Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Serene, gentle summer skies

I love this photo! It looks so peaceful! A beautiful calm summer evening; with the last rays of the sun! That is what it feels like tonight....we enjoyed sitting outside on our patio furniture and just inhaling the wonderful good summer air!

Invited our neighbour in for a glass of wine a tid earlier this pm; and it was a good visit. We were given a bunch of exquisite lillies from a friend, from her garden, last week; and they are finally coming into effervescent bloom. Inasmuch as we are out of town tomorrow to Monday, I thought our friend might enjoy the flowers instead.

Tidbit - You feel so good when you give to others. And even when you are extra weary, etc, when you "give", things are just that much better; all the way around. The joyful smile on our neighbour's face was a 'picture of 1000 words'. That made my night; as well as appreciating the value of a good friend. Wanted to share that bit of encouragement with you.

Good Night and God Bless.

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