Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Serene, gentle summer skies

I love this photo! It looks so peaceful! A beautiful calm summer evening; with the last rays of the sun! That is what it feels like tonight....we enjoyed sitting outside on our patio furniture and just inhaling the wonderful good summer air!

Invited our neighbour in for a glass of wine a tid earlier this pm; and it was a good visit. We were given a bunch of exquisite lillies from a friend, from her garden, last week; and they are finally coming into effervescent bloom. Inasmuch as we are out of town tomorrow to Monday, I thought our friend might enjoy the flowers instead.

Tidbit - You feel so good when you give to others. And even when you are extra weary, etc, when you "give", things are just that much better; all the way around. The joyful smile on our neighbour's face was a 'picture of 1000 words'. That made my night; as well as appreciating the value of a good friend. Wanted to share that bit of encouragement with you.

Good Night and God Bless.


Good Morning, or Good Day or Good Evening! - in whatever part of the world you are in!

Yesterday, in between everything else, was a day of wonderful enrichment; and this morning, with coffee in hand, I am just appreciating some of the events that took place.

In yesterday's post, there was the photo image of the "Queen Elizabeth Rose"; and we are blessed with 2 rose bushes, that we have "merged"; so it is a lovely looking combo. Imagine our bittidz patio; with roses budding profusely, produce thriving, and other flowers / plants in full gear, along with 'harrier' hummingbirds and buzzing bees etc. One of my best friends came over for lunch; and we sat outside at our wonderful wrought iron table; and it was extra special because that was the first time that we have enjoyed the table and its inviting setting.

I have "borrowed" 3 photo images. 2 are by "Ingram's"; which offers 'fine patio & outdoor furnishings'; for those that might wish to treat themselves to some patio furniture etc. The elegant rectangular table, with glass top, is EXACTLY like ours! Also, LOVE the "conversation" group of cushioned wrought iron chairs. They look so comfy; and I really like the red and white broad, bold stripes. We have instead " old fashioned ice cream parlour chairs"; so the photo is a REPLICA of our chairs, save that we have white cushions. The black wrought iron patio table and the ice cream chairs, recovered with white seats, is a dramatic classic contrast to all the abounding abundant greenery "in the gardens"!

I "whipped up" an omelette and salad, with our 'straight from the garden' fresh herbs and lettuce. My friend brought over a tidbitz of prawns and a bottle of lovely white wine. The delicious prawns were perfect in the salad; and we each enjoyed 2 glasses of wine, as well as a very long overdue visit.

Tidbit - Cherish moments with dear friends (and family). I have about 3 or 4 very good friends; and I consider myself very blessed to have them in my life. This particular friend lives less than 5 minutes away; but we both have had other things going on; so it has been awhile since we last saw each other. Of course, we barely "scratched the surface"; but the garden ambience is one to be repeated more often, we decided. A simple shared preparation of lunch, a tid or two glasses of white wine, and into summer reverie we go!

Had to gently "kick her out" because we had an invitation from our next door neighbour (mentioned in yesterday's post) for "drinks". "Well", they provided a lovely smattering of cheeses (one being, fresh unpasteurixed brie....mmmmmmm!), exotic crackers, and gorgeous raspberries. It was indeed a "feast"; and a most refreshing get together; and it gave us a chance to get to know each other a bit better. There was no need for dinner! LOL! They are genuine people; and we look forward to inviting them over here. Also, Alan was given a " cutting snippet" of a beautiful orangey red climbing plant; which he has planted in a large pot that already contains a flowering clematis. We are looking forward to that new growth and spread of synergy.

Bittid - Appreciate and enjoy what you have around you. ie your garden, patio, surroundings, whatever. Create atmosphere for enjoyment and peace of mind. We finished our day, captivated by the summer evening and our cosy patio; and the expression, "There is no place like home" is so true.

God Bless. Please feel free to share some patio / furniture ambience thoughts, that give you joyful memories.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Enjoy the Bloom!

Today has been an interesting tidbitical start, thus far! Lots of "little" things happening all at once! Some good; and some not as favourable.

Tidbit - Just make the best of it! It is enlightening what takes place when you "Praise Him in All Things" - out of "bad", always comes GOOD.

