Friday, 20 July 2007

Dog Fighting

Good morning everyone! Here is the website address for signing a petition.

I was eluding to Dog Fighting in yesterday's blog; and wishing I could do even a tid of a bit to make an impact on such unfathomable cruelty to animals. Then, lo and behold, this am, I receive an email from a dear friend, with a petition to sign. I have done so; and now wish to give you the opportunity to do the same, if you wish.

Cathy, would you please give me the steps again, as to how to link up a website; so that it becomes a matter of a tidbitz touch for those who wish to link in to a website within a bittidz moment! Many many thanks. Then, I will add the link in for the petition site.

Also, thank you to my friend, who forwarded on the email re: the petition.

We have had a very full morning already; and it is not even 11 am. We have lots going on; and will keep you posted as soon as I know of something!

Here is our doggie, Blue again. He is an awesome animal.

"Praise Him in All Things" - has been exactly what has been going on today!

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