of the world you are in!

Yesterday, in between everything else, was a day of wonderful enrichment; and this morning, with coffee in hand, I am just appreciating some of the events that took place.

In yesterday's post, there was the photo image of the "Queen Elizabeth Rose"; and we are blessed with 2 rose bushes, that we have "merged"; so it is a lovely looking combo. Imagine our bittidz patio; with roses budding profusely, produce thriving, and other flowers / plants in full gear, along with 'harrier' hummingbirds and buzzing bees etc. One of my best friends came over for lunch; and we sat outside at our wonderful wrought iron table; and it was extra special because that was the first time that we have enjoyed the table and its inviting setting.

I have "borrowed" 3 photo images. 2 are by "Ingram's"; which offers 'fine patio & outdoor furnishings'; for those that might wish to treat themselves to some patio furniture etc. The elegant rectangular table, with glass top, is EXACTLY like ours! Also, LOVE the "conversation" group of cushioned wrought iron chairs. They look so comfy; and I really like the red and white broad, bold stripes. We have instead " old fashioned ice cream parlour chairs"; so the photo is a REPLICA of our chairs, save that we have white cushions. The black wrought iron patio table and the ice cream chairs, recovered with white seats, is a dramatic classic contrast to all the abounding abundant greenery "in the gardens"!

I "whipped up" an omelette and salad, with our 'straight from the garden' fresh herbs and lettuce. My friend brought over a tidbitz of prawns and a bottle of lovely white wine. The delicious prawns were perfect in the salad; and we each enjoyed 2 glasses of wine, as well as a very long overdue visit.

Tidbit - Cherish moments with dear friends (and family). I have about 3 or 4 very good friends; and I consider myself very blessed to have them in my life. This particular friend lives less than 5 minutes away; but we both have had other things going on; so it has been awhile since we last saw each other. Of course, we barely "scratched the surface"; but the garden ambience is one to be repeated more often, we decided. A simple shared preparation of lunch, a tid or two glasses of white wine, and into summer reverie we go!

Had to gently "kick her out" because we had an invitation from our next door neighbour (mentioned in yesterday's post) for "drinks". "Well", they provided a lovely smattering of cheeses (one being, fresh unpasteurixed brie....mmmmmmm!), exotic crackers, and gorgeous raspberries. It was indeed a "feast"; and a most refreshing get together; and it gave us a chance to get to know each other a bit better. There was no need for dinner! LOL! They are genuine people; and we look forward to inviting them over here. Also, Alan was given a " cutting snippet" of a beautiful orangey red climbing plant; which he has planted in a large pot that already contains a flowering clematis. We are looking forward to that new growth and spread of synergy.

Bittid - Appreciate and enjoy what you have around you. ie your garden, patio, surroundings, whatever. Create atmosphere for enjoyment and peace of mind. We finished our day, captivated by the summer evening and our cosy patio; and the expression, "There is no place like home" is so true.

God Bless. Please feel free to share some patio / furniture ambience thoughts, that give you joyful memories.

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