Bittid - We all have our unique blessings; and we are daily thanking Him for what we have; not what we do not have! Even our wee bittidical / botanical garden, with all its producing produce and colourful flowers, gives us so much pleasure! He created the Universe in 6 days; that always is such a joyful uplift!

Here again, is the photo image of the "Queen Elizabeth Rose" - wonderfully delicate petals and just exquisite. We are enjoying many healthy blooms! We have been invited to our next door neighbour's tonight; and they have complimented us on our various types of roses. We will be giving them, a garden picked fresh bouquet; plus this particular rose is extra special to me; as per my memories. I have written a bittidz about the "Queen Elizabeth Rose" on June 17th; as well as in an earlier tidbitz post; should there be any "rose lovers".

Monday, 23 July 2007

It's the little things!

It is so true...It is the little things! Life is made up of so many tidbittle bitiddle things....and it is how we handle everything - ie all the difficulties, delays, disappointments; along with the GOOD. Do we despair or do we drive steadfastedly on; like the "energizer bunny?" Well, we have had a whole - - - - load of "stuff" that has come our way; more unexpected and "out of left field". However, we have become "stronger" in dealing with the various adversities, that have posed unreal challenges to our everyday life. However, we just keep saying; "Praise Him in All Things:" and not forgetting to thank Him for what we already have been blessed with; regardless of circumstances or trying times.

We have so much to be thankful for; and we feel, that integrity, honour, etc is always the best way to go. I guess that was a wee tidbitz for you.

Tidbit - Little things ARE important; it is the little things in life; like a link in a chain. However, sometimes, you just have to choose a different chain, if there are too many chinks in the armor. If you find you are against the wall, know it; and just move calmly to Plan B; and always, asking Him to help guide you for the right solution.

Hard to explain; but the bittid - "Don't sweat the small stuff", is also true. Like, concentrate what matters most to you; and if the tid things can be "nipped in the bit bud", from the onset, wonderful! If that does not happen, well, there is always another solution. Rely totally on Him, and He will provide.

Am going to go and make a feisty salad from our garden produce! Alan is making a magnificent pizza; so I think a glass of red vino, the pizza,(which smells soooooo delicious!) along with the fresh salad, is going to be a joyful repas for us tonight. Am still enjoying the photo image of the tid bittily kitchen in yesterday's post. As mentioned, I "rearranged" our kitchen; and it is now a chef's delight! LOL! With these little bittidz changes, our kitchen is a bit more tiddily organized; and we appreciate things all the more!

Good night and God Bless.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Love this kitchen!

Here is a photo image of a kitchen that I just love! Love the colours and contrasts; and the subtleties; the soft moss greens, the forest hunter green marble top, the woods with their grains and tones, the appliances etc.

Our tidbitz kitchen is quite similar to the photo; save that ours is a whole lot bittidz smaller! Nor do we have the wonderfully high lofted and beamed ceiling, with creative track lighting; instead, we will be looking to refurbish the ballasts in our low ceiling; and work with what is there already. Our (without door handles) cupboards are of the varnished brown colour that you see in the bottom cupboards; and then our ceramic tile floor is a caramel brown, as a voluptous contrast. Our tiles around the stove and sink, are creamy taupe. More light than dark. Imagine a cup of milk with a dash of coffee. There is the colour combo! Also our countertop is a white meringuish marble. Our appliances we had to replace; and the gas range stove with fan is exactly like ours...right down to the number and location of the burners! Our tap and sink (along with a good sized garbarator)also resemble what you view in the picture. The cutting board too, along with the utensil holders, the nooks and crannies for "objects" are uncannily like ours. There is a white container with kitchen utensils...hmmmm. looks very much like a Pampered Chef container. Those are great; they can hold so many items! We have 3; makes it a lot easier to reach for tools etc; then to have to burrow for them out of drawers etc. We do not have a lot of room; "old fashioned" type of kitchen; however, it works delightfully for us! Our window, is a bit bay window; and our tid of a glass table and 4 chairs fit nicely into that little cosy alcove.

Tidbit -Enjoy your kitchen; regardless of its size or any imperfections or "character", it may have. Those can either be left as is, or replaced with renovations, or just simply "moving things" around. I did that yesterday afternoon; and it was creatively restful. And, my husband, Alan prefers the changes! - which is important, as he loves to cook! This might also inspire me to cook a tid bit more! I used to cook; however, Alan really enjoys it; why would I want to ruin his fun! LOL!

Bittid - The kitchen is a wonderful place to entertain, to enjoy family and / or friends. Generally, the kitchen is the "grand central station" or place where people gather - be it at a party or whatever; somehow it is like a refuge...Maybe with the comforts of food and drink close by.

Hope you are all enjoying today.

Friday, 20 July 2007

Dog Fighting

Good morning everyone! Here is the website address for signing a petition.

I was eluding to Dog Fighting in yesterday's blog; and wishing I could do even a tid of a bit to make an impact on such unfathomable cruelty to animals. Then, lo and behold, this am, I receive an email from a dear friend, with a petition to sign. I have done so; and now wish to give you the opportunity to do the same, if you wish.

Cathy, would you please give me the steps again, as to how to link up a website; so that it becomes a matter of a tidbitz touch for those who wish to link in to a website within a bittidz moment! Many many thanks. Then, I will add the link in for the petition site.

Also, thank you to my friend, who forwarded on the email re: the petition.

We have had a very full morning already; and it is not even 11 am. We have lots going on; and will keep you posted as soon as I know of something!

Here is our doggie, Blue again. He is an awesome animal.

"Praise Him in All Things" - has been exactly what has been going on today!

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Our Blue

For some of you that have already seen our "Blue" in the grass, here he is again! - in full regalia - in the grass! Blue is an awesome dog; he will be 3 years old, as of this July 30th. We still think of him as our "puppy"; and, he acts as if he is a "kangaroo pup"! (Blue Heelers are of an Australian descent). You should see him chasing the deer on Pasley; he wants to "play!". He springs and bounds like a deer; and he is almost just as fast! Pasley has that bit of an "oomph" to restore / rejuvenate one's energy a tid!

Tidbit - A "good" dog is generally indicative to his care / treatment by a "good" owner. I believe that with all of my heart! We have such a dog! A wonderful, loyal "pal!" etc.

You read about dogs that are involved with "dog fighting" and you have to wonder a tid of a bit. - about their OWNERS or whomever.... comes seriously to my mind. A very provacative hmmmmm. I saw today in the news headlines, a pair of very sad sad empty eyes of such a dog; who was referred to as a "fighter dog" - well, I do not think that it should ever have to come to this sorry stage. To me, it is so cruel, heartless, and mean. It simply is not right. This does not help in building warm, fuzzy, future friendships / trusting relationships. Instead, it is the exact opposite - breeding visciousnes, for the sole purpose to make this a money making sport. Reminds me of the poor gladiators of long ago; and of those who watched with heady delight, the "kill", for their own selfish sheer entertainment. The only difference, being that it was human beings fighting for their lives, instead of dogs eating dogs. Hmmmmm. not right, is it? "A dog's breakfast?", or so "they" say.

Bittid - In a different terminology, ie " a dog's breakfast", we NUTURE our "puppy". An egg once a week is wonderful to maintain the healthy shine of his coat; we have seen the difference - just by simply mixing an egg in with his breakfast meal.

On that enlightening note, Good night and God Bless.

P.S. It was another fully engaged day; tomorrow there will be major decisions that will have to be made. For now, we are going to "sleep / tidbitz on things". That never hurts, as a bittidz.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

" The Gardens"

The "borrowed" photo image of nature and after a deluge of rain, is called "The Gardens". I have to laugh a tid because we refer to our little bit of a garden, as "The Gardens". The photo image looks to be that of a rather large garden! LOL! It has been pouring with rain all day; and everything is totally drenched. Our tomato vines are sorely needing to be staked; so, when the rain dissipates, we will attend to that tie / stick binding task.

Tidbit - Appreciate the rain; and the nurturing freshness in the air; and also the vivid life that is abundant around you; wherever you are. If you are not near a garden setting, then just take your mind on a bit of a tid vacation. "The Gardens" look extra green tonight, and have taken on their own vitality of majestic colours.

It has been another dayful; but a joyful one at that! Am grateful it is now the evening; and there are times when it is pouring with rain, that it is just nice to be home, "snug as a bug in a rug!" (under the cosy bed covers)

Am a wee tidful weary; but a good bitful of sleep will do the trick. We have a very early start tomorrow; so am going to call it a night. Am thinking of the photo image of "A quiet evening", in my post of July 6th. The "cottagy" house looks so warm and inviting; just like our peaceful home tonight!

God Bless.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Peaceful skies

Can not believe a whole week and a tid of a day as "zoomed" by us! We returned home yesterday evening; and we have quite literally, been on the go, ever since. Hope you all had a nice week.

We really "lucked out" with wonderful weather; we still had the hot weather; but with the ocean breeze, the heat was a little easier to take - in the low 30's, compared to the higher 30's in the city, where we live.

This am was up very early; and it was RAINING! I went outside on our bit patio, with coffee in hand, and really enjoyed being "home". Apart from seeing the "greeness" of everything, the smell of freshly fallen rain is quite refreshing to the senses.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, we have a black wrought iron rectangular "old" table, with 8 "ice cream parlour" black wrought iron chairs and, white cushions to match. Looking forward to enjoying many meals and fun occasions at our outside historic table!

Tidbit - Really appreciate your life; and all it has to offer - even just a tidbit of a walk out on to your patio or wherever, sniff the air (in this case, the freshly fallen rain!), and smell the surroundings, and delight in the roses. and / or other flowers / plants around you. Our bittid veggie garden has really taken off; cucumbers growing like crazy, the 4 tomato plants towering some 5 feet, 3 Boston Butter Head lettuces,etc. A wonderful environmental envelopment of nature!

Further bittid - Being away from it all, is good. It gives you time to reflect what is important in life; and, also to "separate the wheat from the chaff".

Our tenant frustrated the bonified offer; and the buyer walked. Now the tenant is being "all peaches and cream" to our realtor. We feel that she knew all along what she engineered; and possibly she has done this before to someone else. At the advice of our realtor (and friend), we have decided to delist the property and possibly relist in the fall. We will give our tenant adequate notice that we do not wish to renew the lease; and we will make sure that the tenant receives our communiques; so that she does not dodge or avoid communication, as has been our previous experiences with her. Also, it is a total blackmail from her; to pay her x no. of dollars for her to leave. Well, that "ain't happening" from our end. She had an extremely fair situation; and all those (professionals) who are "in the know", agree that the tenant has been totally out of line. Her loss now, not ours. Should it ever go to arbitration, she would not stand a chance. I can appreciate tenants having rights; because there are too many that have been hurt or taken advantage of. However, we are not of that ilk; and in this case, it is the other way around.

Hope life is good for you; if not, "well", change / make the best of it! Ask Him to guide and help you; invite Him genuinely into your hearts. You will be amazed thusly; of the "transition" or of changing events in your life.

We all have our various challenges; and life can be a "waiting game", particularly, when you are in His service; but it IS, all to the GOOD - eventually. Stick with Him; and He will stick with you. He wants us to rely solely on Him; not on our own resources. (easier said than done, at various times; and particularly if someone is "new" in their belief in Him). At the "appropriate" bittidz posting moment, I will joyfully tidbitz and share a story with you.

In the meantime, am glad that night is now upon us. God Bless.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Leaned another new computer skill!

This photo image says it all - ie about me "learning the ropes" on computer technology. Tid by tid, bit by bit, am acquiring some more knowledge; as I am largley self taught! ie I now know how to comfortably copy, and paste; as well do a letter! That may not sound like much to those of you, who are proficient with computers; but I am delighted! A whole new world!

Tidbit - Always be enthusiastic to learn new things; and to be appreciative of those new experiences!

Letting you know also, that we are going to Pasley later today; will blog upon our return! 'Happy Blogging to you; until we meet again!'.....

God Bless.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Family - My parents

Sunday evening! Already! Where does the time go? It is a gorgeous evening out; much like the day! Spent most of this afternoon, cleaning out and organizing files. We have 2 filing cabinets; similar to the ones you see in the above photo image. I embarked on the "task" yesterday; and it is a good start, if I say so myself! LOL!

In the "journey", I came across some old files of my parents; ie in their fight to make sure that "adopted" children, were to be treated fairly in all regards. I realized just how much my parents went "to bat" for us (my brother and I), and loved us so. We had our moments; like every family; but in a nutshell, they wanted children; and they made that unconditional choice to adopt; since they were unable to have children. I am appreciative they "picked" me! And, there is not a day that goes by now, that I do not think of them and wish they were both still alive; and here with us. Alan and I have lived in my "parents' home" for a year; and as tidbitzed in a few earlier posts, we just love it! We have added our own bittidz of personal touch; as well as blending their style with ours, and it works! We feel that my parents would be very happy with what "our" abode now looks like; with a tid and a bit of renovations here and there. And the garden is full of life; as it had been neglected previously. In a recent post, I made mention about my Mum's perfume; that may have been a joyful "sign" of encouragement to us.

My Mum had the wonderful chance to meet Alan; and she adored him; she said he was much like her beloved husband; and, I have to agree with her. I am glad too, that they got to know each other, during those few years.

Well, I discovered some hearfelt evidence of how much my Dad and Mum wanted us to be, as if we were their natural offspring; because, they made quite the sacrifice for us. This was an emotional "filing find" today; and, it makes you reflect and really appreciate how fleeting life can be. I always thought of my parents, as my parents; because they brought me up from a tid bit of a babe.

Thank you, Mum and Dad; I know you did your best. I am thankful you "chose" me! And had you been alive today, you would have your grandson, and your granddaughter - now a Mum, of 2 twin boys - great grandchildren! They will be celebrating their birthday on July 15th; and they will be a year old! Hard to believe!

Tidbit - Be appreciative; particularly of family; as life is all too elusive and short.

Bittid - When children are adopted, know that you were "chosen unconditionally"; and loved the very first moment, your earth parents held you in their arms.

It is a beautiful sunset sky this evening. Praise Him in All Things!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

A Spider's Web

Good Morning! It is a beautiful Saturday am here! Spider webs and all; nature humming and alive, all over the place!

Could not resist this photo image of a spider and its web. We saw a similar one this am; it was not there last night; so it is pretty amazing that a tid spider can weave such a web! We could not count how many circles; but there must have been at least 20 or 30! "All in a night's work!" Wow! Sheer majesty at work! The awesomeness of God's creatures; both big and small. I do not like spiders particularly; however, the web was magnificent! And, with the light of the sun upon it, there was a wee bit of a rainbow! Alan very carefully "moved" the spider with web attachments to the tree side of our patio; so that it would have the freedom to spin as many expansive circles as it would wish. The strands of the web are very strong. It makes me think of the movie, "Spiderman"; the third one that is out, is considered as well worth seeing. We most likely will watch it from our cosy bedroom lair.

Our tid friend, will certainly be 'earning its keep'; as it will be catching all sorts of pesky tidbitz flies and bittidz bugs.

Tidbit - Glean and appreciate nature; no matter how small or what may appear as "insignificant". It IS significant! Also, makes you think about the web of life; and how are you in the weaving and / or the entanglement of it? Funny how bit thoughts come to mind, when you are "out" in the garden; and perhaps, sipping a cup of wonderful coffee. "Smell the roses", so they say; reflect and appreciate what there is, as opposed to what there is not. Our roses are looking so healthy...the 2 Pink Queen Elizabeth Rose bushes are blooming and are blending nicely into one "clump"; the tidbitz "wild roses" that were my Dad's are a gorgeous yellow. He used to wear those in his lapel; and there are a few other bittidz rose bushes, with budding colours in hot pink, bright red; so bit by tid, tid by bit, life is taking solid root.

Bittid - Take time to "smell the roses"; as life is too short. All too often, we discover that fact, when we become a tid older. My parents always said to me, "Life is short; make the most of it!" Of course, it fell on "deaf ears"; because I was younger, and thought that I was "invincible and immortal". "Well", that is not the case. Have more of an understanding now, of what my parents were trying to imprint upon me, to help weave a better life. "Better late, than never"; so they say; that is true! Hopefully, there are some "younger" (and "older") ones who may feel a bit more encouraged to take heart, and re spin their webs.

God Bless.

Friday, 6 July 2007

A Quiet Evening

LOVE this photo image! The "cottaged" house, with thatched roof, all its lights, the chimneys, and the garden setting looks so warm, cosy, inviting, and tranquil.

Tonight is a lovely evening; and all the better still, that it is a Friday night!
The temperatures are warm, a gorgeous sunset is in the making; and it is a QUIET hush all over! Save for the peaceful constant sounds of the nearby pond fountain, the occasional chirp of a chickadee or a robin in song. There seems to be a gentle acknowledgment to the end of the day; with nature in all its dusky glory. Alan has watered all our plants and flowers; and everything looks so wonderfully green and lush. Healthy and vibrant life comes buzzing to mind. Our 4 baskets of cherry tid tomatoes are just awesome; and already there are some tidbitz ones sprouting; plus our bittidz 3 planters of Boston Butter Head Lettuce are absolutely thriving! You guessed it! We will be enjoying lots of salads - straight from our garden! Nothing tastes so good as fresh homegrown produce! Mmmmmmm. Yum. There is also garlic chives, green onions, parsley, peppers,cucumber, and a number of herb spices too!

It has been a full yet productive day. A rather nice way to finish the day. Just did the laundrey; and there is "something" so refreshing about having fresh sheets and towels! We will be taking in a movie in a bit.

Tidbit - Take time to reflect on the good things, and appreciate a "quiet" evening. There is much to be thankful for; including T.G.I.F. Day! (Thank goodness it is Friday!)

Here is wishing you all a nice R & R quiet evening.

God Bless.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Tora Tora Tora

Another day come and gone! A lot was accomplished; and then tonight we watched, the movie / documentary, "Tora Tora Tora". That was my first time to have seen it. Hmmmmmm. Interesting that the movie was on the movie channel, the day after," American Independence Day", July 4th.

Tidbit - Appreciate your freedom. The movie portrayed vividly the various "in house" events leading up to the surprise attack, as well as the unrelentless bombings.

It is sad that the Emperor of Japan, at that time, who was dearly loved by his people, was put into a "puppet" 'Ivory Tower' type situation, and out manouevered by "others". The Japanese Prime Minister, orchestrated the Pearl Harbour attack with the Japanese Generals, who had also been aggressive with advancing their armies, into China and other regions of South East Asia.

In the United States, it appeared as if the communication was not as clear as it might have been between the army, the air force, and the navy. And, the ones who had a tid of an "inkling" of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, were not believed by those that were in a position to have been a bit more of a "help". The 3 hr movie was quite accurate and provocative; in a tidbitz - very well done.

I feel sorry for the Ambassador of Japan, as he was in the White House, waiting for the response to be delivered by the P.M. at 1:00 pm Washington time, from Japan to the United States. Meanwhile, back in Japan, the P.M. and others had deliberately delayed in giving the ultimatum - which was that no further negotiations could be reached; and hence, a Declaration of War. However, the bombing of the ships and planes in Pearl Harbour, started some 55 minutes BEFORE the Declaration of War was to be given. The old Japanese General on the Japanese ship, had felt all along and finally stated, that a Declaration of War should have been made FIRST, before the attack; as in a more "honourable" approach. He added that now that the attack had happened,(unprovoked and unexpected) that they had 'awakened up a sleeping giant; and with a terrible resolve'. True.

So, I say "Thank you" (eventhough I am a Canadian), to all the defending soldiers / people who fought, lost, gave their lives in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, Sunday, December 7th, 1941; in exchange for freedom and a better life for us.

Bittid - On a happier note, my parents were married on December 10th, 1941; good on them!

Would have liked to have been a bittidz "fly on the wall" during those historical times, albeit those were uncertain and dangerous days, months, stretched into years. Would have been a tid more active than a bit "fly on a wall". Freedom is everything; we have so much to be thankful for!

Good Night and God Bless.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

"Field of Dreams"

Having been away for a tid of a few days for the long weekend. am making up for it now!

Last night, we saw the movie, "Field of Dreams". I think that is my favourite; it is so inspirational. True story too. I have watched it so many times!

Tidbit - Have a vision; dare to dream; and to DREAM BIG. In this movie, 'build it, and he will come'.... 'Go the distance'. I always think of those magnificent words; and, visualizing the baseball diamond so brilliantly lit up at night. And, with all the millions of cars with their shining headlights, driving to reach that wonderful heavenly Iowa destination.

This is always an uplift to me; hope it was a bit of one for you as well. The movie is well worth seeing, if you have not had the chance, as of yet.

As mentioned in the earlier post today, the restoration person came; excellent, prompt service! He called the "outside cleaners"; they have come and gone; and our tid patio, ceiling beams, look a lot cleaner now! As I blog, the carpet people for the inside, are currently here; so we have moved all our furniture into our tidbitz kitchen, with the mostest! When the firemen entered last week, they left their sooty footmarks as autographs. However, the bittidz marks will be cleaned out; so we will have had our downstairs refreshed totally. Plus, the fragrance of the cleaning solution is far nicer than the bit of the aftermath smell of the fire. The outside doors have already been measured and ordered; and the carpenter will be here next Monday to install them. We will also be getting new door hardware (I liked what they had; but they were sorely scorched)and 2 new door blinds. I guess with the Strata rules, the outside of all the town houses have to have a "certain look" look; and a burnt exterior does not exactly cut it or appeal to the eye.

I may tid in a bit; if not, then tomorrow. God Bless.

In Limbo

Remember Chubby Checker? Well, perhaps some of you do! Guess I am dating myself a tid of a bit! Although, I was a young child when he was a sensation. My parents LOVED doing the limbo, and the twist to his music. Bit of a tid - My parents used to say; 'think of doing the twist, as if putting out a cigarette'. They used to have "limbo parties"; particularly up at Pasley - in those days, they were a rather "wild" bunch! They knew how to have fun; and made the most of what they had! That is another tid of bit.

Tidbit - Am going to think of Chubby Checker, with regards to being "in limbo!" You can choose to be "down" or be "up" during challenging times. I have borrowed the photo image of Chubby Checker; because it brings a smile to my face. How well do I remember those days...primarily my parents and their friends dancing around and around. They were happy! I can hear his voice and his music, "Let's do the twist" in my mind; and it is amazing what music does for the soul! It is so uplifting! His music still lives on; and one of these days, I will buy an album (now most likely in CD form) and "Let's do the twist". Plus, it would be a good and fun workout! A lot of our neighbours might feel "right at home" listening to his music again; as Alan and I are one of the youngest ones living in this complex.

We are in limbo; with our old tidbitz apartment. Our realtor has left a message with the Purchaser's realtor, to see if the 'deal' can be resurrected. The problem has been the tenant; and if we can work things out with her, including a hard copy with her signature on it, then we can consider our old bittidz abode sold! We have signed a lease; and that has been the stumbling block. She has not been helpful or reasonable one bit; and we may have to endure her stay, til the end of the lease. Meanwhile, when Alan's Mum was with us this past weekend, she was extremely desirous of "getting out of the prison", both she and her husband were "dumped" in. When we updated her about the fractured bonified offer, she immediately wanted to move in to our prior home. It would be perfect for the 2 of them; and we could work out other details for them, as far as meals being provided, house cleaning, that sort of thing. It would be a wonderful extension to their lives. She has offered to pay us rent; do not know if they can afford to buy; and that may be the only way that the tenant will leave within a 2 month time frame, if an immediate family member moves in; and buys the unit. So, if they have to follow through with a purchase, therein lies a difficulty.

We also are waiting for a long overdue cheque that Alan was owed for services rendered. This was supposed to have been ready for pick up yesterday; however, the guy just flaked off to Europe for a month. Alan and he worked it out on Thursday / Friday to confirm the Tuesday details. So, there are a few tids and more bits of hurdling to do. Never a dull moment!

We have the renovations people coming within the next half hour; that is who the Strata recommended to replace our French outside patio doors etc. The insurance fellow was here yesterday; things are moving quite speedily there.

Also, a Happy July 4th American Independence Day to all those of you that live in the United States, or elsewhere in the world.

Bittid - "Praise Him in All Things!" That is what we are doing; living each day at a time. At night, you can say,' we made it through today'.

We are "in limbo"; but I will think of Chubby Checker; and his music indeed lives on in our hearts and minds - that is, for those who are Chubby Checker fans! For those of you that have not heard his music, it is well worth picking up some of his music. Who knows, your feet may take on a happy rhythm of their own!

God Bless and have a great day!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

The Three Generations!

Hi, This is a photo of myself, my Mum, and my daughter, Candice. This photo was taken in Dec /04. Candice is now a mother of twin boys; and they will be a year old this July 15th.

With everything going on, I forgot to acknowledge my Mum, or known as "MoMo", to her grandchildren. She passed away on July 2nd, 2005.

I would like to tell a tid of a story. She had a special perfume that she would wear. Well one year ago, (we had just moved to her place)on the anniversary date of July 2nd, I smelled her perfume, in a corner of our bedroom. I thought it may have been the candles that we had recently put out that morning. Turns out, that when I removed the candles, later in the afternoon, the lovely fragrance was still lingering. Hmmmmm. I thought. I asked Alan for his thoughts; he also smelled the perfume. Very strange...and it was coming from a particular corner that had special momentos and pictures of her, my Dad, and of us all. Perhaps, a "happy corner!" More bit for thought. In the evening, we noticed her bottle of perfume in the bathroom; and when we opened it, it was the EXACT fragrance of the smell that we had experienced in the late morning / early afternoon of that day!!!!! Go figure! Perhaps, that was God's way, of reassuring us that she was okay.

Yesterday came and went. We had been busy with Alan's Mum; and in between her and in packing / transit from Pasley, we forgot to remember my Mum. However, I know my Mum is in a good spot (Heaven); and is at peace; and, eventhough, I am a tid late; it is "better late than never", or so they say.

Tidbit - Appreciate your family; regardless of differences between you. They are the only family you, or they, have "got". My Dad used to tell me that constantly; and that the only people who really care about you etc, and you them, are in your own immediate family. I feel that bit is very true.

Bittid - If you can, work it out with your family members; as life is far too short. Reflect upon that tidbitz; because, I am not blogging bittidz here.

Once again, God Bless my Mum. She did her best; and that is enough.

Monday, 2 July 2007

Happy Canada Day Weekend

There is no place like home! Came home a tid and a bit ago. Basically, collapsed on our garden furniture; and enjoyed being outside on our patio.

Had a nice long weekend at Pasley. It turned out that Alan's Mum came up with us; and not Alan's Dad. Alan's sister "sequestered" her Dad away for the weekend; an hour before he was to be picked up by us. The Mum had called to just let her daughter know that this was their weekend at Pasley. And then, boom! In comes the daughter and "took" him away; and of course, her little dog was there as a hook.

The Dad has dementia; and was looking forward to going away with his wife. It was not a good thing the daughter did; and Alan's Mum is finally on to her devious and secretive behaviour. This being the most cruel example, as of yet. Alan's Mum was left on her own; fortunately, she was able to enjoy a tidbit of rest. Her cancer is such that she is not able to sleep for more than a few hours a night. Well, she slept 12 hours last night; she was toasty warm and with no itch! First time in months for her to have slept so soundly. Maybe the bittid of baileys helped her to fall asleep! We think it was therapeutic for her; and we are hoping that we can get the two of them up there.

The cabin is looking fantastic! The crew (2 brothers) is still working on it; building / construction deadline is tomorrow; and over time, it will be a wonderful addition. We supplied the 2 men with lunches and refreshments; and one of them is a "Pasleyite"; and we were glad to get to know him a bit better and appreciate him a tid more. Plus, so many friends dropped over to see the new cabin; and we had wonderful visits with them as well. Now know how to operate the fire hose/pump and hook ups.

Tidbit - Appreciate the good; and take joy in the simple things. We have so much to be thankful for. Also, family is one of the greatest gifts; and Pasley is that special place for family and good friends.

Bittid - It would appear that the tenant frustrated the sale. We will confirm that tomorrow. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy a good sleep; as our day will start early.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend; and, Happy Canada Day!(July 1st)

God Bless.